Weekly chat 1/20 to 1/26



  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    This just in. Relief is in sight!

    Two blessings in the mail today. Roger got an updated unemployment claim letter. They have updated his work information, and is now being able to receive some unemployment. The kicker though is the "year" runs from October 2011 - September 2012. The work he did from Oct - Dec 2011 is much much less than the work he did from Oct - Dec 2012... so we will be applying for an adjustment. But we are getting something... so that is good!

    Blessing #2: I got my statement for PGE today. We are on "equal pay" so I can budget the same amount all year long. This was the first statement for the "new year" on my plan... our monthly bill went DOWN $32 a month! Yea!!!!

    Praise Jesus! Now if we can just get the unemployment amount fixed we will be in much better shape until Roger can get a new job with his brand new education that he will be finishing in 5 weeks time! I'm thrilled.

    Edit to add: 1 hr and 45 mnutes until I can do my Jazzercise class. I'm going to rock it tonight.
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    so happy to see your hubbies unemployment turned out well. I know how the unemployment scence is. I have been since November of last yr and its impossible to find anything it seems.. Thank God my hubbie felt bad for leaving me last yr he has been helping well paying everything i just need to get away from that so we will see. I was also supposed to start school so much tho... and we done are taxes together each yr so with his income no way of any help.

    On a happier note i bough a food dehydrator for my yummi kale chips and it makes ALL the differnce.. cant wait to make squash chips as well:) YUUMI!.. sastifys the chip craving!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Yeah, we are no stranger to unemployment. In the last 5 years or so, my husband has been employeed less than 2 years all together... and it is probably more like 18 months or so. I hate it. A lot.

    He is finally getting his degree in just over a month (to prove he knows what he already knew). So, hopefully that change on his resume will make all the difference. :)

    I'm glad your ex is helping out! A job would be better though wouldn't it. :smile:

    Hmmmm... Kale chips sound good. Don't have space for a dehydrator though. Bummer.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! I saw Losingmybehind mention about sleep being elusive on her page. I have had that problem the last few days. Does anyone have any ideas?

    I am officially up 1 pound exactly from last Friday. I lost 3/4 off my waist and 1/2 off my hips so take that silly scale!!!! I'm 10 days from tom so I dont expect scale cooperation until after it starts. I have been super hungry the last few days and practically having to hog tie myself not to over eat. Last night I was so hungry before bed i ate a spoon of peanut butter to take the edge off. I know this is monthly female hormones raging so i am not giving in. Since I am only doing strengthening type exercises i know I am not burning tons of cals like if I was running miles. I know staying the course will pay off int the next 10-12 days once my hormones behave.

    Babeinthemoon~ glad you got good news! I think the way you look at cals is very sane!

    Munecagirl~ How do you dehydrate the kale chips?

    UnoDrea~ welcome to the group! Wow your stats are amazing!
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone!!!! I saw Losingmybehind mention about sleep being elusive on her page. I have had that problem the last few days. Does anyone have any ideas?

    I am officially up 1 pound exactly from last Friday. I lost 3/4 off my waist and 1/2 off my hips so take that silly scale!!!! I'm 10 days from tom so I dont expect scale cooperation until after it starts. I have been super hungry the last few days and practically having to hog tie myself not to over eat. Last night I was so hungry before bed i ate a spoon of peanut butter to take the edge off. I know this is monthly female hormones raging so i am not giving in. Since I am only doing strengthening type exercises i know I am not burning tons of cals like if I was running miles. I know staying the course will pay off int the next 10-12 days once my hormones behave.

    Babeinthemoon~ glad you got good news! I think the way you look at cals is very sane!

    Munecagirl~ How do you dehydrate the kale chips?

    UnoDrea~ welcome to the group! Wow your stats are amazing!

