low carb dieting to cut



  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Meal timing, low carb, high carb, type of carb, etc. will not significantly impact overall body composition. That simple. This should no longer be an issue of debate.
    There is no need for natural trainees to even acknowledge the existence of hormones.

    Read these two statements and realize these are the dumbest things I have seen posted on this website. Neither of these even remotely makes sense, and goes against what every successful, experienced athlete will tell you.

    Understanding and manipulating natural hormonal levels through food and supplements is paramount in optimizing one's performance as a natural athlete.

    Carbs are either used as fuel or stored as fat to be used as fuel later. Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain. Cutting carbs causes the body to burn fat instead of storing it.

    You sir, are an idiot.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain.
    the abundance of fat will result in fat gain. the abundance of protein will result in fat gain.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain.
    the abundance of fat will result in fat gain. the abundance of protein will result in fat gain.

    I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. I'll agree that a calorie surplus will cause you to hold extra weight...

    But if protein and healthy fats caused one to gain fat...why do guys eat ground turkey and nuts, and cut out carbs during contest prep, a time when the goal is to rid the body of fat stores?

    Why can I replace calories from carbs with calories from fat and reduce my bodyfat percentage without reducing caloric intake?
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    Meal timing, low carb, high carb, type of carb, etc. will not significantly impact overall body composition. That simple. This should no longer be an issue of debate.
    There is no need for natural trainees to even acknowledge the existence of hormones.

    Read these two statements and realize these are the dumbest things I have seen posted on this website. Neither of these even remotely makes sense, and goes against what every successful, experienced athlete will tell you.

    Understanding and manipulating natural hormonal levels through food and supplements is paramount in optimizing one's performative as a natural athlete.

    Carbs are either used as fuel or stored as fat to be used as fuel later. Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain. Cutting carbs causes the body to burn fat instead of storing it.

    You sir, are an idiot.

    I literally lol'd. You're hopeless. This small effort of mine to genuinely help people and spread truth is a lost cause. People seemingly refuse to accept truth despite massive amounts of evidence, empircal and anecdotal, epitomizing cognitive dissonance. Maybe you're just ignorant... I wouldn't consider this an acceptable excuse though.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    Carbs are either used as fuel or stored as fat to be used as fuel later. Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain. Cutting carbs causes the body to burn fat instead of storing it.

    You sir, are an idiot.

    ↑ Lol. I didn't see this. I don't even have to say anything to prove your stupidity.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Meal timing, low carb, high carb, type of carb, etc. will not significantly impact overall body composition. That simple. This should no longer be an issue of debate.
    There is no need for natural trainees to even acknowledge the existence of hormones.

    Read these two statements and realize these are the dumbest things I have seen posted on this website. Neither of these even remotely makes sense, and goes against what every successful, experienced athlete will tell you.

    Understanding and manipulating natural hormonal levels through food and supplements is paramount in optimizing one's performative as a natural athlete.

    Carbs are either used as fuel or stored as fat to be used as fuel later. Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain. Cutting carbs causes the body to burn fat instead of storing it.

    You sir, are an idiot.

    I literally lol'd. You're hopeless. This small effort of mine to genuinely help people and spread truth is a lost cause. People seemingly refuse to accept truth despite massive amounts of evidence, empircal and anecdotal, epitomizing cognitive dissonance. Maybe you're just ignorant... I wouldn't consider this an acceptable excuse though.

    'truth' in regards to fitness and nutrition walks on a fine line and is relative to the individual. Your way may work for you, i don't know your goals or if your competing in sports or bodybuilding so im going to give a perspective. A person who is running track will not need to worry about their hormones and HGH output as say a bodybuilder would. Even a powerlifter typically would not worry about nutrition as much as a bodybuilder would. Show a bodybuilder all the studies you can, but elite athletes like Phill Heath, Kai Greene, Dennis Wolf etc all pay attention to their hormones. You're probably think 'yeah because they are on steroids'. I compete at a 6ft 1 height class ANB and have spoken to many experienced guys who pay close attention to food types and macros that would effect in manipulating hormones and they are getting results. So I start to implement principles like timing carbs, meat and nuts breakfasts etc to manipulate the hormones and im still growing.

    Be careful when you prescribe your theory to others as the only way to go about nutrition. Because it may not be optimal for other people that are not influenced by your environment, stress levels, body type etc.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    Meal timing, low carb, high carb, type of carb, etc. will not significantly impact overall body composition. That simple. This should no longer be an issue of debate.
    There is no need for natural trainees to even acknowledge the existence of hormones.

