Welcome! Please introduce yourself!

MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
Hello Eastern Carolina! Please stop in, tell us about yourself!

What is motivating you?
How far have you come?
How far are you going?
Anything else about "Who are you?"! :happy:


  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    I'll start us out...

    My name is Mike and I'm (currently) 33. I've been slowly motivating to get more healthy for what seems like my entire life and it's finally clicking.

    My awesome wife, Alicia is also getting healthy with me and we have 3 fantastic children ages 11, 8 and 6.

    Right now I'm looking to 175 as my goal weight, but once I get there I'll re-evaluate. My highest has been about 220 lbs. I've completed the Couch to 5K program and am looking forward to my first 5K race in March!
  • bgc85
    bgc85 Posts: 68
    So I joined this board because I like to pretend I still live in Eastern NC! I grew up in Spivey's Corner/Dunn and went to NCSU. I currently live in Atlanta!

    I did Weight Watchers a few years ago and lost 45 lbs. I have gained quite a bit of it back, but hope to lose weight/inches before my wedding in August! :)
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome anyway Betsygodwin! We'll make you an honorary Carolinian! :happy:
  • m1oscar
    m1oscar Posts: 44 Member
    Oops! I am in Charlotte, so I am not really Eastern NC but I LOVE the beach and want to live there one day! :)
    I am here because I want to manage my weight in a sustainable long term way. I would like to lose about 8-10 pounds from where I am. If I can lose more and sustain it without starving- that is fine too!
    I have an 11 year old son, I love to run- did 10 half marathons runs last year and loved it! Sticking to smaller goals and trying to increase my speed this year.
    Thanks for creating an NC group!
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    David, an East Carolina Pirate here!

    I decided a few months ago to become lean and healthy to improve quality of life. 38lbs and counting so far and feeling better than I have in 10 yrs.

    Love the area!
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Wow, m1oscar! That's a huge achievement with 10 half marathons in one year! Congrats!! I'm really really trying to love running, but I don't think I'm quite there yet. I love that I CAN now! That's a step, I guess! Any tips for us newbies just coming into racing? Welcome to the group!
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome, David! 38 pounds in just a few months is amazing! Congratulations on your success to date! Welcome to the group! :)
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    Hey ya'll! I'm Alice and I live in Monroe, NC. I have been on this site for over a year and have had some success. I use the word some because I was doing a very low calorie diet (VLCD) for a little over a year. I lost pretty steadily at first, then it tapered off. I was doing a ton of cardio and realized (took me long enough) that I wasn't eating enough! I was netting between -200 and 400 cals/day. My hair started falling out, I wasn't sleeping well, and I didn't see any definition AT ALL! I played tennis 3x/wk for at least 2 hrs every time, and we walked for 45 min - 1 hr before we played tennis!

    Anyway, I have now started trying to eat more and am still trying to find the right number. I have gained 19 of the 20lbs I lost in the little over a year it took me to lose it. I am starting to train for a 10k in June! Yikes! I have NEVER run before, but in all of my research, it has been proven (by others) that its the best way to make noticable changes along with weight training.

    In the past I have always taken diet pills to lose weight. But not this time!!! I'm doing it the right way, no matter how long it takes! I must warn you though, patience is NOT a virtue of mine! LOL

    I am a stay-at-home mom of two wonderful boys, ages 17 & 13. I work part-time as a substitute teacher. I'm thinking about going back to school and getting a degree in Medical Office Assistant.

    Thanks for starting this group! It's nice to have Carolinians to bond with. Who knows, maybe we can find a meeting place and walk/run together! How fun would that be?

    Good luck ya'll!!!
  • bgc85
    bgc85 Posts: 68
    Nice to meet everyone!!!

    It's so nice to hear why everyone is here! We all have one thing in common - we are making a change to better ourselves! :) Feel free to add me as a friend! I am not super active responding, but I love reading other people's statuses and seeing what foods they eat! :)
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey Alice! This journey that we're taking isn't always about the "ups" and being able to learn from our "downs" is always beneficial! Thanks for sharing with us! I agree that the healthy way is the only way even if I'm not very patient either. :laugh:

    Definitely looking forward to being able to get a group together for something! Maybe we can group 5K or fun run or something sometime!
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    Hi guys, I'm Stacey, living in New Bern, NC.

    I've been here for over a year and have maintained my current weightloss without much effort since last May. I'd like to lose another 10-20lbs but so far, I'm failing to find the motivation/reason to put in the work for the last lbs to come off. 10lbs puts me at my highschool weight so 20lbs would be real work to lose.

    I crossfit sporadically, I run rarely (5k pb is 30:38, 1mile pb 8:39) I love to dance more than anything and I keep myself VERY busy to combat random eating/drinking.

