Hi, new to this group.

emstethem Posts: 263 Member
Hi, I'm new to this group. I've been debating on giving Atkins a try. I'm worried though about how this way of eating might slow down my metabolism?...I'm already hypothyroid....gosh knows my metabolism doesn't need to be any slower! This way of eating really seems appealing to me...but will it work for me? hmm...I think I'm going to give it a try! :)


  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    If it helps, I have hypothyroidism too, and this diet (or low-carb period) is the only thing that has been working for me. After the holidays I added carbs back to my diet, and well, I'm completely stalled. Today will be the first real day back to low-carb for me--time to flush those carbs out!

    Good luck with Atkins--it's easy (for me anyway) to get used to!
  • Hi, I am new to this group also--just joined. I am also considering Atkins, it was recommended by my rheumatologist. I am just curious about how many carbs a day are allowed on a low carb diet?
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Well, I've been checking it out and it appears that the first phase of Atkins-Induction-weight loss phase-calls for 20 grams of carbs a day...mostly in the form of salad veg...then the next phase is Ongoing Weight Loss (OWL) and that is the time that you find out how many carbs you can add to your daily intake without gaining...you discover your "limit" on OWL but are still slowly losing weight, then the next phase is Atkins for Life which is where you eat without losing or gaining...you maintain...and this phase seems to be very liberal. :) Hope this helps answer your question. Go to a local bookstore or library and check out the Adkins Diet Book. :) It's pretty informative. :)
  • Thanks, I just ordered the book from Amazon. Wow--20 carbs a day is not much.
  • kandyag
    kandyag Posts: 2 Member
    I have both Atkin's books and its 20 net carbs, which is different than total carb count. Net carbs = total carbs minus fiber grams. Hope that helps! I just started along with my sister and nephews. In about 2 weeks, we've lost a total of 36 pounds (4 people). This has been the easiest diet I've ever tried.
  • gina145
    gina145 Posts: 148 Member
    Started Atkins on Monday 14th down 4 pounds first week. I know at least 2 was water, feel better and motivated. I like veggies so that helps.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    I've lost 66 pounds so far and I don't have the crazy cravings! I have found tons of recipes so I have variety! I feel great too!! Good luck to you.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 465 Member
    I tried Atkins last year after I found out I had PCOS and I am insulin resistant. I didn't take it seriously. I read other plans, talked to my dietitian, read some more plans, tried to follow the meal plan she had me on and realized I needed more help than that. I tried TOPS (again) but the meetings close to me are all people 10-30 years older than me. Which is fine, but i need more people to have things in common with. So, I went back to Weight Watchers (made lifetime in 2003). I felt the plan was just to lenient for me because I know certain foods I should not be eating for my medical issue. I got sick of trying this and doing that. I got sick of buying overprices light, low fat, and diet friendly foods. I needed a plan my whole family could eat because I just dont have time to make different meals.

    I went back to reading the various Atkins books I had, new and old. I took notes. I decide the first of the year to make the change 100%.

    As of Jan. 1 I have gone from 240 to 229. The same few pounds I battled the last 2 years. I got so sick of the yo-yo that I stopped logging my weight. But not now. I even took measurements.

    Anyway, it is really easy. I have learned how to substitute radish by cooking them in chicken or beef broth for potato.
    Zucchini cakes for pancakes.
    I havent had bread, sugar, rice, pasta, cereal or other grains, bread, candy, diet pops, juice, or anything else not allowed on Induction.
    I thought it would suck.
    I thought I would fail.
    Honestly, it's been the easist thing I ever did.

    I never got the "atkins flu," never got the weird breath, never got tired or sluggish. Quite the opposite. I feel awesome. I am sleeping better. I am able to push through my degenerative disk disease and osteoarthritis in my hips and get on the treadmill every day.

    I eat a lot of greens and lean meats like tuna, cod, chicken and boneless pork chops. I limit my bacon to a few slices every other week or so.

    I think anyone looking to stop feeling like crap should give Atkins a try.

    I just wish people around me would stop thinking of Atkins as the old 1972 plan where they ate bacon, butter, fried eggs, and beef all the time. I keep trying to tell them Atkins isn't like that at all. And no. Dr. Atkins didn't die from heart disease! Thankfully my family is fine and my step-mother-in-law is a nurse and she's on Atkins, she has diabetes and its been the best thing for her. We both worked with a dietitian.

    Anyone considering this lifestyle change, please do. And please ask questions!

    Feel free to add me as a friend.