    Read these two statements and realize these are the dumbest things I have seen posted on this website. Neither of these even remotely makes sense, and goes against what every successful, experienced athlete will tell you.

    Understanding and manipulating natural hormonal levels through food and supplements is paramount in optimizing one's performative as a natural athlete.

    Carbs are either used as fuel or stored as fat to be used as fuel later. Thus an abundance of carbs will result in fat gain. Cutting carbs causes the body to burn fat instead of storing it.

    You sir, are an idiot.

    I literally lol'd. You're hopeless. This small effort of mine to genuinely help people and spread truth is a lost cause. People seemingly refuse to accept truth despite massive amounts of evidence, empircal and anecdotal, epitomizing cognitive dissonance. Maybe you're just ignorant... I wouldn't consider this an acceptable excuse though.

    'truth' in regards to fitness and nutrition walks on a fine line and is relative to the individual. Your way may work for you, i don't know your goals or if your competing in sports or bodybuilding so im going to give a perspective. A person who is running track will not need to worry about their hormones and HGH output as say a bodybuilder would. Even a powerlifter typically would not worry about nutrition as much as a bodybuilder would. Show a bodybuilder all the studies you can, but elite athletes like Phill Heath, Kai Greene, Dennis Wolf etc all pay attention to their hormones. You're probably think 'yeah because they are on steroids'. I compete at a 6ft 1 height class ANB and have spoken to many experienced guys who pay close attention to food types and macros that would effect in manipulating hormones and they are getting results. So I start to implement principles like timing carbs, meat and nuts breakfasts etc to manipulate the hormones and im still growing.

    Be careful when you prescribe your theory to others as the only way to go about nutrition. Because it may not be optimal for other people that are not influenced by your environment, stress levels, body type etc.

    "The Special Snowflake Fallacy:

    A specific type of fallacious argument in which a bodybuilder argues that scientific research does not apply to them because said research is done on "normal" people, the implication being that bodybuilders are special snowflakes whose basic physiology differs from everyone else's."

    ^ Taken from Ian McCarthy's No Bull**** Bodybuilding FB page.

    Meal timing is relevant, but only when regarding gym performance. In terms of impacting overall body composition, meal timing is not useful . This is not debatable. For natural athletes, attempting to manipulate endogenous hormones to achieve a significant advancement in body composition is also not useful. This is not debatable. This is truth. These are the kinds of things that people need to start acknowledging if we as a fitness community wish to further our understanding, better ourselves and have an honest conversation with each other regarding nutrition, training, supplementation, human physiology, etc.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    "The Special Snowflake Fallacy:

    A specific type of fallacious argument in which a bodybuilder argues that scientific research does not apply to them because said research is done on "normal" people, the implication being that bodybuilders are special snowflakes whose basic physiology differs from everyone else's."

    ^ Taken from Ian McCarthy's No Bull**** Bodybuilding FB page.

    I don't get why people like Ian McCarthy, he's basically the Eric Kanevsky of nutrition. He looks like sh** compared to the people he's bashing, but because he read a few books people are all over his nuts.

    And the point that Pulcinella made in the video was that the studies done on "normal" people have room for error in a lot of cases. And weight training changes a lot of things in your body. So there is a difference between a few people supposedly eating at certain times, that don't know how to train properly, and a bodybuilder who has his diet/training dialed in.

    The bottom line is, low carb dieting works, carb cycling works. Otherwise the top names in the business wouldn't be doing it. I'm gonna listen to people like Keifer, and Shelby Starnes before I listen to some youtube sensation or a guy on a forum...
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I'm assuming your referencing the Ian McCarthy and Dave Pulcinella. You seem to have misinterpreted the video or don't understand Ian's bodybuilding philosophy.

    I didn't agree with most of the things Ian said. He's a smartass, and he's not much of a "bodybuilder" in my opinion.
    Dave knows what he's talking about, he's spent years in the sport. He even said, that despite the "scientific" evidence, he knows what works for him and won't stop doing things the way he's done them.

    Until you get on stage and win shows, you're just a gym rat. So I may be unaware, but I"m pretty sure Ian isn't a bodybuilder.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member

    "The Special Snowflake Fallacy:

    A specific type of fallacious argument in which a bodybuilder argues that scientific research does not apply to them because said research is done on "normal" people, the implication being that bodybuilders are special snowflakes whose basic physiology differs from everyone else's."

