Friday 1/18/12

I figured since I was done with my workout then I would start today's thread...I have noticed major arms are getting bigger!!! Also I shoveled snow today out of my driveway and I did the entire thing, including my walkway, in 13mins!!! I was not even out of breath or this is soooooo working. I completed day 9 today of level 1 and look forward to moving on to level 2. I am going to do measurements tomorrow and will report in my results. I don't think I have lost any weight (I am already 102 anyhow) but my body is changing shape which is exactly what I wanted. Stay with it works!!!


  • josiewhite14
    I agree totally, onto day 10 today and am noticing a big difference in my arms and shoulders mainly. Like you, don't there is any weight loss but plenty of toning up, and also my stamina is a LOT better than day 1. My husaband decided to try it out the other day and he actually sai - "how do you do it!" And I was thinking YAY me! lol
    I had a look at level two the other night and in some ways it scares me and in others I'm excited to be at the next level.
    Keep at it girls, we can do this
  • nodellsj
    nodellsj Posts: 52 Member
    hey guys. i am feeling a little frustrated with the lack of numbers changing, and i have only lost a little less than an inch from my stomach (tomorrow i am going to measure my arms and legs and see in a week if there is a change there) and was wondering if anyone else is struggling with this? i agree that i am feeling a difference in how tight my jackets are (i can now fit a sweater under my heavy jacket that use to be tight around my arms) and i think my legs might be toning up slowly as well...
    question for all of my 30 day shred-ers, should i want to move to level two until i am able to do all of the level one without struggling, or now that i feel like i am able to at least get thru it that i should move up to level two to try and loose more than one pound? i am hoping the lack of numbers is due in part to gaining muscle. thanks for the advice! keep it up ladies!! were getting there!
  • tromig33
    I think it is due to muscle...I am waiting to take my number tomorrow at that will be my 10day point but I think there will be change even though the scale is not moving.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Today was day 7 of level 1 for me. I'm not seeing as much progress as I thought I would. I guess the exercises are a bit easier, but not much. I still struggle doing the jump rope routine right after the jumping jacks. My calves still scream. I'm sticking with it though!
  • triciaparenteau

    I completed day 7, level 1 today and am noticing a significant difference. It feels super silly, but take pictures right now (only share them with yourself if you're too nervous to share them with anyone else ), and take them again in about 4/5 days...that's what I'm doing. I look at the before pictures and after pictures, and can TOTALLY tell a difference. It's so motivating! I've also been doing extra cardio/ab workouts each day and feel wonderful. On day 1, I could hardly do the cardio on 30DS straight through, but it seems so easy now! The strength parts (especially the arms :( ) are what's hard for me... but I'll keep at it! I keep setting goals for myself, and that's helpful, too. Not going so much by the numbers on the scale, since they're not 'ideal', but the tape measure doesn't lie and pictures are brutally honest!