Who gained and who lost at stage 1?

So I recalculated my calories as per the book, 1488 on non workout days and 1786 on workout days. Finished 4th workout of stage 1 and have gained every day and the scales are now resting 6 pounds heavier this morning!!! Anyone experienced this? Or had a loss?
My weight has plateaued like this since before Christmas and I was hoping lifting would kick start it again. I know that it's a wait and see for the first month and to adjust calories later but heck, it's really frustrating!
Definitely feeling more muscles all over.
Wondering how everyone else did in stage 1.


  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    I am in my second week and I lost 1.6 lbs, probably the same 1.5 lbs that I had gain the week previous to that. I eat 1895 cal/day working out or not. I would tell you to take measurement. I try to stay away from the scale because there is too much fluctuation. I do feel more muscular and my clothes feel better, so that's good enough for me.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I haven't lost any weight with this program. I gained some over Christmas, but have lost that. I just fluctuate over the same three pounds. BUT - my body looks and feels wayyyyy better, I know the program is working, that scale, she's just a *****. I'm in stage 4 btw.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    I haven't lost any weight with this program. I gained some over Christmas, but have lost that. I just fluctuate over the same three pounds. BUT - my body looks and feels wayyyyy better, I know the program is working, that scale, she's just a *****. I'm in stage 4 btw.

    Do you have weight to lose? And if so, do you feel add of the fat has got less as you've built muscle? I still have a lot to lose and don't think I want to maintain for the duration of the programme. I guess I need to be patient, it's still early days for me.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    I haven't lost any weight with this program. I gained some over Christmas, but have lost that. I just fluctuate over the same three pounds. BUT - my body looks and feels wayyyyy better, I know the program is working, that scale, she's just a *****. I'm in stage 4 btw.

    Do you have weight to lose? And if so, do you feel add of the fat has got less as you've built muscle? I still have a lot to lose and don't think I want to maintain for the duration of the programme. I guess I need to be patient, it's still early days for me.
  • curlygirly80
    I had finished stage 1 prior to the holidays and had not lost any weight but I had lost inches. My clothing was very loose on me and my hubby noticed a big difference. However with the holiday, I slacked and stayed the same weight but my body composition went all back to frumpy. I am now back to stage one and have 2 more weeks to go. I already notice my body composition changing, but my weight staying the same. Lifting does make a difference to your body even if it does not effect the scale. If you are going up on the scale perhaps it just water retention. Don't get discouraged. Stick with it and you will see a difference even if it isn't the numbers on the scale.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I am very close to goal weight. I want to lose 5 more lbs but I don't think my body does. It seems like from what I've read on various threads in this group is that people who have more weight to lose, do end up losing weight, as long as you're eating at some sort of deficiet. People who are closer to goal don't lose weight or as much weight, may even gain, but are happier with their bodies in the end. It does take time, i started in October and it's amazing the difference that's occured in that amount of time. I personally think the book calories are a little on the high side, try the scooby or fat to fit calorie counters if you feel like you need a second opinion on calories. Stick with it, it'll be worth it!
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    Yep, I'll do that, have a look at scooby's calculations. And thanks, everyone, for your comments. I'm feeling less panicky and will be patient and stick with it.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I went exactly by the book and lost a lot during the first Stage. But I went from doing almost nothing to lifting and walking. Eat your protein, drink your water, and track every bite you eat. You'll see results. If it doesn't work, reassess.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    I went exactly by the book and lost a lot during the first Stage. But I went from doing almost nothing to lifting and walking. Eat your protein, drink your water, and track every bite you eat. You'll see results. If it doesn't work, reassess.

    Chubbycowgirl, did you use the calories formula in the book and knock 300 calories off a day for weight loss? It's encouraging to know that some people lost on stage 1.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Weight loss is a dance. You have to find the right combination of calories in & out.

    I have not started NROL yet, I want to finish the last 2 weeks of Insanity first. When I eat less than 1900 I hold onto my weight. But when I upped my cals to 2200 I dropped 3 lbs in a week. Plus I don't have much to lose, 15, maybe 20 lbs at the very most and from what I've read in a few different places, if you work hard you need to eat more to lose the weight.

    I use the BB site to figure out my cals. For NROL I put in Chalean Extreme because it's a 3 days a week lifting program:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I went exactly by the book and lost a lot during the first Stage. But I went from doing almost nothing to lifting and walking. Eat your protein, drink your water, and track every bite you eat. You'll see results. If it doesn't work, reassess.