    ^ Taken from Ian McCarthy's No Bull**** Bodybuilding FB page.

    I don't get why people like Ian McCarthy, he's basically the Eric Kanevsky of nutrition. He looks like sh** compared to the people he's bashing, but because he read a few books people are all over his nuts.

    And the point that Pulcinella made in the video was that the studies done on "normal" people have room for error in a lot of cases. And weight training changes a lot of things in your body. So there is a difference between a few people supposedly eating at certain times, that don't know how to train properly, and a bodybuilder who has his diet/training dialed in.

    The bottom line is, low carb dieting works, carb cycling works. Otherwise the top names in the business wouldn't be doing it. I'm gonna listen to people like Keifer, and Shelby Starnes before I listen to some youtube sensation or a guy on a forum...

    ... Are you just trolling? You do realze that the "top names in the business" usually have no ****ing clue what the're doing regarding nutirition. You are exactly what I hate about people. Despite overwhelming amounts of reason and evidence, you refuse to change yur mind because the bottom line is "low carb dieting works, carb cycling works." An unwillingness to change has always been a trait I do not envy any human to posses... You could just keep believing it's true because it's true because it's true. Afterall, Phil Heath does it so it must be awesome, bro.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member

    "The Special Snowflake Fallacy:

    A specific type of fallacious argument in which a bodybuilder argues that scientific research does not apply to them because said research is done on "normal" people, the implication being that bodybuilders are special snowflakes whose basic physiology differs from everyone else's."

    ^ Taken from Ian McCarthy's No Bull**** Bodybuilding FB page.

    I don't get why people like Ian McCarthy, he's basically the Eric Kanevsky of nutrition. He looks like sh** compared to the people he's bashing, but because he read a few books people are all over his nuts.

    And the point that Pulcinella made in the video was that the studies done on "normal" people have room for error in a lot of cases. And weight training changes a lot of things in your body. So there is a difference between a few people supposedly eating at certain times, that don't know how to train properly, and a bodybuilder who has his diet/training dialed in.

    The bottom line is, low carb dieting works, carb cycling works. Otherwise the top names in the business wouldn't be doing it. I'm gonna listen to people like Keifer, and Shelby Starnes before I listen to some youtube sensation or a guy on a forum...

    ... Are you just trolling? You do realze that the "top names in the business" usually have no ****ing clue what the're doing regarding nutirition. You are exactly what I hate about people. Despite overwhelming amounts of reason and evidence, you refuse to change yur mind because the bottom line is "low carb dieting works, carb cycling works." An unwillingness to change has always been a trait I do not envy any human to posses... You could just keep believing it's true because it's true because it's true. Afterall, Phil Heath does it so it must be awesome, bro.

    if the individual is getting desired results from low carbing, carb cycling, back-loading or what ever. who are you to tell them that they are doing it the wrong way? Should they change their views in which they most likely have the experience testing these philosophies, for the sake of change? or to just to massage your ego?
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    theryan244, according to his profile, is a 6'4" bean pole. He's also 21, meaning he hasn't seen or done **** in life besides go to school. Obviously, he can read books, and picks and chooses bro-science above all else.

    All of your "research" is based on poor control groups that don't fairly represent the bodybuilding or athletic community as a whole.

    The fact you believe hormones play no role in body composition or performance shows you lack ALL knowledge of the endocrine system...

    Also, I don't care what you read. Real world results always out weight whatever some "scientist" says. Here is an example.

    On paper, according to physics and aeronautical science, the Chinook cannot fly. It is impossible. Yet, the Army flies the hell out of those things in real life.

    Perhaps the reason you find it so hard to spread truth is your inability to grasp the concept that you are wrong and those who's theories you subscribe to have little real world merit.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    theryan244, according to his profile, is a 6'4" bean pole. He's also 21, meaning he hasn't seen or done **** in life besides go to school. Obviously, he can read books, and picks and chooses bro-science above all else.

    All of your "research" is based on poor control groups that don't fairly represent the bodybuilding or athletic community as a whole.

    The fact you believe hormones play no role in body composition or performance shows you lack ALL knowledge of the endocrine system...

    Also, I don't care what you read. Real world results always out weight whatever some "scientist" says. Here is an example.

