Friendship & Intro Thread



  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Hi Lani, welcome! :flowerforyou:
    That's great if you will actually be able to heal from this condition! I'd love that kind of prognosis! Hope he's right.

    Have you read up on thyroid? What foods to avoid, what vitamins help, etc. ?
    There are supplements available for thyroid, that might help with your symptoms while you wait.
    When is your apicoectomy?
    I found that when I started eating virgin coconut oil I had a lot more energy.
    Selenium & vitamin D are also essential to us.
    Avoiding raw goitrogens, anything with Soy in it (its in so many things) will help also, because they block the thyroid.
    There's lots of info out there.
    Hope that helps.
    With diet, we can't afford to "take days off" of our diets. Wt. likes to stick to us, and takes a 2-3 x more work to get it off then it does for people without thyroid issues. But, it IS possible!
  • Lani1976
    Hi Debbylee :) thanks for the advice!

    I am interested in anything I can do to support my body through this. I'm not quite 'buying' the endos story but i'm giving it a shot. If it doesn't show signs of improving in the next few months I am thinking of trying to find someone with a more holistic approach.

    I'm on vitamin D, and folic acid at the moment. Prior to the Endo I had cut all the things like spinach and brocolli and soy that hinder the thyroid BUT the endo told me to eat those things and basically laughed at the fact I had stopped (I used to start each day with a spinach and berry smoothie). Also I was having brazil nuts everyday to add selenium to my diet because nz soil is selenium deficient and he didn't even comment on that. So I lost my mojo with those things but intend to pick it all up again if he is proven to be incorrect in his theory.

    My antibodies are very high (25,600) and he has said 'no promises' but my apicoectomy is next week and I have a blood test the week after... and monthly ones scheduled after that. Lets see what this new year brings... i'll be logging in every day that I can... I have just logged another workout!! yay!! :)
  • sewcute
    sewcute Posts: 31 Member
    Hello. My name is Melissa, I live in Northwest Indiana. I have Hyperthyroidism (I think, my TSH levels were at 3 last time I went to the doctor). I believe I also have PCOS.

    I have been on myfitnesspal for a while, I love all the resources there are here.

    I try to work out about an hour each day, cardio and weights.

    I am always looking for new friends :)
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Melissa!
    Hope you're seeing good results with your cardio & weights. What kind of exercises do you do? or are you going to a gym?
  • sewcute
    sewcute Posts: 31 Member
    I go the gym, I usually do an hour on the elliptical. I was walking/jogging but my foot has been giving me grief. I do have a Wiifit at home, so occasionally I will do free step during TV or just some other games for fun.
  • mjkpe
    mjkpe Posts: 98 Member
    Well here goes. (I seem to be the only guy on this thread.) I am a 53 year old who was diagnosed with hypothyriodism only after trying a diet suppliment and had absolutely zero results. (The suppliment contained efedra so that ought to date it!) I am on here to obtain tools that I can use to fight this. It's just one of many tools but in order for the tools to be effective they must be taken out of the box and used! Please feel free to FR me and we can travel this road together and provide encouragement!

  • kelseygilmer87
    kelseygilmer87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my name is Kelsey Gilmer Ill be 26 I live in Honolulu,HI my husband is in the Air Force. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2009, I was a skinny person then so to have this disease was a surprise to me. I have been pregnant 4 times and my last 2 pregnancies the disease was very bad I got up to 200 mcg of synthyroid a day. Unfortunately 6 days after my youngest was born Sept 26th,2012 she passed away from SIDS. I am now trying to lose the weight from that pregnancy. I have 14 more lbs to go to lose that weight. I would like to lose a total of 43 lbs to get back to my weight from before my 3rd child. He is now 17 months.
  • unicorngale
    unicorngale Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I just started using the MFP about a week ago, and already can see what foods I need to work on cutting back. I was one of these girls that could eat anything and not gain an ounce. Believed me I did enjoy it. About 15-20 years back, I was diagnosed with hypothriodism in my early 30's and that is when the weight problems started. So, I never learn how to watch what I ate, and what foods that can put on weight. I been able to keep my weight between 130-150, it would go up and down. Now in my late 40's my weight has gotten to about 200 lbs. I have to get the weight down for my own health. This is a learning process for me.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome! Gals & Guy, :flowerforyou:
    Kelsey, so sorry for your loss. How sad! I hope you are healing, that's got to be so painful to lose a child.
    You'll all find great tips if you weed through this forum, or search for topics. There is so much helpful information on getting your thyroid regulated on and many tips on supplements & diet suggestions here. It is harder for us, but it is do-able!
  • IzzyIsa

