When do you workout??

a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
Some people seem to wake up with great energy and like to work out fairly early, whilst others prefer to exercise in the evening.

Some people report that they perform better on an empty stomach, whilst others need "fuelling" beforehand.

When do you do yours??


  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    5:30 AM - If I don't do my workout in the am, I'm soooo much more likely to blow it off later. I'm just one of those morning-type people...:ohwell:
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I wake up between 5:30 and 6:00 am. I make my daughters and my bagged lunches, set up the coffee machine, feed the animals for about 20 minutes. Then I get dressed and jump around like a maniac for a half hour. I can't just open my eyes and go from 0-60 so this routine works for me. Also, I work FT and am tired after work, and hungry. I have to make dinner and feed my family and life just seems to get in the way if I don't do it first thing while they are (usually) still asleep.

    I do it on an empty stomach. After my shower I am really hungry and I eat breakfast.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Two early birds! Brilliant!

    I used to get up at 7am and workout on an empty stomach before my 2 yo woke up. It wasn't until I had to workout later due to an early appointment one day did I realise that It felt better for me! Now, I eat breakfast around 8am and workout around 11am, I find I have much more energy and perform better!

    I can't workout in the evening though.. I'm usually lacking in energy after I've cooked and cleaned for the family and settled my son down to sleep.
  • JABGoochie
    JABGoochie Posts: 78 Member
    when i did 30 day shred i did it before work 6am but i was in our old flat then and i had my own workout pole studio. now we have moved i dont have that at the moment so have to use the lounge so cant just keep everything laying around, so i will now be doing my esercise as soon as i get in from work 4pm and before i go back out to my other job or eat dinner :)
  • wl4good
    wl4good Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a morning/empty stomach girl. I CAN work out in the evenings, but it's very likely that I won't. I work full time and i'm a full-time student so it's better for me to get it out of the way early.
  • thogan03
    Yes! I have to get it done in the morning or I will not have the motivation. I usually will do it after dropping my older two at school and then putting the baby down for a nap. If hubby joins me, we will do it around 8 when the kids get ready for bed.
  • ayanabrito
    ayanabrito Posts: 5 Member
    I love working out in the evening especially going on the treadmill after-I dont feel rushed. With that said I'm going to start this workout first thing in the morning I'm not getting enough sleep at night- may be I will still add in 30 mins of cardio in the evening after kids are in bed and I'm done my home-work. Family, new job and starting school is alot but I am committed too these 90 days!

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  • Mazzela5
    Hi All: I used to work out in the morning on an empty stomach when I was on a role. However, I lost my motivation when I began experiencing a hormone imbalance and haven't worked out at all since. So with that said, yesterday I recommitted to finding my motivation and working out consistently like I used to and I will be working out first thing in the morning 5:30 a.m. before everyone gets up. If I put it off, it becomes too easy to not fit it in for the day. I work full time and when I get home I have to make dinner and help my kids with homework, etc.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    Wow I wish I could be as motivated as you all and get up early and do it! I always set my alarm the night before intending to get up before the kids and workout out and every day I turn the alarm off and go back to sleep haha! I do my workout usually in the afternoon when they go down for their nap, if not then in the evening when they go to bed but that can sometimes be very late if the youngest wont settle. I find I have more energy in the afternoon than in the evening and according to my hrm I burn more calories in afternoon workouts than evening ones! I will keep setting my alarm and try to get up early but I guess I like my bed too much especially when hubby is away at work and I have the whole bed to myself :)
  • tygereyesfire
    tygereyesfire Posts: 11 Member
    I do mine in the evening. I really notice the difference if i work out on an empty stomach as I just don't have the energy to push that bit harder so for me at the end of the day after all my meals works. I need to eat a bit ealier in the evening though... I could do with trying to do the exercise between snack and dinner really. I'll maybe try that next week. It was nice to do the exercise in the morning during the kickstart though and if you only have to do it once a day I can see the appeal in doing it first thing as the pressure is off then all day as you've done your bit and anything else is a bonus but my I am more of a night time person and go to bed late as well... Jillian would tell me off for that!:ohwell:
  • Roboartist
    Right after my son's bus takes off. I have a light breakfast when I first wake up, then I pack kid lunches and feed pets. My daughter's bus comes an hour earlier than my son's. I also walk during my kid's gymnastics classes when I can.
  • seabeckteach
    Around 5:15AM and then I get ready for work. When I was doing the kickstart week, it was really hard because the afternoon workout was hard to fit in especially when the kids were in the room.
  • msh0612
    msh0612 Posts: 354 Member
    Well today was only day one, but I plan to get up and start no later than 5:30am. I like morning work outs... they make me feel good all day and also give me more willpower to say no to foods I shouldnt be eating. I wouldnt want to ruin all the work I put in that morning! :)
  • tbullock
    tbullock Posts: 9 Member
    I used to love working out 1st thing in the morning 5am..., now the bed keeps hugging me, telling me how much it loves me, please don't leave me. This is my 3rd day of JBMR and the 1st two days, I gave into my bed, day 3 let's get it! hmmm, it was cardio 1 and I was thinking it's only 21 minutes Toyia you can do this. SMH! I totally had no energy and that devilish running man can go back to H_LL! So early morning ladies how do you get the energy to exercise in the mornings. On the Kickstart there is no way I could eat my full breakfast before working out that early, with only 4 meals I'd never make it through the day.
  • harlychic
    DVD is playing by 5;30am and I workout on an empty stomach. When finished I make protein shake and coffee. If I wait until after work I would never do it. When I workout in the evenings I have trouble sleeping.
  • gissi84
    I wake up at 5 am, have coffee and 1/4c of yogurt with half of a banana (mashed). Just enough of something to get me through my workout with some energy but not enough to impact my total calories. I'm usually doing a dvd by 6 am. Afterwards, I make sure to have the other 1/2 of the banana, and also some eggs/veggies.

    My "intention" is to do some cardio at night, but I always seem to come up with some excuse or another. That's the good thing about exercising in the morning - my brain isn't fully awake to come up with excuses!
  • tbullock
    tbullock Posts: 9 Member
    I'm realizing that I'm not getting up early, the truth is, I'm barely getting up late, on time! This morning I spent 45 min laying in the bed thinking about why I would not get out the bed and do a 36 min no impact workout. SMH. This is the 4th day and I'm eating off of the kickstart plan, I'm actually enjoying the food but have not hit 1200 calories worth of food yet. That might just be the reason I'm dragging....No coffee, no fruit smoothies, no oatmeal....all of what was daily for me. Whelp, keep doing what you've been doing and get the same results you've always gotten. Time to get up off my *kitten* and put it in!