    On paper, according to physics and aeronautical science, the Chinook cannot fly. It is impossible. Yet, the Army flies the hell out of those things in real life.

    Perhaps the reason you find it so hard to spread truth is your inability to grasp the concept that you are wrong and those who's theories you subscribe to have little real world merit.

    this x 50
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    ... Are you just trolling? You do realze that the "top names in the business" usually have no ****ing clue what the're doing regarding nutirition. You are exactly what I hate about people. Despite overwhelming amounts of reason and evidence, you refuse to change yur mind because the bottom line is "low carb dieting works, carb cycling works." An unwillingness to change has always been a trait I do not envy any human to posses... You could just keep believing it's true because it's true because it's true. Afterall, Phil Heath does it so it must be awesome, bro.

    You're right. Shelby Starnes, a professional bodybuilder and nutritionist doesn't have a clue about nutrition. Clients just pay him hundreds of dollars to put them on carb cycling diets for ****s and giggles.
    John Medows also doesn't know what he's talking about. And the countless elite level powerlifters who have cut weight and set world records with CBL also don't know what they're doing.

    You, a 21 year old skinny kid who read a handful of books, clearly know more than guys who have spent 20 years in the strength community, and make a living out of helping people achieve their goals.............

    seems legit

    You can have all the theory in the world, and read all the books you want. But until you DO IT, no one gives a **** what you say on a message board.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member

    "The Special Snowflake Fallacy:

    A specific type of fallacious argument in which a bodybuilder argues that scientific research does not apply to them because said research is done on "normal" people, the implication being that bodybuilders are special snowflakes whose basic physiology differs from everyone else's."

    ^ Taken from Ian McCarthy's No Bull**** Bodybuilding FB page.

    I don't get why people like Ian McCarthy, he's basically the Eric Kanevsky of nutrition. He looks like sh** compared to the people he's bashing, but because he read a few books people are all over his nuts.

    And the point that Pulcinella made in the video was that the studies done on "normal" people have room for error in a lot of cases. And weight training changes a lot of things in your body. So there is a difference between a few people supposedly eating at certain times, that don't know how to train properly, and a bodybuilder who has his diet/training dialed in.

    The bottom line is, low carb dieting works, carb cycling works. Otherwise the top names in the business wouldn't be doing it. I'm gonna listen to people like Keifer, and Shelby Starnes before I listen to some youtube sensation or a guy on a forum...

    ... Are you just trolling? You do realze that the "top names in the business" usually have no ****ing clue what the're doing regarding nutirition. You are exactly what I hate about people. Despite overwhelming amounts of reason and evidence, you refuse to change yur mind because the bottom line is "low carb dieting works, carb cycling works." An unwillingness to change has always been a trait I do not envy any human to posses... You could just keep believing it's true because it's true because it's true. Afterall, Phil Heath does it so it must be awesome, bro.

    if the individual is getting desired results from low carbing, carb cycling, back-loading or what ever. who are you to tell them that they are doing it the wrong way? Should they change their views in which they most likely have the experience testing these philosophies, for the sake of change? or to just to massage your ego?

    When did I ever say low those obscure carb diets don't work? An enormous misconception people have is thinking I'm claiming these things won't get people results. They very well may, but this does not mean they are magical, necessary, safe or optimal. I can achieve the exact same results with less effort and stress if I eat 3 meals a day as opposed to eating every 2 hours.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    theryan244, according to his profile, is a 6'4" bean pole. He's also 21, meaning he hasn't seen or done **** in life besides go to school. Obviously, he can read books, and picks and chooses bro-science above all else.

    All of your "research" is based on poor control groups that don't fairly represent the bodybuilding or athletic community as a whole.

    The fact you believe hormones play no role in body composition or performance shows you lack ALL knowledge of the endocrine system...

    Yeah man, you're 5 years older than me, you're so cool bro. It's pathetic when people use age as an insult or as a tool to build themselves up.

    ... Once again I don't have to say anything to expose ignorance. This is a lost cause. You're hopeless if you don't reconsider those statements. You of course don't have to though... I don't really care anymore.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member

    ... Are you just trolling? You do realze that the "top names in the business" usually have no ****ing clue what the're doing regarding nutirition. You are exactly what I hate about people. Despite overwhelming amounts of reason and evidence, you refuse to change yur mind because the bottom line is "low carb dieting works, carb cycling works." An unwillingness to change has always been a trait I do not envy any human to posses... You could just keep believing it's true because it's true because it's true. Afterall, Phil Heath does it so it must be awesome, bro.

