


  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Any of you are free to add me too, if you like. I did C25K last year but had a break due to illness. Have restarted and currently on Week 3.

    My top tips (learnt along the way last year):

    1. Shin splints: When you finish your run walk barefoot up and down your living room for 30 second intervals - first on your heels then on the balls of your feet. It gives instant relief and is a gentle stretch (overstretching can just make shin splints worse).

    2. Ice packs: If your legs are really sore then ice packs (or a bag of frozen peas) brings instant relief and helps bring down swelling and prevent injury.

    3. Good running shoes are a must. For your first pair get them fitted properly, then just buy the same shoe but last year's version in future from a discount website/store. I also went to a physio and podiatrist (who I had seen before) for a check as I really overpronate and have to wear orthotics all the time. Not necessary for everyone but worth considering if you have foot or joint problems.

    4. Go slooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww. Next time you see runners in the park, take a closer look. Very few stride out like Usain Bolt - most go as a much slower pace. Your feet should remain under you, not in front (this will help prevent shin splints too). Also try to land in the middle of your foot, not your heel - your foot moves in a way that gives shock absorbtion (how it's supposed to be used). Landing on your heels will just send a greater force up your body.

    5. Don't bob up and down - it wastes energy and does nothing to propel you forward.

    6. Check out this great video on running form (should probably be at number one - its really helpful): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx6x2cD6Y8Q

    7. Don't worry what other people think of you - I've not had a negative comment yet and usually just get smiles and nods, especially off other runners. I did get weird looks out running in the snow this week but the buzz I get off running makes me care far less what others think (and they're probably feeling a bit guilty that they're not getting out and doing it too).

    8. Don't be afraid to buy a pair of running tights. Seriously! They suck you in at all the right points and are much comfier to run in (just wear a baggy T-shirt over the top if you are worried about wobbly bits). And if possible try them on in a shop. I've had to go up two sizes from my usual size as they are pretty tight.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow! Feel free to add me so maybe we can support each other throughout the process? Nobody else that I know is interested in running so it would be awesome to know someone else that is doing the same thing I am! :glasses:
  • coldspringheadmomma
    Any of you are free to add me too, if you like. I did C25K last year but had a break due to illness. Have restarted and currently on Week 3.

    My top tips (learnt along the way last year):


    Great tips - that video is good. Must get used to bending at the ankle...... Thanks!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Any of you are free to add me too, if you like. I did C25K last year but had a break due to illness. Have restarted and currently on Week 3.

    My top tips (learnt along the way last year):


    Great tips - that video is good. Must get used to bending at the ankle...... Thanks!

    It really is. I love the way it basically explains you should lean forward and let your body propel itself forwards. I do my best runs when I just feel like my feet are moving freely under me without too much thought.
  • Jsilva814
    Jsilva814 Posts: 35 Member
    I was also going to suggest getting fitted for proper footware. It changes everything! I had knee pain and shin splints until I switched shoes.

    And the investment is additional motivation! :wink:
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member

    All went well this morning,

    I woke up earlier than I should and that is a bonus, as it has taken my three months to make it out of bed early at all.

    I had different pants on today so I didnt have to hold them and keep them up.

    I went about .5kms more than D1.

    Feeling good and looking forward to my D3......



    It was a lot harder to get out of bed this morning. I did it and off I went. Much more organized on the third day. Music was set. MFP was set and off I went. I went a little further this time as well. 3.6km I’m really trying to work more on getting to the finish line than worry about how far I get.

    Well 2 day break from it but I’ll still walk like I normally do. It’s a public holiday here on Monday so that will make it that much harder to get it done. I wonder if I can do W2D1 tomorrow morning than have sun and Monday off? But then it will spoil my mon wed fri routine I love so much. Just have to be strong about and just do it.

    I am most looking forward to seeing how week 2 goes.

    Happy long weekend all :tongue:
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Do whatever routine works for you - but do make sure you get rest days if you have any aches or pains. If M-W-F doesn't work some weeks for you then shuffle it around - you're far more likely to actually stick to it and get your runs in then. Some days I just want to run, even if I have run the day before. If my legs feel fine then I get out and do it.

