Fast Track-What I am eating.

cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
Some one in our group said something about a recipe exchange and I think it is a brilliant idea. I think that is easy to get bored of a meal plan if every thing on it is "grilled this" and "sauted that". We have been trying to stay creative and eat what we like but not include the bad stuff. I know that sometimes I go overboard with butter or cream but so far so good on the weight loss.

Last night we had to eat very early because we had to attend out kids' high school swim meet. At the meet there are only Chick-fil-a sandwiches and pizza. I ended up cooking two pre-made Angus patties in a cast-iron skillet and topping them with blue cheese. That went on top of a mixed-green salad with cucumbers tossed in a quick vinaigrette. Matt (hubby) said it was very good and he would be happy to do it again.

I am excited to hear about what you all are coming up with. C.


  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    Last night we grilled italian herb chicken topped it with fresh spinach and then melted mozzerella cheese. My fave!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    That sounds really good. I think that coming up with something tasty within the confines of the plan is pretty fun but I need to watch fat and calories even if the ingredients are on the approved list. I would be very unhappy with sauted chicken and HALIBUT every night. I would like to try one of the Hellman's recipes where you brush your chicken with mayo then add cheese and bake. Tonight I might try something that resembles Chile Rellenos.

    PS-Why so much halibut on the list do you think? It is hard to get here. We did cod last night in it's place.
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm not sure why there is so much fish period! I only eat tuna so I always have to swap out for a lean meat. I'm actually changing things up quite a bit but basically sticking to the lean meats low fat dairy and veggies veggies veggies! ;) I'm losing about a piund a day though so I'm happy :)
    I'm worried I will get bored with the food choices as well. I know my family is getting sick of a meat and veggies every night for dinner. I'm just trying to keep my will power strong and not be tempted by cooking spaghetti and things like that right now. I think one day I can go back to cooking other things for my family but not right now because I know I'll want it. :( So until then its lean meats and veggies for everyone!!! ha ha
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    I have been cooking my kids (14 and 17) the same things we eat but adding a starchy side to their plates. I really am not tempted by Kraft mac & cheese or buttered noodles. I even made them twice-baked potatoes last week. The scale is still going in the right direction which is just what I want. I am already keeping an eagle eye on my hubby because he is already saying that he is sure he will go back to Diet Coke soon. I need to remind him why we are off of the fake sugars. Good luck to everyone!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Oh how I hate cottage cheese day! I don't really care for eggs but they are better than this!
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    I like cottage cheese hee hee. I'm down 9 total now so pretty excited about that!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Such good results! Way to go!