week 3

hikaratedeb Posts: 17 Member
Starating week 3 tomorrow I am not looking forward to it. I think it will be very hard but will give it my best. Any words of wisdom out there about week 3,


  • cristieg
    cristieg Posts: 31 Member
    I'm starting week 3 today too! I'm looking forward to it because I fell off track over the weekend. I was totally unprepared for some surprise company that came in. I still tried to make good choices, but I feel like I overate. I tried to make up for it by doing some extra cardio. But, I skipped my weigh in this morning because I still feel bloated and disgusting from eating mexican food. But, I did take my measurements and I'm down 2 inches on my hips and one on each thigh. I feel like I need to really crack down this week!

    I'm trying to keep the mindset that it's okay to make a mistake, but to just try harder the next day. Usually I would just get discouraged and give up. Hopefully I can keep a positive attitude through this week! Good luck everyone!
  • wandafit4life
    wandafit4life Posts: 25 Member
    I just completed week 3! gained 2.5 pounds and lost 2.5 inches! Go figure. Its full steam ahead, for week 4!
  • hikaratedeb
    hikaratedeb Posts: 17 Member
    Good for you week 3 done lucky I am on day 1 and today was not to bad hopefully the rest of the week will be ok. I am going to bed soon and my stomack is growling but wont eat.
  • jkcathey
    jkcathey Posts: 14 Member
    I'm starting W3 tomorrow so a few of us are close together and most of us within a week of each other. Great for helping each other out! I'm visiting my daughter and grandbaby for a few days so I'm really having to kind of wing it. I did bring my nutrabullit so that helps.

    Hope everyone has good success this week!

  • cristieg
    cristieg Posts: 31 Member
    W3D1 in the books for me! I'm feeling very good about this week. I just need to make sure I take advantage of those snacks and make them as filling as possible.

    My morning smoothie is so simple, but very yummy. I know he says to switch it up, but I'm loving this combo right now for breakfast. I alternate my other meals, so I think I'll be okay.

    Morning smoothie
    1 small ripe nectarine
    6 medium strawberries
    small handful of frozen blueberries (maybe about 10-15 berries)
    4oz fat free yogurt, any flavor (I alternate between blueberry, strawberry & peach)
    6-8oz cold water
    dash of cinnamon
    1T ground flaxseeds (I use a coffee grinder.)

    This puts me right around 180 calories, wakes me up and keeps me full until snack 1. Also, FYI flax seeds spoil very quickly so don't try to grind a bunch ahead of time. They will go rancid.
  • rlb8788
    rlb8788 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm starting week 3 on Monday and I'm at work planning my meals for next week.. Reading through.. I'm pretty scared. Definitely going to have to be creative on recipes this week. =/
  • jkcathey
    jkcathey Posts: 14 Member
    On W3D5 tomorrow and happy to report feeling good during this phase. AND losing weight and clothes looser!

  • Keana_h
    Keana_h Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm new to the group but been shredding with my hubby for 4 weeks. We re-started week three this week due to falling off the wagon the second half of week 3. So now we are on week 3 day 4 and we're falling off again but determined to get back on. This time I have the flu so we haven't been very diligent but fever broken so onward we go :)
  • jkcathey
    jkcathey Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, that flu is brutal! Glad you are starting to feel better and ready to shred!
  • Week 3 day 1 almost over and it has been rough. But I haven't cheated at all. But all day today I've had a major headache. Hope tomorrow is better
  • michele73
    michele73 Posts: 102
    week 3 was rough on me. I felt very fatigued and didn't feel like myself. I felt like I dealt with side effects of detoxing. Everyone is different. Some felt great! good luck with it! It's a great feeling to say that you got through it!
  • How did you workout too. I haven't exercised yet and I'm suppose to 40 mins but I feel like I have no energy
  • Well I did the first step was changing my clothes and putting on my shoes. Did 45 mins on the elliptical for day 1 of week 3. Now I can have snack 3. I have a feeling this week is going to need more motivation to put on my tennis shoes but I know I can do it.
  • hikaratedeb
    hikaratedeb Posts: 17 Member
    You just gotta do it, believe me I can talk and justify why I should not get my workout done any time but at this point I just do it. I go to a power class 3 times a week and I have a treadmill that I use the 2 other days. You just have to wrap your head around the excercise and not think about it its just part of your day and that is what you do. Hope this helps. I also get the excercise done in the morning that way its done and out of the way.
  • I don't have any problems working out at all usually. And I too like working out in the morning. I'm more motivated but this week is hard because my energy level isn't as high I'm just going to have to have protein and carbs for snack. 100 cal snack one egg beaters with half whole wheat English muffin. Should help with the energy some.
  • hikaratedeb
    hikaratedeb Posts: 17 Member
    I drink depending and what the books says 1 or 2 protien shakes a day and I add my fruit to the shake so it makes it tasty and filling.
  • Keana_h
    Keana_h Posts: 8 Member
    Just finished week 3... For me drinking those Naked green machine smoothies were time savers... loads of sugar but worked well for me and my hubby when we couldn't stop and make smoothies or get to a smoothie shop.
  • Week 3 day 4 and I am so excited for dinner. Ha ha It says I can have a cup of spaghetti. Get excited no soup for dinner.... It hasn't been so bad and I only had to eat something not on schedule twice. I got super dizzy in the middle of the night and once in the early am before I normally get up, so I had to eat a banana to keep from fainting but I figure it is better to take care of myself than worry about the shred. I have a 5 month old ( he is teething and has been waking up in the middle of the night) so getting up during those times is why my body reacted that way. But other than that I haven't been too hungry in between. I've been trying to eat good protein snacks I love the tuna salad packets they have out now. Only 100 cal and the sodium is pretty low. Already mixed with relish and dressing.
  • I made it through week 3.... It is over and I lost 1.4 ibs totally of 5 in 3 weeks... Go me!!!!
  • masrite
    masrite Posts: 8 Member
    Great job on your loss for the week. Just started week 3 today. It went ok. Hoping the rest of the week goes fine. Only lost .6 last week. A little disappointed and discouraged, but, I'm keeping at it. Hopefully, this week I'll have a nice loss.