    Have a lovely weekend!
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    Do whatever routine works for you - but do make sure you get rest days if you have any aches or pains. If M-W-F doesn't work some weeks for you then shuffle it around - you're far more likely to actually stick to it and get your runs in then. Some days I just want to run, even if I have run the day before. If my legs feel fine then I get out and do it.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Thank you!
  • Aletea
    Aletea Posts: 8
    I've just finished the first week. I'm considering redoing it tbh. Good luck!
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member

    All went well this morning,

    I woke up earlier than I should and that is a bonus, as it has taken my three months to make it out of bed early at all.

    I had different pants on today so I didnt have to hold them and keep them up.

    I went about .5kms more than D1.

    Feeling good and looking forward to my D3......



    It was a lot harder to get out of bed this morning. I did it and off I went. Much more organized on the third day. Music was set. MFP was set and off I went. I went a little further this time as well. 3.6km I’m really trying to work more on getting to the finish line than worry about how far I get.

    Well 2 day break from it but I’ll still walk like I normally do. It’s a public holiday here on Monday so that will make it that much harder to get it done. I wonder if I can do W2D1 tomorrow morning than have sun and Monday off? But then it will spoil my mon wed fri routine I love so much. Just have to be strong about and just do it.

    I am most looking forward to seeing how week 2 goes.

    Happy long weekend all :tongue:

    Wow public holiday raining and windy and I still managed to get out of bed and go for my jog/walk.
    I really believe this time I have something different going on inside my head. The scales are now a once in a three month thing.
    I got to the stage of getting on them every day and was just playing mind games with me.
    I'm feeling much better and when I look in the mirror it is so much easy to smile when I don't have numbers in my head telling me how bad I am.
    Today's walk/jog was not easy but it is done and I'm looking forward to the next one. It's so nice to feel good for a change and it has nothing to do with scales.
    No longer will they rule my life. So I'll be back on Wednesday to write how it went...
  • Aletea
    Aletea Posts: 8
    I'm W2D1 tonight - pretty worried about it tbh but we'll see! It helps knowing other people have survived!
  • writer_chick
    writer_chick Posts: 27 Member
    I just did W1D1 today! It kicked my *kitten*, really, really bad. I mean, I was in PAIN. I pushed through it, but I'm definitely going to repeat this day again tomorrow. I had NO idea I was this unhealthy, and I feel like I've really let myself down. Does it get easier as you go? I mean, for people who are on other weeks, do you feel like you can breathe easier when you're running now as opposed to when you first started? I hope so. I hate that breathless, I'm-going-to-die feeling. o.O But I'm determined to keep doing this!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I just did W1D1 today! It kicked my *kitten*, really, really bad. I mean, I was in PAIN. I pushed through it, but I'm definitely going to repeat this day again tomorrow. I had NO idea I was this unhealthy, and I feel like I've really let myself down. Does it get easier as you go? I mean, for people who are on other weeks, do you feel like you can breathe easier when you're running now as opposed to when you first started? I hope so. I hate that breathless, I'm-going-to-die feeling. o.O But I'm determined to keep doing this!

    Welcome on board!

    1. It does get easier - I promise you. There's a good reason why you repeat the same day up to three times, so you can get fitter.

    2. When you run make sure you are really getting the air right into your lungs. Your stomach, rather than chest should move in and out as you breathe deeply while running. Practice this whenever you can - watching TV, sitting at your desk, during your warm up walk. It makes getting oxygen into your lungs much easier. It sometimes also helps to time your breathing in and out to your steps (for example, breathe in for three steps of your left foot and out for another three - whatever timing works for you).

    3. If you are in pain - please do take care. Some aches are inevitable as your body adapts but at no point should there be major pain. Make sure you get good warm-up walk beforehand, get good running shoes, take short steps when running to reduce strain and shin splints (this video is really good: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx6x2cD6Y8Q).

    4. When you first start it's really important to have rest days rather than doing it two days in a row. Your body needs time to adapt and recover so please be careful not to overdo it.

