Newbie landing



  • Liz_M_
    Liz_M_ Posts: 25
    Hi Shazz. You would think that having Christmas in the summer down under would make the whole process a lot easier. Welcome to this site. I am just new here and have found a lot of support and encouragement already. I think this is a terrific site.
  • capie123
    75 and not a quitter. Never in my life reached my goal weight but with the help of MFP will do it! I take no meds and want to keep it that way." I plan on living forever. So far so good!" New to message boards. Have started a blog. First time ever for that too. if you'd like to check it out.
  • capie123
    nice to see my friends here:love:
  • capie123
    The best diet is the one that works for you. I don't like the four letter word diet personally. I like to just make better choices and take it slow. 1200 calories works for me.See about a lb. a week.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    The best diet is the one that works for you. I don't like the four letter word diet personally. I like to just make better choices and take it slow. 1200 calories works for me.See about a lb. a week.

    I don't like to use the "diet" word either. For me, it's a real life style change to eating healthier and getting fit. Since I am a "junk food queen" it's not easy. It also takes me forever to lose 1 lb, so I get frustrated and want to quit. That's another reason I'm trying to look at it from a different angle. I have lost all but about 8 lbs, but these last 8 are going to be really tough.

    Welcome to the group. and good luck to us all!
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome to Liz and the other Newbies. I lost some weight last year, but started my ticker off at a 0 loss for this year. I may lose this weight very slowly, but I gotta tell y'all I have the most special Bestie friend on MFP now, and a whole group of friends who offer support and encouragement like I ever knew could exist!
    So, again, welcome, and enjoy this weight loss journey! We can do this together!
  • walkswithart
    walkswithart Posts: 145 Member
    newbie here, I am finding it hard to get the weight off. I retired in April of 2012 and find my activity level much decreased and weight up. Weight up is a really bad thing, cause It is now 237 lb. I've started out this year with a concentrated effort to get more exercise, and learn to moderate my diet. So far not doing a lot, but I do find encouragement helps, keeping a journal helps. I want to keep physically active so I can enjoy nature walks and be able to get arround town via bus.
  • HollV
    HollV Posts: 9 Member
    I am 60 and retired. I have some minor ailments which have been holding me back, but I am determined not to let them derail me this year.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi and welcome all to our little group. We love to have you here. We are fun and do encourage each other on. It is hard to do exercise when you have ailments or pains. We all can understand that. We have a weekly challenge here. We post daily little exercises to do. Please feel free to join us.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I joined this group a while ago, but never introduced myself.

    I'm 62. Been retired for a while, but just got my first Social Security check - that I am very torn about.

    Most of my life has been at or around my ideal weight. (90 lbs from now). But about 15 years ago it started crawling up at about one pound a month without my giving it much thought (plus an additional 30 in a stop-smoking attempt).

    My husband and I sold our home, bought a motorhome, and began traveling. We tasted the local foods, music, culture, and scenery. My coach doesn't have a full-length mirror and scales are just excess baggage. That much travel is more comfortable with pants with elastic waists and Tees, and the weight climbed so slowly that it wasn't until I fell through a lawn chair while watching a parade (in front of all those people) that I knew how far things had gone. The chair had a weight limit of 235 pounds, and I was a good 20 over that.

    Last year we bought another house and I noticed that the weight was gradually coming down - about 1 lb/month - so now I am doing what I can to help it along.

    I have my ups and down days - more ups than downs. Today is a down-day. I haven't lost even a tenth of a pound in three days. That's most unusual for me. I generally trend at closer to a half-pound a day.

    I started this diet the Saturday after Thanksgiving (giving myself a head-start on my new year push). I made it through the holidays with no problem - even to the point of having a New Year's Eve party at my house where I didn't have a problem sticking to the plan. (Who-da-thunk-it) Now I fear that I'm facing a second mini-plateau and that's discouraging.

    On the other side, I have a doctor's appointment this morning and expect to hear rave reviews about my bloodwork since being on my VERY low carb diet.

    So that's me. Good to be a part of such a group
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I also joined this group awhile ago but never introduced myself. I'm a retired X-Ray Tech and really enjoying the casualness of being at home right now. I've spent the last 30 years struggling with my weight. I dieted myself right up to 237 lbs at my heaviest. Managed to get 25 lbs off but then seem to bottom out at 212 lbs. In 2011 I lost one of my cousins who was like my sister (I'm an only child) to obese-related problems and it frightened me enough to start thinking once again that I really needed to address this weight. I finally had my "aha" moment in March of 2012, picked myself up, dusted myself off and started my journey downward. I have lost 64 lbs so far and have another 20 - 30 to go depending on gravity! I'm playing it by ear; I figure I'll know when I'm done. My main challenge is incorporating exercise as I have limitations with my legs due to a head-on collision many years ago. Legs aside I'm healthy so I'm grateful for that. I'm hoping to start heavy lifting in February (I did it many years ago and really liked it) and a variety of other exercising in the hopes of toning up this old body! Got my Fitbit set up yesterday and I think I'm in love! Nothing like a new toy to get you moving! I love the support and motivation everybody gives at MFP and look forward to meeting you all here. Donna
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    To: Naticksdonna

    Hi, I'm Ronna. I'm a retired (because there's no work) secretary/admin asst and I have lots of troubles with my upper body--back, arms and hands--because of the work I did for 30 years. I also have upper respiratory issues which have gotten much better since I went gluten-free in April. I only had about 30 lbs to lose when I joined MFP in April and I'm down to needing to lose 8 now.

    I love this group with the discussions and even a mini challenge group with different exercises to do every day. Just look for the challenge page in this group. This is a wonderful place to be with lots of encouragement and support.
