I'm on Week 3

Hi all,

So I started with the Kickstart your Metabolism which kicked me in the butt but I lost 5 lbs. When I weighed in this past week, I had gained 2 but can see changes happening physically to my body. My fiance and I stuck to the diet the first couple of weeks but have decided to just eat clean and implement some of her recipes and change things around (no more white rice - only brown or quinoa) - things like that. Anyone else notice that they didn't lose anything or maybe even gained in their 2nd week? I feel like I'm on the Biggest Loser as the 2nd week seems to be the killer for most people.......hoping that this coming week shows a little weight loss. Although when I think about it - if I'm gaining muscle and my body is looking better, maybe the "number" isn't such a big deal???


  • lucky5552
    lucky5552 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in week 3 also. I noticed i gained and lost a few..I do see that I am stronger and a little definition in my arms..I'm taking measurements also. ..I cant wait for the final result.. Add me if you like..Im phase 1 workout 3 and 4..
  • I have noticed the same thing - more definition in my arms and less "gut" lol. I should start taking measurements - should have thought of that. I do like the idea that I am feeling stronger so I'm just going to keep at it. I decided to add in another workout in the evening again as well as I enjoyed it so why not! Thanks for the feedback! I'm here to motivate and support if you need it!
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,081 Member
    I am in a slightly different position to some I guess, I am now halfway through week 2 but have always done some form of training although usually cardio based with a few weight thrown in.

    So far I have found it pretty much ok, not many aches and pains to be honest but I think I'll increase my weights a little next week. I am feeling stronger however and I am not following her diet plan but trying to cut out most sugar and lower carbs plus trying to eat more protein. I haven't had any change in my weight since I started but it can't be all bad because I increased my calories at the beginning of the program to 1500 calories more or less, from 1200 and I haven't put on weight.

    I'm hoping I start seeing more changes in weeks 3 and 4 and this week I've added in 3 days of extra cardio on the eliptical trainer and treadmill so not sure if that will help speed things up.