another calorie question

rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
I am confusing myself - doesn't take a lot to do!!!!

I am going by the book, one amount for non workout day, a different amount for workout day.
I am only in week 2 and haven't taken new measurements, so I am not freaking out about weight gained or anything like that.
I just want to make sure I'm doing this correct.

I have my MFP daily goal set to book calories for non workout day - 1556 calories
On NROL4W days I add the calories for my workout to make up the calorie total for a workout day - 1926
I am going by my food total not my net total.

But then I start reading posts about calories. It looks like people who want to lose weight are eating TDEE - 20%, the same amount for workout and non workout days, and not eating back exercise calories. My TDEE -20% is 1725 daily.

Which one is correct?

Do I will stick at what I am doing for 1 month and see what results I get?

My question is what are you doing???


  • curlygirly80
    It's like you were sitting in my head and saying everything I have been thinking! The more I read the posts the more I get confused. Can't wait to hear an answer for this one! Hopefully someone will give us some insight on this topic.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I've been dealing with this question for about a year - lol. I think you can do it several ways. I think the key is to find a way and stick to it. If you do it the TDEE -20% then you wouldn't eat back exercise calories because you would already have figured those in. And you would eat the same amount everyday because you have figured in your daily exercise for that calorie target. If you follow the New Rules way it give you two different amounts - one you eat for non-workout days and one you eat for workout days. What do you think would be easier for you to follow?

    I haven't seen any weight drop for a year so I may not be the best one to give advice - lol. I've just done a lot reading and research on this. If you are trying to eat back your exercise calories by wearing an HRM while lifting - you are not going to get an accurate burn because lifting doesn't get an accurate read on the HRM.

    What I have decided to do is - I went to a different site and figured out my TDEE and I cut from that. I am going to try to eat that amount every day and not eat back any exercise calories UNLESS I do a big burn such as running or an Insanity class that burns around 500 calories. I have already figured in my calories for lifting so I don't need to eat those back. Its more than I'm used to eating but I'm thinking that may be the problem - I'm not eating enough. Also its important to eat this amount and keeping your macros where they should be. Meaning that I'm not going to be eating that amount of calories in carbs - I'm going to balance my carbs/protein/fat to the recommended suggestions from New Rules which I think is 40/30/30 if I remember correctly.
  • kr381806
    kr381806 Posts: 55 Member
    This stresses me out as well! I went back and forth when I first started reading/looking into it. I used the calculator that aligned with the book (basically, the formulas from the book--but it did all the math for me). I'm eating 1,600 non-lifting days and 1,900 lifting days. That's the "fat loss" modification that the calulator provided (I think that was TDEE--20%).

    I'm going to stick with it for a month or so and see. Sometimes it still freaks me out, because it's a LOT more than I used to eat by going in accordance to MFP. But, I have to remind myself that my body needs more food and especially protein to get the muscles! :smile:
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    Typically I eat the same way you do Rachietuk. I have been playing with the idea of switching to the TDEE-20% lately myself. that is, as has been mentioned, a static calorie count UNLESS you burn enough to take you below your BMR then you need to eat back to make up the difference. I don't know...

    lately, after calculating a couple of different places, I have made sure to hit my average calorie count while NOT leaving any extra. I sometimes get hung up on leaving extra cals so I am actually eating right at, or a little below, my BMR when I am leaving anything extra. I like to see the extra there(it is all psychological) but I worry I am doing myself a disservice in the long run so my focus as of late is making sure I eat every last calorie as close as I can and trying to make sure to get fresh fruits and veggies in there too. and protein.

    I suggest stick with what you are doing for at least a month-6 weeks to see what happens. if nothing changes, measurements AND/OR weight then consider doing something different.
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    The calculations in the book are -

    Your weight in pounds divided by 2.2 to get the kg
    (215/2.2=97.7) Rounded up to 98

    795+ (7.18 x 98) = 1498 (resting metabolic rate)

    Then find your BMI using the table on page 64
    Mine is 33

    Then use the chart on page 65. Since my BMI is over 25 I'm using the right hand column
    On a non workout day 1.2 (as I'm also over 35)
    On a workout day 1.4

    So to get your calorie allowance =

    RMR x 1.2
    1498 x 1.2 = 1798 (non workout days)

    RMR x 1.4
    1498 x 1.4 = 2097 (workout days)

    To lose weight, cut 300 calories off each day

    Hope I haven't made it too confusing.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you.
    I used the book calculations and thats what I have in MFP.

    I like that I eat more on lifting days than non workout days, I love food!!!!

    I am going to weigh in and measure at the end of week 4 and see whats happened. Fingers crossed something has changed.
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    Do any of you have a fitbit link to MFP? Have you had to turn off the negative adjustment?

    I had to turn off it off because it was taking away too many calories. I guess its because it can't calculate weight lifting and it thinks I am not as active as I am?
  • jojo1410
    jojo1410 Posts: 151
    Do any of you have a fitbit link to MFP? Have you had to turn off the negative adjustment?

    I had to turn off it off because it was taking away too many calories. I guess its because it can't calculate weight lifting and it thinks I am not as active as I am?

    Sounds like a problem, cbart. I guess I'm lucky that I don't have one, lol, because it must be really frustrating!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I've calculated calories from the fit to fat website, scooby and the book. The all come out very close, with the book being the highest. I aim to eat around 1900 calories on non-lifting days and 2150 on lifting days. I also am very close to goal, I want to lose 5 more pounds, but I don't think my body does. I used a 10% cut on those websites, not 20% since I don't have much to lose.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    ^^^^ hahaha I said fit to fat, other way around, fat to fit!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I want to eat the same amount each day, workout or rest days. So I do TDEE - 20%. It's easier for me because I am a creature of habit, I can eat the same things day in & out because they fit my macros so well. The only thing I really change are my post workout drinks and dinners. Snacks and breakfast usually never change and lunches can vary based on dinner left overs.

    I also plan out what I am going to eat the night before so I don't have any surprises at the end of the day.
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    I do TDEE -20% every day as well. I like the consistancy and I don't have to have a new plan for each day, depending on what I'm doing that day. I've done the eat less on non-workout days and more on workout days, but for me it's too easy to go overboard with the 'reward' of extra calories when I workout. If I know I have a special event where I'll eat or drink more, I will add an extra workout that week to compensate though.

    Just what is working for me, right now.
  • tara0825
    tara0825 Posts: 5 Member
    So what activity level does NROL4W count as on Scooby's website? Light, moderate or strenuous? I have a desk job and do NROL4W 3 days a week.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I've calculated calories from the fit to fat website, scooby and the book. The all come out very close, with the book being the highest. I aim to eat around 1900 calories on non-lifting days and 2150 on lifting days. I also am very close to goal, I want to lose 5 more pounds, but I don't think my body does. I used a 10% cut on those websites, not 20% since I don't have much to lose.

    I need to look at the book again. I thought it was much lower than scooby. I thought the book figures out your tdee and then you need to cut to loose weight. That is why the book always looked too low to me.