Just did powercleans to a squat then to an over head press



  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    It was my first time doing them. Since then, my technique has gotten a bit better so my core isn't nearly as taxed as the first time. But good call on the stretching
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    I hardly ever do cleans any more. I used to lift competitively though. When I did I wore specialized shoes that had a bit of a heel to them. The reason was to compensate/prevent your heels from coming off the ground. A drill you can do to improve your form is to start with just a barbell. Begin the lift in a position where your shoulders are already shrugged and you are on your toes. From that position practice dropping under the bar and catching it on your shoulders while you are squatting underneath it.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Are you using bumper plates?
    If you are, who cares about the noise.

    If you're not, you probably shouldn't go too close to the limit cleaning or snatching, because it's not fair to abuse the equipment if you miss.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    The plates aren't exposed metal. But rubber.
  • stphnstevey
    I've been doing something similiar, what ever the term is. Bar from floor to chest to overhead.

    Been finding it difficult to progress though - can deadlift and overhead press, but the lift to chest is what I have been failing at when adding more weight. Got to 60kg now, but constant failing to lift to chest and therefore being able to progress has really put me off.

    Maybe going to try same exercise with dumbells
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Your technique is most likely what is causing you not to progress. Here is a pretty good video to demonstrate the technique. The key things he said are to turn your elbows out so you are thrusting from the quads and hamstrings and to keep your elbows up in the top position. One thing that wasn't mentioned is that you shouldn't be swinging the bar outward as you go from around the waist to trying to catch it at the top. The bar should follow a straight line from the floor to your shoulders. The key is to move your body so that you can catch the bar. Not to move the bar so that you can position it to land where you want it on your shoulders.
