January Check-In



  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    On week four now, doing great.

    Squat 95#
    Bench 75#
    OHP 60#
    Row 95#
    Deadlift 135#

    I had to back off on OHP and squat weight to improve form, using Ripptoe videos. I'm feeling stronger and noticing some clothes getting looser and my legs and shoulders getting a bit more defined. Hopefully the belly starts losing the layer of fat I've built up. My goal for this year is to squat my weight...something I never could have thought possible before. I've always been healthy but never strong or muscular.

    My wife and I are training partners and she is doing awesome! She's 62 and squating 95 with me, but her upper body is more challenging, especialy OHP and bench.

    I'd love to hear frome more folks who started out as beginning weight lifters like us and how you are doing adding the weight and avoiding injuries.

    To avoid injuries, make sure you are using proper form! If you're slacking on form, deload and work your way back up! If I stall on an exercise, I deload the next time I do that workout (instead of the suggested try 3 times before deloading) this helps keep me from getting super frustrated with myself, AND it makes me stronger because the next time I get back to that weight, it isn't as hard as the first time! :)

    That's awesome you and your wife workout together! :) Keep it up! Both of you!
  • donkraft
    donkraft Posts: 28 Member
    Keep this thread going. Second week down already. I got all my training sessions in this week. Resting over the weekend. Monday back at it. Feeling strong. Still deloaded from my PRs but taking short rests.

    How'd the 3rd week go?! It's okay to deload! It helps you to get more strong! At least it has for me! I've deloaded on a few things throughout my 8 weeks and the 2nd time I reached the # I stalled at - it felt easier! :D

    Preaching to the choir. I deload a lot even when not failing. Every 6 weeks or so your body needs a break.

    Third week great. Hitting it with intensity. I'm only resting 90 sec between sets. It's tough but makes the work out shorter and more intense. I like to soak in sweat. As I get close to PR's ill rest more. It's getting a bit ridiculous.

    My goal this week is to keep the intensity high and as usual get all three sessions in. One down two to go. I'll finally be putting two big plates back on for squats. Exciting but painful.

    I hope everyone is staying motivated. It's a boring program but it works. Small victories, big picture. Get strong. Live well.
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm 12 weeks in, although I've taken about 3 weeks off due to vacation, illness and a neck injury so I've de-loaded three times upon returning to the routine.

    Squat: 180
    OP: 90 (can't seem to break through- 5-4-5-3-4 best so far...)
    Bench: 130 (I think i could be higher here, but no spotter so I hold back a little)
    Row: 135
    Deadlift: 230

    I just started mixing in some HIIT cardio on rest days to jumpstart fat loss again. Started at 24.9% BF, currently 19% BF, goal is 15% BF. I think I'm also going to start Intermittent Fasting to change things up a little too.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    So yesterday I completed session 10, so 3 weeks complete.

    Squat: 42.5kg (95lb)
    BP: 35 (80)
    BR: 40 (90)
    OHP: 27.5 (55)
    Dead: 60 (135)

    OHP is a bit low after stalling last week, but have done ok with it since. Feel like I might have stalls coming up on a few of the others though. Squat feels fine, mind you :)
  • donkraft
    donkraft Posts: 28 Member
    On schedule to PR on squats this week.

    Good work everyone.
  • Saunz5
    Saunz5 Posts: 165 Member
    Awesome work everyone! :)

    I am stopping the SL program for now. I completed 9 weeks this round and my final weights were:
    Squats: 170#
    Bench Press: 90#
    Barbell Rows: 95#
    OHP: 80#
    DL: 165#
    That was the weight completed the last time I did each of those exercises...Would have moved up on all of them the next workout.
    I've entered the transformation challenge on bodybuilding.com and so I start a new routine tomorrow for muscle building!
    I think this will be good for me. I am in need of a break from strong lifts...I had done 10 weeks of it before I was sick, took a couple weeks off and started again to complete the 9 weeks I just finished. Thanks for sticking with me guys and keep up the good work! :o) You all ROCK!

    ~Sonja :o)