    All of you feel free to add me as your friends on MFP. I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism in October 2012 but my doctor and I had been suspecting it for a while. We just had to wait for a few blood tests (done a few weeks apart) to see if I was really suffering from it. I put on a LOT of pounds because of it. I started medication on Oct 31 and we adjusted it on Jan 12.

    I'm 35 years old from Quebec City, Canada, and am on MFP daily. So if you are looking for a MFP friend to help motivate you and vice versa, I'm your gal!

  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Martine, almost 19, from Paris, France. I'm mostly vegan, I haven't consumed meat or fish in years.

    I've been on MFP since July '11. This is my thyroid story, copied from my profile.

    I don't know what being completely healthy means. I have had asthma since early childhood, I learned to live as the sick kid.
    I was also diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at ripe old age of twelve. My doctor wanted to test me because I had arrhythmia that didn't seem to be caused by anything else.
    In the four years to follow, I tried every possible treatment anyone could think of. It never responded to anything. I was miserable during the whole process - tired, weak and borderline underweight. Finally, after exhausting every other option, my doctors decided it'd be for the best to remove my thyroid.

    I had the surgery in July 2010. It took almost a year of trial-and-error to find the correct dose of thyroid hormone replacement medication. Because of a suddenly slower metabolism combined with terrible (over)eating habits, I gained almost 30 kg during that period. The first 5-6 I needed, the rest was excess.

    Whoever wants to be friends, feel free to add me, but know that my diary is closed even for friends.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Someone & Izzy,
    Hope that you enjoy the resources here & find the encouragement you need to succeed! :drinker:
  • cindersmate
    cindersmate Posts: 15 Member
    Hi ladies, just joined today. I was diagnosed with Graves' disease 8 months ago, and have hyper thyroidism. I am one of the small percentage who actually gain weight with a hyper thyroid. I have gained 50 lb in the last 18 months. But I have no excuse as I knew my appetite was increasing, I just couldn't stop eating as it all tasted so good. My goal now is to lose the 50 lb and return to my normally slim body. I am 170 cm and currently weigh 84kg. Up until 18 months ago I weighed 62 kg. I am 49 and live in Australia.

    I used to be Hyper but am now Hypo after having thyroidectomy.i gained weight as well when hyper,over a period of time, since having op have gained even more. My first consultant said to me when he said I was hyper and I didn't believe him "well just think how much you would weigh if you weren't!"
  • capricorn0120
    capricorn0120 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism just over a year ago. I has started gaining weight and wasn't eating any differently than before, always tired, depressed, hair was falling out. It was horrible. My doctor put me on the lowest dosage of synthroid at first but I was bumped up to the next dosage. I'm much better now except that I still have a really hard time taking off any weight at all.

    Any suggestions?

    Please add me if you'd like, I'd like to have more friends with the same condition for support.Thanks,
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My name is Melissa. I am 24 (25 in March). I have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism since the day I was born. From what my mom told me the Dr's did a lot of testing and came to a conclusion that I was not born with a thyroid and if I did have one it is so small that it can not be found/located. Growing up with this was actually pretty easy, I was never fat or obese just a little chunky but super, super tall (which is funny bc the dr told my mom i could end up being super short) I am 5'9. Once i hit highschool I started the gaining weight gradually. By my first year of college I reached a weight of 255 lb. By the next year I weighed almost 280lb. Off and on between 2007 and 2012 I have been battleing my weight. On March 9th I weighed myself and found I reached 304lb. I decided then and there this time I have got to get this undercontrol. In August I found MFP. I was already down about 20lb and felt good about the strides I was taking to lose my weight. I started eating healthier and really incoorporated exercise into my daily routine. By December of 2012 I was at my altime lowest weight of 257lb and there I have been staying since then...

