Newbie - Slowly increase cals or jump straight in?

Hi everyone! I'm new to this eat more to weigh less thing although I have been told about it numerous times but I was reluctant to give it a go...

I joined MFP in Sept 2012 and lost 7kg (14lbs) on 1200-1300 cals/day... pre-christmas I decided to increase to 1400 and was still losing weight and everything was fine but then Xmas and a holiday rolled around and everything went out of whack! I gained "holiday weight" (hahah) and decided to go back to 1200 cals but have not seen any progress since!

My weight fluctuates like anything and I can't seem to pinpoint whats going wrong....

I'm going to try EMWL because I feel that it is the right thing to do for my body (and eating habits - I tend to eat alot of fruit but annoyingly its high in cals! lol)

Currently, I'm on 1350 cals and want to increase it but would like some advice on how to do this..... my BMR is 1390; TDEE is 2155 and would like to be in a 20% deficit (so...1700 calorie goal thereabouts)

Should I increase my cals to 1700 straight away, as in, right now? or should I slowly increase by say, 100 cals a week etc...?

My fitness routine is intensive, including intense cardio twice a week (usually P90X) and lifting heavy weights 4 times a week.... I'm sure this has been answered somewhere before but are my 'exercise calories' accounted for in the 1700 calorie goal? I never usually "ate back" my calories even on a 1300 calorie goal anyway but just thought i'd ask.

Thank in advance for the advice! :)


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this eat more to weigh less thing although I have been told about it numerous times but I was reluctant to give it a go...

    I joined MFP in Sept 2012 and lost 7kg (14lbs) on 1200-1300 cals/day... pre-christmas I decided to increase to 1400 and was still losing weight and everything was fine but then Xmas and a holiday rolled around and everything went out of whack! I gained "holiday weight" (hahah) and decided to go back to 1200 cals but have not seen any progress since!

    My weight fluctuates like anything and I can't seem to pinpoint whats going wrong....

    I'm going to try EMWL because I feel that it is the right thing to do for my body (and eating habits - I tend to eat alot of fruit but annoyingly its high in cals! lol)

    Currently, I'm on 1350 cals and want to increase it but would like some advice on how to do this..... my BMR is 1390; TDEE is 2155 and would like to be in a 20% deficit (so...1700 calorie goal thereabouts)

    Should I increase my cals to 1700 straight away, as in, right now? or should I slowly increase by say, 100 cals a week etc...?

    My fitness routine is intensive, including intense cardio twice a week (usually P90X) and lifting heavy weights 4 times a week.... I'm sure this has been answered somewhere before but are my 'exercise calories' accounted for in the 1700 calorie goal? I never usually "ate back" my calories even on a 1300 calorie goal anyway but just thought i'd ask.

    Thank in advance for the advice! :)

    With that much intense activity, I'd actually round up into next level, if that is close to 6 hrs weekly. So 2200. Then take deficit.

    Since were feeding your exercise and likely lost a lot of muscle mass, yes, raise slowly, your metabolism is probably shot.

    1500 for couple weeks, 1700 for couple weeks, 1900 for couple weeks, 2100, then test out that 2200.

    I say couple weeks, but 2 weeks longer than no gain at that level. You likely will gain some since body will finally have some extra energy to do something with.

    I'd take a rest week first and eat at BMR, let your body know you care and it'll get food. Then increase to 1500 and start workout again.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I did it somewhat gradually, but I also took cues from my body. I went about 150 additional per week. I was also concerned about going up, but I was one of those who lost each time I did. Going up gradually probably helps in keeping what you eat more healthful, too.
  • JessXOVanity
    Awesome! thats what I thought as well.... Thanks so much for the help - will start this week on 1500 and gradually increase to 1700 I think....

    Tried eating 1500 last night and it was abit of a struggle (didn't make it unfortunately but close to 1400!) I think it will be an adjustment!
  • JessXOVanity
    Although.... I'm still alittle confused about the "exercise cals" part of this now....

    I burned about 400 cals doing P90X yesterday and my cal goal (minus any exercise) is 1500 - should I also be 'eating back' the extra 400 cals I burned on top of this, so 1900?!?
  • Gapwedge01
    Although.... I'm still alittle confused about the "exercise cals" part of this now....

    I burned about 400 cals doing P90X yesterday and my cal goal (minus any exercise) is 1500 - should I also be 'eating back' the extra 400 cals I burned on top of this, so 1900?!?

    Sounds like what Heybales said above your exercise is included in your activity factor that makes up your TDEE. Remember TDEE = BMR x Activity Factor. So no eating back.
  • JessXOVanity
    Great! I dont think I could eat that much wihtout sneaking in some chocolate hahah

    Thanks again :)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I agree with gradual. One of my best friends has been doing this and is having great success. I did it by jumping cals super fast, and I gained super fast. I'm now trying to slowly move up. So I'd make your way up....slower progress...but worth it if you can still fit into your clothes! :-)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    1500 for couple weeks, 1700 for couple weeks, 1900 for couple weeks, 2100, then test out that 2200.

    Gradual increases, and get rid of the low calorie, no fat foods.. that will help you get those calories in.. And yes as was said above you end goal it sounds like is 2000-2200 so you will be eating that much when your at that level and still lose, but you need to slowly work your way back up there to reduce huge weight gains.
  • JessXOVanity
    Thanks so much for the advice :)

    Have slowly started on 1500 and getting the hang of it, my body isn't freaking out too which is great, feel abit bloated though :S
    But I'm sure it'll pass... Will try this for 2 weeks and jump up to 1600 afterwards then keep going up...

    I'm just happy to be able to eat well and fuel my body so I can lift heavier now!