    You're right. Shelby Starnes, a professional bodybuilder and nutritionist doesn't have a clue about nutrition. Clients just pay him hundreds of dollars to put them on carb cycling diets for ****s and giggles.
    John Medows also doesn't know what he's talking about. And the countless elite level powerlifters who have cut weight and set world records with CBL also don't know what they're doing.

    You, a 21 year old skinny kid who read a handful of books, clearly know more than guys who have spent 20 years in the strength community, and make a living out of helping people achieve their goals.............

    seems legit

    You can have all the theory in the world, and read all the books you want. But until you DO IT, no one gives a **** what you say on a message board.

    Using that logic I would have to play professional football to tell you how to win a game or I would have to first jump off a 50 story building in order to know if I'm I am going to die or not. A basic understanding of gravity allows me to make a confident judgement before I jump. I can provide people with information because of my rudimentary understanding of human physiology, nutritional science, training, etc.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member

    ... Are you just trolling? You do realze that the "top names in the business" usually have no ****ing clue what the're doing regarding nutirition. You are exactly what I hate about people. Despite overwhelming amounts of reason and evidence, you refuse to change yur mind because the bottom line is "low carb dieting works, carb cycling works." An unwillingness to change has always been a trait I do not envy any human to posses... You could just keep believing it's true because it's true because it's true. Afterall, Phil Heath does it so it must be awesome, bro.

    You're right. Shelby Starnes, a professional bodybuilder and nutritionist doesn't have a clue about nutrition. Clients just pay him hundreds of dollars to put them on carb cycling diets for ****s and giggles.
    John Medows also doesn't know what he's talking about. And the countless elite level powerlifters who have cut weight and set world records with CBL also don't know what they're doing.

    You, a 21 year old skinny kid who read a handful of books, clearly know more than guys who have spent 20 years in the strength community, and make a living out of helping people achieve their goals.............

    seems legit

    You can have all the theory in the world, and read all the books you want. But until you DO IT, no one gives a **** what you say on a message board.

    Using that logic I would have to play professional football to tell you how to win a game or I would have to first jump off a 50 story building in order to know if I'm I am going to die or not. A basic understanding of gravity allows me to make a confident judgement before I jump. I can provide people with information because of my rudimentary understanding of human physiology, nutritional science, training, etc.
    theryan, u r right. but u r fighting a losing battle. u can only educate people who want to be educated.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    theryan, u r right. but u r fighting a losing battle. u can only educate people who want to be educated.

    Why are you encouraging him? He's said nothing of merit. You yourself have only contributed to this conversation that a caloric excess will lead to weight gain...
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    Yeah man, you're 5 years older than me, you're so cool bro. It's pathetic when people use age as an insult or as a tool to build themselves up.

    ... Once again I don't have to say anything to expose ignorance. This is a lost cause. You're hopeless if you don't reconsider those statements. You of course don't have to though... I don't really care anymore.

    I'm not insulting you or building myself up by referring to your age, merely pointing out you have little to no experience in what you're talking about, whereas I have been practicing what I preach for a decade.

    You statement that manipulating naturally occurring hormones through diet is of no use is completely false. Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body, therefore of paramount importance when striving to build muscle or strength.

    Where do I get my info? I've read Weider's Ultimate Bodybuilding book. Being "in the game" for the larger part of a century Joe has far better information and is actually credible, unlike your McCarthy character who is a nobody with a facebook page with almost no followers and is constantly flamed for good reason. His own results are meager at best.

    I've also read books on genetics related to bodybuilding, read Growth Principles. I train with a guy who's been bodybuilding for 20+ years and won the MR USA competition in the ANBC (a now defunct natural bodybuilding organization), and many more seasoned vets. I've gotten info from guys winning big shows and small shows alike.

    You simply pull nonsense from the internet, have zero experience or success with your own advice and preach like an all knowing guru when the simple fact of the matter is you lack any credibility of your own and support you statements with quotes from suspect sources. You've yet to concretely refute anything I've said, nor suggest an alternative to what anyone has said, other than make blanket statements of "you're hopeless" and "McCarthy said". Come up with an idea, find an impressive real world example and then perhaps you may have a reasonable argument.