    Chubbycowgirl, did you use the calories formula in the book and knock 300 calories off a day for weight loss? It's encouraging to know that some people lost on stage 1.

    Yes. I ate at the 300 cal deficit. If you're doing a lot of cardio on your non-lifting days, you prob want to eat some or all of those cals back. Good luck!
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm almost done with stage 1-only 3 workouts left. I've lost about 2 pounds in the past 6 weeks, but I've also lost about 2 inches off my waist and thighs. I'll count that as a win. I'm eating at about a 20% deficit everyday, but I don't panic if I go over that as long as I'm under TDEE.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I am the opposite than some people. I found the calories in the book too low! I was starving. That might be why you havent lost any weight.

    I would check out Scooby's calculator. I find that is the most accurate one. I try and eat the same calories everyday. I am still trying to figure out my TDEE. As someone else said it is a dance.

    To answer your question, I am close to goal and did not loose any weight but lowered my Body Fat % and changed my body composition. I completed the entire program.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I am in my second week and I lost 1.6 lbs, probably the same 1.5 lbs that I had gain the week previous to that. I eat 1895 cal/day working out or not. I would tell you to take measurement. I try to stay away from the scale because there is too much fluctuation. I do feel more muscular and my clothes feel better, so that's good enough for me.

    I agree to try and not focus on the scale.

    I still weigh in but I try not to read into the number that comes up. I used scooby to give me one number to go by. So I try and aim for 2000. It isn't too far off the NR book, but one number to hit is better than two. If I am hungry I eat, I just keep a mental note not to go over my estimated TDEE and not net below my BMR. Since I log my exercises and estmated cals burned I do not eat those burned cals, just make sure if my net dips below my BMR I eat something.

    I just listen to my body. 2000 seems to be a nice spot for me.

    I have 2 workouts left in Stage 1 and Since December 17 I have lost 4, and lost 3-4inches from my waist(I couldn't beleive how bloated i was), 1inch off my hips, 0.5inch from thighs and calves. Arms and Bust notta. It looks like my arms will be a slow crawl.

    Good luck. Everyones body is different so your results will be unique to you. Just keep at it! The amount of strength I have gained is amazing and that has really helped keep my mind off of the scale number.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    Thanks so much for all your replies! I'm going to stick with the calories as calculated in the book for another two weeks, after that I'll re-assess.

    I see that everyone's experience is very different so the trick is to persevere and not panic about the calorie allowance!
  • godslilgerl
    godslilgerl Posts: 64 Member
    I just finished stage 1 week 4 and although i have lost a pound i swear my bra and my pants feel tighter! I eat 2100 cal per day according to the book and i have quite a bit of weight to lose so its by no means just muscle gains...muscle is smaller that fat so since i haven't gained shouldn't my pants fit better? getting frustrated...how long will i retain this water? i mean its been 4 weeks!!!
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I've been losing through stage one (I'm only 9 workouts in, doing three a week) but I haven't been following their diet plan, and I do extra exercise (I commute to work via bike, and I've taken a couple of cardio kickboxing classes). Plus I've got a lot of fat on my body to lose :p
  • AnnaMolly17
    AnnaMolly17 Posts: 91 Member
    Perhaps your body is retaining water; the author mentioned that happens sometimes, especially when you just begin the program
  • heyjay31
    heyjay31 Posts: 79 Member
    I am still early in, Im eating healthy...lots of protein and ra w veggies. Trying to up my calories but still eat healthy. I'm losing but I am doing cardio on nonlifting days. But as someone mentioned take measurements. I have lost 13 inches between my bust, waist, hips, thighs, and arms. I've only lost 7 lbs but only two of those are from this program but all the inches are!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I've just started stage 2 and have gained 6lbs. I was almost underweight starting, but not sure what to blam this gain on. I don't mind putting on weight if it is muscle, but this is a lot of weight for a short time frame. I have been eating at or around maintenance so not sure why I'm gaining? My weight is currently 119lbs, I'm 5'5" and I'm eating around 1900 cals per day. Scooby calculates my cals at 2400 per day but that is a lot more than I'm happy to eat, especially with the gaining as it is. Anyone else struggling? I'd be less concerned but I have just redone my measurements and they are up too :-(