    I have been on synthroid since I was born also. Right now I am at 200mcg a day. During the holidays I slacked tremendously on my medication and my weight suffered big time. I switched to taking my pill in the morning and that also seemed to mess me up so I decided to go back to bed time pill and I am feeling much better. I have been taking my pill right before bed since I can remember and it really seems to help me out.

    Anyways that is me in a nut shell (yes I am a nut) I look forward to meeting everyone and getting to know more people who are suffering with me with this long and hard obstical.
  • venobeaver
    Hi ladies, just joined today. I was diagnosed with Graves' disease 8 months ago, and have hyper thyroidism. I am one of the small percentage who actually gain weight with a hyper thyroid. I have gained 50 lb in the last 18 months. But I have no excuse as I knew my appetite was increasing, I just couldn't stop eating as it all tasted so good. My goal now is to lose the 50 lb and return to my normally slim body. I am 170 cm and currently weigh 84kg. Up until 18 months ago I weighed 62 kg. I am 49 and live in Australia.

    It's actually a misnomer that people with Graves are skinny. My doctor at UCSF says that's because once you've got Graves, you can flip flop to Hashimoto's and then back again. So I have the same problem. Not everyone with Graves will have this problem. It's kind of the same thing that Oprah Winfrey has.

    I'm currently 47 years old. I lost 35lbs in a year eating 4500 calories a day. That was in 2008 and I weighed 210lbs. Now I weigh 240.

    Wow!! I am so glad I read this! I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and then later graves disease and have been on and off of medication for years. I have always been the kind that can eat whatever I want, and I stay relatively slim, with some fluctuations here and there. Now I know why the fluctuating weight. I had twins 6 months ago, and didn't really even gain that much weight at all, but a couple months later put on about 15 pounds. I didn't know that you can go back and forth from hyper to hypo. I was wondering what the hell was going on, since my thyroid is still on the high side. I need to look more into this. Thank you :)
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    DebbyLee, you are doing a fantastic job introducing this group!!!

    My name is Rosemarie, I was Dx with Hashimotos in Oct. of 2012 when I had the isthmus of my thyroid removed. Condensed version of my story-I wanted the whole thyroid removed due to multiple nodules. Surgeon insisted on "his way". He took only isthmus. Gained about 10 lbs. after surgery. Finally went to an endochronoligist. First thing she said was "why didn't you get the whole thyroid out"! Started on synthroid in the spring and have lost 15 lbs. so far. Have ultrasounds and needle biopsies every 6 months now. Nodules are still there, some getting larger. May be looking at removal some time down the road.Wish I would have known to see, consulted with an endo before letting surgeon cut. She also Dx me with pre-diabetes that no other dr. paid attention to. I think she has got a good hold on getting my thyroid & pancreas working. I was lucky, I found a good endo from getting referrels from friends & other drs. Sometimes you have to try several endos before finding one who listens/understans you.

    My biggest problem with Hashimotos is I am always freezing and sooooo tired. :yawn:

    Melissa, I wake up around 4 a.m. for a "potty break" every night. I take my synthriod then. By the time my alarm goes off at 6, I can have my coffee, breakfast & take other pills. It takes a while to find a "good" time to take.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Rosemarie :flowerforyou:
    Thanks for the compliment. :wink: And thanks for sharing your story.
    Glad you feel better. Surprised that you're still cold though. If your thyroid is optimized, I think that symptom goes away. That's a hypo thing. Might need some more tweaking. Check out stopthethyroidmadness for more info. You can search anything on there & get answers. Helped me so much.
    I also take my meds at a midnight potty break... couldn't do the waiting game...:tongue:
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Yes, I mentioned to my surgeon when I had my mammogram in Dec. (I am 12 yr. breast cancer survivor too) and he suggested I get in touch with endo that meds might need tweaking. He didn't feel I should be so cold still. I guess I will have to call & get some bloodwork done...again. I feel like I am always getting more bloodwork done. Thanks for the advice though. Will let you all know.
  • kbl6318
    kbl6318 Posts: 7 Member

    I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid in 1995, and currently take 200ug of levothyroxine a day.
    I have yo-yo'd since the birth of my first child, who is now 18, and my weight has varied from 164lbs when I got to goal with WW in 2000 to my heaviest in Jan this year of 249lbs!

    I've been fortunate and never suffered from tiredness etc - which is just as well as I work shifts on a 24/7 basis! :smile:
