Name Thread! Let's hear them!



  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    We don't know the gender, but if it's a girl, it will be Delaney Marie. If it's a boy we are screwed. Our son is Noah Matthew, but I am a teacher and every time I think of a boy name, a kid I have had pops in my head and I just can't go any further with it. :-(

    We REALLY need a boy name!!!
  • We don't know the gender, but if it's a girl, it will be Delaney Marie. If it's a boy we are screwed. Our son is Noah Matthew, but I am a teacher and every time I think of a boy name, a kid I have had pops in my head and I just can't go any further with it. :-(

    We REALLY need a boy name!!!

    LOL @ your teacher comment - that is hilarious. Cute girl name! And you guys were able to come up with something the first time (beautiful, btw), so it'll come to you!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    We've been set on a girl's name since the middle of the first trimester but it took forever to think of a boy's name (at first we didn't want to know what we were having). Well, we changed our minds and know we're having a girl, and the name we chose is Makayla Renee.

    ETA: After we chose the name (it's one that just stuck with me once I put the two together), we found that Makayla (feminine variation of Michael) means "who is like God?" and Renee in it's latin origin means "born again". Such an awesome combination! :smile:

    Well, St. Michael is kind of a badass... I mean, as far as saints go :smile:

    ETA the link for St. Michael, if you're interested:
  • scienceteacherAK
    scienceteacherAK Posts: 94 Member
    DH and I have had Aurora Frances picked out for a while now if we have a girl. Boys names are a little tricky as DH and I have quite different tastes. I like Arthur, Albert, Jasper, Oliver, Flynn, Alexander and then some more unusual ones like Henning. DH perhaps likes Arthur and Alexander, and he doens't mind Isaac, which is a nice name but not qutie sure it's what I want.

    Will be watching this thread with interest!

    Ahh Finnley Aurora is so far at the top of my list for a girl. I love unique names and Aurora has a special meaning to us, being from Alaska and all. We go Aurora hunting during the winter =D

    Hawkin or Jackson for a boy so far
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    I know from experience hubby won't even entertain talking about names until the baby is about 2 days away from being born. With our first I think I got him to agree to make a short list for both genders about a week before I was due, and then it took us 3 days to name her after she was born. That said I did like to have the chance to see her to pick a name that would suit her. I was set on Neve Eleanor, but in the end she was born on December 21 and was an Ivy Winter. We won't know what we are having this time either so I expect it to go the same as before. This baby is coming after 5 miscarriages though so I would like something that is in some way symbolic of that. And Neve and Eleanor are both out if we have a girl as we know people who have used both those names. Really enjoying everyone elses choices!
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    DH and I have had Aurora Frances picked out for a while now if we have a girl. Boys names are a little tricky as DH and I have quite different tastes. I like Arthur, Albert, Jasper, Oliver, Flynn, Alexander and then some more unusual ones like Henning. DH perhaps likes Arthur and Alexander, and he doens't mind Isaac, which is a nice name but not qutie sure it's what I want.

    Will be watching this thread with interest!

    My 4 year old daughter is crazy about sleeping beauty. She would love us to use the name Aurora. Nice choice!
  • Cute names y'all. @Nursenikki - I really dig Estelle.

    Baby is a girl here - Magnolia Everett or Maggie for short.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    We named our son Gideon Jay (G for my grandfather, Gordon, Jay for my husband's brother, Jeremy).

    For boys, I also really liked the name Jacob Gordon. My husband loved the name Mac. We both really liked Lucas too...but neither "Mac" nor "Lucas" would have honored anyone in our families. And even though we are not terribly religious, it's a Jewish tradition I wanted to embrace for our son.

    As for girl names, one we both like now is Ruby Kinkaid (R for my FIL, Richard, and K for my grandmother, Kathleen). My husband is also big on the name Hawthorne...which I initially suggested for a friend of mine who is Southern and has the last name Nash. Hawthorne Nash sounds charming. I feel like Hawthorne Rosenthal just doesn't work. We also both like the name Penelope (but we wouldn't be naming for anyone, and my husband is not big on using the same name as a Kardashian).
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I also really love the name Rifka, and I think "Rifki Rosenthal" would be the cutest little girl name in the world. And I loved the name Ari for a boy. My husband vetoed both as "too Jewish." :-(
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I am 24 weeks six days and we are having a boy on May 4, 2013. After long arguments over names We decided to go with Levi Christian :-) We are obviously Christian people and we both decided we wanted a very strong Name. Since i have a degree in early childhood education and development I wanted to name that would be easy for him to learn to spell and write lol
    But if he turns out to be a girl, Sienna Cheyenne. All of my husbands other daughters are named after places, (Madison, Nevada, Avalon) so if he turns out to be a she then we will keep that ball rolling :-)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We didn't know the gender ahead of time, so we had to chose two first and middle names. We had a girl and named her Rose Melinda (Rose because I've loved the name forever, Melinda after my late aunt) and if we had a boy his name would have been Feliks David (Feliks is the Polish form of Felix and DH is Polish, and David after my late best friend).

    @Jenny_Rose : Ruby was my #2 name choice for a girl! But now that we have a Rose, I don't think we'll use Ruby if we have another girl, sisters named Rose and Ruby is a little too cutsey/cheesy for me (plus DH was watching a tv show one day and they had a pair of ox named Rose and Ruby...) :laugh:
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    We didn't know the gender ahead of time, so we had to chose two first and middle names. We had a girl and named her Rose Melinda (Rose because I've loved the name forever, Melinda after my late aunt) and if we had a boy his name would have been Feliks David (Feliks is the Polish form of Felix and DH is Polish, and David after my late best friend).

    @Jenny_Rose : Ruby was my #2 name choice for a girl! But now that we have a Rose, I don't think we'll use Ruby if we have another girl, sisters named Rose and Ruby is a little too cutsey/cheesy for me (plus DH was watching a tv show one day and they had a pair of ox named Rose and Ruby...) :laugh:

    I always loved the name Rose too (as you can see by my profile name). I had to give up the name because it would be redunkulous with my husband's/my married last name: Rose Rosenthal. :

    I kind of like the idea of Rose and Ruby together...but I also kind of like cutesy/cheesy stuff. :-)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    We havent even talked about it yet, but if its a boy names I like are Finn and levi
    For a girl, not sure, I like Evangaline, vivienne, Millicent...We should find out the sex in a couple weeks then we can figure out names!

    We have an Olivia at home
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    We havent even talked about it yet, but if its a boy names I like are Finn and levi
    For a girl, not sure, I like Evangaline, vivienne, Millicent...We should find out the sex in a couple weeks then we can figure out names!

    We have an Olivia at home

    Levi is what we are naming our son. Love the name Levi lol.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm having a boy, Brock Stanley :-)
  • complicatedmoves
    complicatedmoves Posts: 84 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has thought of (or chosen) a name for their little one yet?!

    Our son, due May 13, 2013; will be named Adam.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    We also both like the name Penelope (but we wouldn't be naming for anyone, and my husband is not big on using the same name as a Kardashian).

    Penelope Kardashian? Admittedly I had to look this up. I didn't realize this was the new baby's name.

    I like the name Penelope, but my husband doesn't. I associate it with The Odyssey primarily and then Lost (Desmond and Penny were some of my favorite characters).
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    We haven't really talked about names. We want to find out what we're having first. We'll find out on Valentine's Day!
    But some names I like are
    Girl: Lucy, Sophia, Isabella, Alexis
    Boy: Alex, Riley, Logan
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    No idea on names we will not even consider negotations on that subject until late summer..... and at that it doesnt' matter as dad will not fully consider until seeing the baby after s/he is born. We love a suprise.
    But some great names.... Noah Matthew is the name of one of my sons.... and another close one was Leah Anne, my other children are Michael James (is dad's names reversed James Michael), Christopher Nicholas and Nina Marie.
  • I also really love the name Rifka, and I think "Rifki Rosenthal" would be the cutest little girl name in the world. And I loved the name Ari for a boy. My husband vetoed both as "too Jewish." :-(

    My god daughter is Ari! I love it.