Hard time meeting 1200 calories

Has anyone else had a hard time getting in 1200 calories during the Introduction part of Atkins? I'm not necessarily doing introduction completely how I should. I've up my net carbs to 30 instead of the 20-25 but I am having troubles hitting 1200 calories. I try not to consume too much meat, maybe a couple times out of the week. Could this be the problem? Any suggestions? My calories range in the 900's.


  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Not sure about what you eat, but for Atkins - a good amount of cream and cheese will / should increase your calorie intake.
    This article might help as well it relates to fat:

  • dovek11
    dovek11 Posts: 94 Member
    I, too, have a hard time hitting 1200 calories daily. My stomach just does NOT want that much bulk in it. I find upping my fat intake and eating pure nut butters (no additives) help me hit the calorie range without feeling stuffed and miserable.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    1200 is a made up number, I eat until satisfied like the good Doctor prescribed.
  • Yes, Im in induction also, a little over my fist week and I notice its hard for me to get up to the 1200 range and fall below. I try to add something else in there to bring it up, mix it in my food, Olive oil or mayo to bring to calories up. But I know we are not suppose to count calories on here, so I guess its not a big deal?
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    Coconut oil and olive oil will help you get there. Add more fats.
  • Unless you're trying to keep your protein down, you should be eating meat more than a few times a week. Atkins is Low carb, high fat, moderate protein. You should eat lots of fatty meats, or lean meats supplemented with healthy fats like butter, coconut oil etc.

    I find Macadamia nuts, or macadamia nut butter is a great way to increase fat.

    You're not alone, though, a lot of people find they have trouble getting their calories up to an appropriate level when they start low-carbing, because they're just not hungry. It means you've got the low-carb end of the equation right -- now you just need to get the moderate protein and high fat parts right.

    Edit: I like to have an avocado now and again. I mush mine up and mix it with a tablespoon of full fat greek yogurt. Lots of good healthy fat in there.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    I'm having the same problem so thank you for posting this topic! :) Reading all the replies now. :) Hmmm...I will try adding nut butters to my diet more to increase caloric consumption. thanks!
  • Are you just not hungry? About what day did you notice your lack of appetite?
  • Hi there! Just curious...are you just not feeling hungry because of Induction?
  • LaJaunaF
    LaJaunaF Posts: 112 Member
    It is not the lack of calories that you should worry about, it is the lack of fuel for your body to function well! You need protein and fats for you brain to work properly! Since you are eating low carbs (your old fuel source) you need fats and protein to create fuel for your body to move and your brain to not be in a fog. When I hear people say, "I tried low carb and I felt like crap and I was in a fog all the time!" I know that they are still in the low fat mindset! EAT YOUR FATS!