Day 12 & 13 - The People Around You

Day 12 & 13 - The People Around You

I've combined these two days due to my busy-ness!

Today I would like to talk about the people around you. As I was losing weight, I noticed I had those whom regularly congratulated me, and those that never said a word to me until they would see me in person. Even then they said nothing! Now I'm not saying this is jealousy, but it definitely says a lot when you consider some of these people friends!

As you progress in your journeys, have you noticed any change in the people around you? I think sometimes it's hard for people to congratulate you on your weight loss success when they know they should be doing the same thing but aren't! I can definitely say that I don't fool with the people whom I feel were not supportive of me and my journey. They are really just negatives auras that I had to remove from my life. I have now built a team of people that support my weight loss 100%!

Share your experience with any changes you may have noticed from the people around.





  • I haven't noticed any changes in the people around me... However I try my hardest to surround myself with only positive people!
  • beccaanne78
    beccaanne78 Posts: 15 Member
    At the end of last week, I noticed that two of my co workers started to workout. These two have never used our facility( I work at a Community Center). Others have just said, i need to be doing that or I should be doing that. It is frustrating that the ones that are saying they should be the ones working out are ones who continually bring in sweet treats and snacks for everyone! So hard to resist!
  • I got alot of encouragement when I lost my initial weight....lots of people noticed and even a select few told me to slow down I was losing too much (psst) But thankfully I didnt experience any negativity, I dont think Ive lost enough for it to be really sigificant, if that makes sense.
  • MrsHollins85
    MrsHollins85 Posts: 9 Member
    I've noticed just plain foolishness on my end especially at work like my coworkers are the worst ... 'oh you can't have that' or 'she only eats diet food' like really lol I can eat a lot of things & what I do and don't eat I thought was of no ones concerned boy was I wrong!!! It's funny nonetheless helps fuel my workouts!!