Team Dolvett- Week 2 Challenge



  • UPDATE: Ok so Leigh Ann ( Captain Team Jillian ), suggested something that I think is great! Mimi(Captain Team Bob) has a topic posted as: TEAM BOB- WEEK 2 CHALLENGE PART 2. It is basically to post your healthy recipes. Leigh Ann asked Mimi if the group as a whole can add recipes there. And Mimi so graciously has accepted for all of us to add our recipes in her topic!!! So let's see your healthy recipes!!!

    Great idea!!
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm Jane..I'm new :) Starting weight 192..hope to get to 180 by the end of the challenge.

    I started to clean up my act in August and have lost about 25 lbs. Slowly. I hurt my knee and pushed a little to hard yesterday, so today's exercise total looks pallid. I was in the last challenge group Pamastori ran and really enjoyed when she offered me a slot, I jumped on it!

    SO calories burned this week:

    Tuesday 798 Insanity x2 and treadmill ( my 4.0 may be a walk for some but not for these short fat legs!)
    Wednesday 250. turbofire core and sculpt

    And already I must edit because I am a dork and didn't see MINUTES instead of calories:

    Tuesday - 90 min
    Wednesday 50 min

    Found a great app - CardioTrainer that is really great for logging exercise. I don't log it on MFP other than in my food notes because it messes with my ratios too much and I already have my calories set based on TDEE.

    Have a great week!

    Hey Jane. Welcome to the group.
  • Thursday - AM Walking 30 minutes

    I am trying to plan my meals in the morning by entering what I will be eating for day on MFP. It is a help because when I see total calories for day it keeps me from 'going off the rails'. At night is the worst time for me because then I am looking for something sweet.
  • boxnchic
    boxnchic Posts: 44 Member
    Tuesday - Couch 2 5K (29min)

    Thursday - Zumba (30min); Basketball (20min)
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    I try and do a mile of walking/running each day at very least.
    Tuesday - 1 mile treadmill
    Wednesday - 1 mile laps in gym, 1 mile laps in gym

    I was told, never skip is the most important part of your day.
    Water, Water, Water.

  • Mrs_Fit
    Mrs_Fit Posts: 86 Member
    Wednesday Jullian Michaels 30 day shred 331 calories
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Thursday 30 min treadmill 189 cals. Sad that my knee is acting up, missing my routine. 6 months ago i would have been happy with 30, not so much.

    Eat your vegetables, my mother was right.
  • Tues: Turbo Fire 30 (30 mins); Turbo Fire Stretch 10 (10 mins); Jamie Eason LiveFit (20 mins); 50 Jumping Jacks

    Wed: Rest Day!!

    Thurs: Turbo Fire 30 (30 mins); Jamie Eason LiveFit Shoulders & Abs (15 mins); Air Climb Stepper (30 mins)

    ***Total minutes to date: 135
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    80 mins. / walking
  • LovingCruz
    LovingCruz Posts: 634 Member
    Tuesday: Turbo Fire(55min) Zumba wii 2(31min) 25 burpees,50 pushups/5minstretch(10min) = 96min

    Wednesday:Turbo Fire Core 20 & Stretch 40 (60min)& JMs kickbox fastfix 1,2&3 (64min) = 124

    Thursday: Turbo Fire 45 class & Stretch 10(58min), 75 squats,100 jumping jacks and 5 minutes of jump rope(13min)
    = 71min
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member

    Walking the dogs: 25 minutes
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Wednesday - walking/jogging on treadmill for 40mins
    Thursday - walking uphill on treadmill, set at 7 incline and 3.5 pace for 1hr.

    Sometimes it is so hard to get going, but when I'm done, I feel a great sense of accomplishment.

    Go team!
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    Hello from Tuson, AZ ...not such a great day drove about 635 miles...did about an hour and a half of moderate active...sight seeing (walking), bathing Tabatha and to bed hitting the road early.

    1.5 hours
  • Friday - 30 minutes of walking
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Wednesday- 55 minutes walking/run on treadmill

    Thursday- 30 day shred level 1, and walked to the park with my son and back 1.75 miles.

    Food tip: What I really enjoy doing is substituting foods for healthier versions. For example, I love pizza so I like to use a tortilla. I buy the ones that run between 80-120 calories. Then add a little bit of sauce, load it with veggies and turkey pepperoni, then sprinkle a little bit of cheese on top. Bake at 400 degrees until tortilla is crispy and yummy! Also, hiding cauliflower into mashed potatoes. Last night I made twice baked potatoes with broccoli and a little bit of cheese. The filling in the potato was half steamed cauliflower.
  • turne1
    turne1 Posts: 14
    Monday: 96 minutes: wallyball, rowing, circuit training
    Tuesday: 60 minutes, running, calisthenics, circuit training
    Wednesday: 118 minutes of wallyball
    Thursday: 70 min: biggest loser cardio max and stationary bike
    Friday (so far): 30 minutes running
  • Soyaknow
    Soyaknow Posts: 23 Member
    65 minutes at the gym on the treadmill yesterday.
    Daily double at the gym today 120 minutes total (treadmill and free weights). Killed it and feeling good! Hope I do tomorrow....
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member

    Walking the dogs: 30 minutes
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Monday - 90 min
    Tuesday - 90 min
    Wednesday 50 min
    Thursday 30 min
    Friday - Rest

    I may be resting this weekend as well, will update as it goes. My knee is really giving me issues and as I am scheduled to start Combat on Monday in a challenge group, i want to make sure I will be bringing it. I will try to do something, non- knee related this weekend and will be doing all future stuff low impact as to keep from making it worse.
  • lbsell
    lbsell Posts: 26
    W- 25 minutes of walking
    TH- 30 minutes of walking
    F- 24 minutes of running and 25 of walking
    Sat- 21 minutes of running

    For me water is tough, I have found that the various sugar free drink packets you add to water have been helpful.

    Keep up the FANTASTIC work Team Dolvett!