    I snack at night and drink too much alcohol so I tend to get half my total cals for every day in empty nothingness at night. I'm supposed to be working on that and working on getting actual food for 1200+ cals but I'm mostly failing. I am here every day even if I don't log all my food everyday (I've been around long enough and my diet is the same so I know the counts) but if people are looking I will make more effort to log every bite for others' viewing lol Nice to meet you guys!
  • sudowpa2
    I am from Camp Lejune North Carolina. Actually Jacksonville, but people know the base better than the town. If all the marines left, this place would be a ghost town.

    I am currently going to school half the day and going to gym the other half. I don't have a relationship so I really don't have anything else to do.

    I like the beach but I want to loose the weight first. Kind of ashame of what i look like right now..

    I am currently 252lbs. I got to the gym 4 hours a day... for cardio and one hour for weight training.

    I wish i had a gym partner but i dont think anyone goes to the gym for 5 hours LOL

    I want to get down to 180lbs. I should be about 15% bf
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey Stacey! Congrats on keeping your weight consistent! I'm sure I snack too much at night, too, but I work until Midnight so the whole "don't eat after XX:XX time" doesn't work as well for me..

    Welcome sudowpa2! I think you're right, I didn't know there was a "Jacksonville, NC" until my brother enlisted. I'm a NJ transplant myself for about 6.5 years now. I'm with you on the beach thing, I don't want it to get to me... but it does. :-D

    Welcome to the group both of you! :D
  • jeffreyrburns
    jeffreyrburns Posts: 2 Member
    Hey ENC group!

    My nane is Jeff Burns. I am a full-time peacemaker and activist. I live in the Wilmington area with my wife of 26 years named Sheila and our 6 year old daughter Olivia. I love the ocean. I am 197 pounds and my goal is to lose 27 pounds through diet and exercise. I am taking a break from alcohol and sweets for the next couple of months in order to get things back into balance and perspective.

    I turned 50 in December and I have a 6 year old daughter that needs a healthy dad. I want to dance with her at her wedding and to take surfing lessons with her this summer. She is my biggest motivation.

    Also, my oldest brother died suddenly this past October of a heart attack. The tragedy is that the doctor told him early on that if he lost 75 to 100 pounds the majority of his health issues would have gone away. He did not listen. This was my wake up call. Thanks for letting my join. Feel free to check out my profile. Jeff
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey Jeff! Welcome to the group! You're absolutely right and you're going to be setting a great example for your daughter and some awesome memories! I'm very sorry for your loss. :(
  • AliciaC81
    AliciaC81 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi I'm Alicia, Mike's wife.

    What is motivating you? I want to lose weight and feel better about what I see when I look in the mirror...especially the full length bathroom one..that one can be scary. But I also want to lose weight to have less aches and pains and to have more energy.

    How far have you come? Since Jan 2nd I've lost 11lbs. Some days are easier than others (like right now there is 190 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in our living room waiting to be delivered. 12 boxes belong to us....I want to go eat them all right now LOL

    How far are you going?
    I'd like to lose about 57 more lbs, but we'll see how it goes. I haven't been that weight since before kids, so I'm just taking it day by day.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    Hi I'm Julia and am married to an awesome man for over 12 years and am a sahm of 4 ages 11,7,4,2. I live outside of Jacksonville in the country area I guess u might call it. I gained all of my weight with the kids and just never lost it. i went from 135 to 250 highest. I joined mfp dec 27 2011 because a friend had not expecting much but in Jan. 2012 I really started and weighed 213. I got down to 173 Sept 2011 but am back at 186 now and can't get it to go down. I workout at home since I have 2 kids at home 1 of which is in therapy and doesn't handle changes very well and we can not afford a gym membership. I have been struggling with motivation since I can't get anything to budge but have some new challenges I am in and have started Insanity.
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Congrats on your success, Julia! Even going back up slightly you're still WAY under where you were! Welcome to the group!
  • pinkstay
    Hey all!!!! Im Stayce, I live in Richlands, NC... or as stated above maybe i should say just outside of Camp Lejeune :) Im not from NC originally, I got married this past July, and my husband is a Marine, so here I am... and in the past six months I have fallen in LOVE with this area :)
    What is motivating me is the fact that I have been overweight pretty much my entire life, and I have finally decided I have had enough, and things just clicked into place a few months ago... I want to know that I have a healthy future to look forward to, when we have kids I will be able to play and keep up with them and not have to tell them sorry, mommy cant play with you... and I also want to fell like I look like i belong with a Marine ( silly sounding to some I know) but I dont want people to look at me and think of me as just another "typical" Marine wife
    With each workout I push myself through I find i fell great after, at the end of each day and I look at my food diary and can see the drastic changes in my diet over the past few months its such a great feeling of accomplishment and makes me just want to push further and further :)
    I have a long ways to go, I started around 235 and I would love to get to 140 as an UGW, but short term is 180 since I havent been under 200 in FOREVER lol!!!!
  • MikeC0679
    MikeC0679 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome Stayce! :D