Team Jillian - Week Two Challenge



  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Wed 1/16 - 472 Calories

    Wednesday is one of my non-gym days, but I walked to and from work (3 miles). Zumba tonight!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    OK, I have thought about this, and I think my biggest excuse is: when I'm in a social setting, like going out with friends, visiting/celebrating with family, out with coworkers, I feel like it is too hard to stay within my calorie goal. Either there are not options available or I feel left out or like a party pooper if I'm not drinking and eating the junk food that everyone else is enjoying so much.

    My excuse busters: There are always options!
    1. Abstain from alcohol. It's just not worth the extra calories. I never have just one drink, so why not stick to Diet Coke instead of throwing back 3-4 beers, which can add up to 800 calories? Besides, after a few drinks all good judgment goes out the window and I make bad food choices.
    2. Plan ahead. Thanks to the internet, you can see menus for almost any restaurant. I can scope out the menu, look up calorie values, and see what fits in my menu for that day. I have done this already and it takes extra time and some will power, but it does work.
    3. Eat something before attending a party, or decide in advance how much and what I'm going to eat. That way I won't nosh all night on the snacks available.
    4. Pack snacks! There are not always good food choices when I visit my parents. Not because they don't eat healthy, but because we don't like the same food. So I can pack things that I like and stay within my plan.
    5. Change my attitude. I'm not depriving, limiting, or punishing myself. I'm helping myself and taking care of my body - something that is long overdue. :-)

    If anyone else has any suggestions I would LOVE to hear them! This is something I fear will plague me my whole life and has definitely sabotaged past weight loss efforts.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    My biggest excuse is excercise. I work full time and have a 5 year old who has activities 2-3 evenings a week and then an 8 month old who is teething and wants mom all the time. By the time I get home I am exhausted from work and being up and down all night with the baby. Its so cold here I cant just take him for a walk like I did all summer. Therefore my calories burned are slim to none most days. I am trying to come up with something quick I can do. I tried P90X but that was not working out with the schedule I have.

    Maybe start with some small goals - 15 minutes of exercise, like squats, lunges, push ups, etc. Are there any active games you can play with the kids? A game of indoor tag, where you're running around the house for awhile? Is it possible to join a family friendly gym, like a YMCA, with babysitting service available? Or maybe a Wii gaming system or XBox Kinnect, with games you can play as a family? It's hard to find sneaky ways to exercise!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    WAY TO GO TEAM!!! :D You guys are rockin!!!! Keep it up!
    So far the totals are:
    Total 1/15: 4049 cals burned as a team
    Total 1/16: 2432 cals burned as a team

    My excuse is work! I work so much and have very little time to myself. I need to find something... Last night I just shut down and worked out, and I actually had a much better sleep so I know I need to at least walk!...Tonight I have to finish writing a document so Im not sure if I will have any time to workout but I am going to try for my team!

    I feel like the time that I need to exercise the most (feeling stressed, tired, anxious, etc.) is when I want to do it the least. But if I force myself I ALWAYS feel better after. Good for you for pushing yourself!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    My biggest excuses happen on the weekend. Such as its the weekend I deserve a break or I'm with my boyfriend, who happens to be an amazing cook and my food choices just fly out the window.

    Weekends are hard for me, too! I have been sticking to my plan and turning to MFP when I feel the urge to snack. Maybe you can ask your boyfriend to cook healthy food. I would love to hear what he comes up with!
  • mgeaux
    mgeaux Posts: 41 Member
    thursday - 754 Treadmill and circuit training !!! Actually got in a little bit of a run today !
  • OK, I have thought about this, and I think my biggest excuse is: when I'm in a social setting, like going out with friends, visiting/celebrating with family, out with coworkers, I feel like it is too hard to stay within my calorie goal. Either there are not options available or I feel left out or like a party pooper if I'm not drinking and eating the junk food that everyone else is enjoying so much.

