Flares and joint aches

I'm a new member to this group and thought i'd pop over say Hi and ask a question.

I've had UC for almost 10 years now.....lots of flares since having kids. My bleeding is under control but not the diarrhoea or aching joints.

I've had prednisone in the past a few times.....but I usually try not to touch that stuff unless I'm bed ridden with symptoms.

So.....Does anyone suffer with joint aches when flaring?

What do you do about it? Gentle exercise/stretches or warm baths or something completely different?

thanks for your help :)


  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Tylenol works for me. Sorry you are feeling bad.
  • My knees usually ache pretty bad when I have a flare up. Really tylenol is the only thing I can take and it helps to dull the pain. The aches were worse when I was on the steroids and ever since it happens more often. Especially when it is cold outside. If you can try not to take the prednisone because it is one of the leading causes of the joint aches.
    I hope you get to feeling better!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I take tylenol too; sometimes even that aggravates the colon. I am so glad to see this group and surprised how many have already joined. This condition is not one spoken of too publicly so it's good to see some support here.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I came to this topic because I have awful joint aches right now. This morning, I could barely move one of my toes! It seems to mostly settle in my hands, hips, knees and feet. Blughhh. I'm on Salofalk right now, so I was advised not to take other painkillers. Brutal!!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    That thought has crossed my mind too since this condition puts such huge limits on what we can digest. Have your tried any of the rub on medications like Aspercreme?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have joint aches whether I'm flaring or not.
  • brassballa
    brassballa Posts: 81 Member
    Exercise seems to help and I stretch very well and to Epsom salt soak ...if there is no relief then it's ib profen
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Ibuprofen makes the bleeding and diarrhea so much worse for me!
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    how does Epsom salt aid in joint pain???
  • Skippyherron
    Skippyherron Posts: 6 Member
    That thought has crossed my mind too since this condition puts such huge limits on what we can digest. Have your tried any of the rub on medications like Aspercreme?
    No i've never thought of that - thanks texalgal22
  • Skippyherron
    Skippyherron Posts: 6 Member
    Ibuprofen makes the bleeding and diarrhea so much worse for me!

    My gastro advised me to stay away from ibuprofen.....it can trigger a flare apparently in some people!