    Come and join our group too! Lots of friendly people and good advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/30-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k

    And congratulations - you are now a runner!
  • coldspringheadmomma
    I've just finished the first week. I'm considering redoing it tbh. Good luck!
    I'm with you. I finished W1 D3 on Saturday, but my shin splints were so bad I feel like I want to do at least one more of them to see if I can speed up. I felt like I was jogging so slow due to the shins. :( Still happy with myself though!
  • writer_chick
    writer_chick Posts: 27 Member

    Welcome on board!

    1. It does get easier - I promise you. There's a good reason why you repeat the same day up to three times, so you can get fitter.

    2. When you run make sure you are really getting the air right into your lungs. Your stomach, rather than chest should move in and out as you breathe deeply while running. Practice this whenever you can - watching TV, sitting at your desk, during your warm up walk. It makes getting oxygen into your lungs much easier. It sometimes also helps to time your breathing in and out to your steps (for example, breathe in for three steps of your left foot and out for another three - whatever timing works for you).

    3. If you are in pain - please do take care. Some aches are inevitable as your body adapts but at no point should there be major pain. Make sure you get good warm-up walk beforehand, get good running shoes, take short steps when running to reduce strain and shin splints (this video is really good: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx6x2cD6Y8Q).

    4. When you first start it's really important to have rest days rather than doing it two days in a row. Your body needs time to adapt and recover so please be careful not to overdo it.

    Come and join our group too! Lots of friendly people and good advice: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/30-couch-to-5k-running-program-c25k

    And congratulations - you are now a runner!

    Thank you so much! That video helps. I just joined the group!! Eek. :) I'm excited, but also a wee bit intimidated.
  • alegna1975
    alegna1975 Posts: 16 Member
    I just started this as well! I am fundraising for March For Babies and I have made the promise that if I reach my goal of $200 before the walk on April 20th, I will run the 3 miles. I also said that if my team reached $1000 I would shave my head bald but THAT is for another thread LOL!

    Anyway first day went bad. I have been regularly going to the gym since last October, every other day. So I know I have improved in some areas but not so much with the cardio. I am probably going to re-do day one since I feel I did so badly. But I am sticking with it so I don't kill myself running in April!

    If anyone wants to add me, please feel free.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Absolutely normal to be a bit scared. How many times do we see people running down the street looking all fit and totally at ease with running? Well, we can all get there but it just takes a bit of commitment (and support!).

    Little and often definitely is the way to go with running - do your 30 minutes three times a week and trust C25K. If you struggle with any of it just repeat days and weeks as necessary. I don't know about you'd but I think 30 mins three times a week beats hours of struggling away at the gym for minimal results!

    Oh, and remember to go slow! Short steps, don't bob your body up and down. Sometimes it's barely beyond a shuffle, but it's running nonetheless.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I just started this as well! I am fundraising for March For Babies and I have made the promise that if I reach my goal of $200 before the walk on April 20th, I will run the 3 miles. I also said that if my team reached $1000 I would shave my head bald but THAT is for another thread LOL!

    Anyway first day went bad. I have been regularly going to the gym since last October, every other day. So I know I have improved in some areas but not so much with the cardio. I am probably going to re-do day one since I feel I did so badly. But I am sticking with it so I don't kill myself running in April!

    If anyone wants to add me, please feel free.

    I took up running as I hate team sports and love the fact that (unless you enter races) you are not competing with anyone but yourself. Redo as many days as you need to and it will come. And when you are able to run for that extra 30 seconds etc you will know that you have really earned it. Keeping a diary of your runs really helps as you will be able to look back in a few weeks and see how you have improved.
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    so glad I found this post and this group.... this feels super supportive which is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not a runner, have never been and am going to start this today! I think the insights everyone is sharing is fantastic... thank you!

    So are we coming back to this thread or checking in with each other anywhere?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I took up running as I hate team sports and love the fact that (unless you enter races) you are not competing with anyone but yourself.

    Even if you enter races, you're not really competing with anybody but yourself :)