    My excuse busters: There are always options!
    1. Abstain from alcohol. It's just not worth the extra calories. I never have just one drink, so why not stick to Diet Coke instead of throwing back 3-4 beers, which can add up to 800 calories? Besides, after a few drinks all good judgment goes out the window and I make bad food choices.
    2. Plan ahead. Thanks to the internet, you can see menus for almost any restaurant. I can scope out the menu, look up calorie values, and see what fits in my menu for that day. I have done this already and it takes extra time and some will power, but it does work.
    3. Eat something before attending a party, or decide in advance how much and what I'm going to eat. That way I won't nosh all night on the snacks available.
    4. Pack snacks! There are not always good food choices when I visit my parents. Not because they don't eat healthy, but because we don't like the same food. So I can pack things that I like and stay within my plan.
    5. Change my attitude. I'm not depriving, limiting, or punishing myself. I'm helping myself and taking care of my body - something that is long overdue. :-)

    If anyone else has any suggestions I would LOVE to hear them! This is something I fear will plague me my whole life and has definitely sabotaged past weight loss efforts.

    Jen, these are the same excuses I have and I love your ideas!!!! I always try to. Bring something healthy when I go to parties, at least I know I feel comfortable eating what I brought :)
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    1/17 Tae bo 20min 318 cal burned.
  • CurvyGirl6577
    CurvyGirl6577 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I am so glad to be apart of this group. I don't have any excuses for not going to the gym because I am in the gym 5 to 6 days a week. But when a couple of years ago I really wasn't into the gym and my main excuse use to be: I am too tired after work to go. So I would fix it by going to the gym or doing a walk during my lunch break. Since I just joined the group today here are my calories burned.
    Tuesday 15th -952
    Wednesday 16th-779
    Thursday 17th-734

    Tomorrow Friday, the 18th my gym buddy and I plan on staying in the gym for an hour an hour and a half. Maybe 2
  • Hyder1
    Hyder1 Posts: 30
    I am very routine oriented and my excuses start when something unexpected happens. I have been dealing with family trauma recently and have been spending alot of time at the hospital. I have used that as an excuse to not eat well and to not exercise. I know those are weak excuses because fruit and vegetables are just as easy to eat as pizza and m&m's. I am also an emotional eater so I have fallen WAY off the wagon. Today is a new day so I'm hoping to get back on track.
  • Nikki from Michigan
    1.17. WALKING 4 mph 40 mins/ 437 cals burned!

    1.18..... So excited for todays exercise get to go SWIMMING!!! LUV IT AND BURN BIG!!!! :)

    - CONGRATS TEAM AWESOME JOB ON LAST WKS WEIGH IN!!! Lets rock wk #2 too!!!

    HaPpY fRiDaY EVERYONE!!!
  • Hey team, I won't be on my computer tomorrow so you won't hear from me... Keep on track! Motivate each other, I will be thinking of you all and will be rooting you on from Toronto!!!!!

    Happy Friday!!!!!!
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    January 17 calories burned:

    Walking (to and from work, walking the dog): 70 minutes
    Zumba: 60 minutes

    No Zumba class today so I'm going to take the dog for a long walk and do some exercises at home, maybe some yoga.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Fri 1/18: 45 min AquaGym = 398 cals
  • vickyg1
    vickyg1 Posts: 211 Member
    Running- 579 cals......WOOT WOOT!!!
  • mgeaux
    mgeaux Posts: 41 Member
    279- walking
  • mmcqueen927
    mmcqueen927 Posts: 292 Member
    1/18 walk/jog 25 min=318 bal burned Yippee!!!!
    It was a struggle to exercise today, but I didn't want to let my team down.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Sat 1/19: 50 min Spinning = 448 cals
  • CurvyGirl6577
    CurvyGirl6577 Posts: 33 Member
    Its me again. I am giving my results for Friday 1/17 I burned 1600. WOW I stayed in the for 2 hours. today 1/18. I burned 751 calories.
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    Friday: 60 minutes of bootcamp : 617 calories burned
    Saturday 30 minutes walking : 340 calories