    The sleep issue happens for me in the middle of the night....don't have any trouble getting to sleep. I suspect either my blood sugar is dropping too low and/or cortisol is shooting up. Have been told eating fiber before bed helps this problem, so searching for CTL ways to get that in. All in all, no diet will work long term if sleep is too low. Welcome to any ideas you guys have.
  • jbdowns35
    jbdowns35 Posts: 352
    Hi everyone!! Had a few minutes to catch up on the weekly chats & see how everyone has been doing - as some of you know I've been busy at work & haven't had much time for MFP. But, I'm doing good - today is my day off & I'm catching up around the house & just got a JM dvd workout in. It's snowing like crazy & I'm planning an afternoon snowy hike in the woods to burn some more calories. I have to make up for wednesday - I didn't work out & treated myself to a bowl of ice cream (stress). But other than that I've stayed on track.

    Welcome to all the new comers!!! Hope you enjoy CTL as much as the rest of us. I must say this is turning into quite a nice group of people, love the support & encouragement here!! Anyone I haven't friended yet, please feel free to send me a request. I'm usually alot more active here, but have had some work obligations the last few days. All will go back to normal soon.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    UnoDrea~ welcome to the group! Wow your stats are amazing!

    Thank you!!! I look forward to losing about 50+!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I gotta hop in the shower and get ready for my conference this afternoon/evening.. but I though I'd leave you with this sillyness I posted on my blog today:

  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Isn't it nice when working out becomes a habit -- and one that you really love? :smile:

    Successful LC day for me today! Yay! I had plenty of food prepped and was very busy too -- all of that helped. The food prep really helped this week.

    Hope everyone is prepped for the weekend and has a good one, too!

  • 311Sarah
    Wow! I don't log into my computer for a few days and this Weekly Chat already has 90 posts!
    I am really struggling with getting my gallon of water in this week. I usually drink 3/4 of a gallon but I can't seem to drink anymore. Anyone have any tips?
    @munecagirl22 Kale chips sound amazing! How long do they take in the food dehydrator? I always burn them when I try to make them in the oven.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Good morning! it finally is a good one because I stayed asleep! Losingmybehind I think it may be BG dipping like you mentioned. i am going to put my monitor by the bed I wonder if a glass of psyllium before bed would work?. I have also been really hungry after eating the last few days. I gave in last night and had a handful of peanuts before bed and I slept steady. I'm glad today ifs Funday because pms is kicking my butt! My scale dropped .2 which shocked me! Any thing but a gain from ovulation on is miracle for me! I will take a .2 loss for the week gladly!

    My mom bday is Wed. We will be taking her out and I will be making her a cake. I will however be sticking to my plan. I think every big event should fall on a Saturday btw :)

    Sarah~ I have a hard time 2 days a week getting the water also. No time to be in the potty 24/7 those days! I hope someone has some ideas for you!

    Christine that is awesome when it becomes a habit!

    Great blog Babeinthemoon!

    UnoDrea~ how did you lose the 88 if i can be nosy?

    JB Hope you enjoyed your day off? How are you feeling after falling on the ice? I hope you didn't wake up sore! .

    Monica I hope your trip is going well!!!!

    Sherrilynn I need to keep on top of what is in the fridge and needs to be used up!

    Losingmymarbles. Your avatar makes me want summer! MMMM berries fresh picked!

    Munecagirl~ how are things going for you?

    I hope I didn't forget anyone! I just enjoyed my cheat meal breakfast of toast with peanut butter and mom jam. MMMM! Now to get ready for work! I have to do some shopping after work but i am going to drag hubby with. That way I can get the 50 lb bag of dog food! have a great day everyone!
  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Morning all,

    Just stopped in to say hello. I just finished my workout a little bit ago. Starting off the day right and getting it done! :-) Meals are planned out for today for my HC day. I love these days! LOL. Grocery list and menu-planning for next week is done.

    I hope that you all have a great weekend.
  • 311Sarah
    So, I just weighed in and I didn't lose this week! It was a sling shot week so I didn't expect to lose much.
    My Stats:
    Week 1: -3 lbs
    Week 2: -3 lbs
    Week 3: -0 lbs!
    Week 4 (sling shot week): -0 lbs!
    That's 6 lbs this month (on the CTL plan), I'll take it but I am a bit disappointed, I was hoping for more of a loss.
    I hope that with the sling shot week over, I can start dropping more pounds!

    How is everyone else doing?
  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    So, I just weighed in and I didn't lose this week! It was a sling shot week so I didn't expect to lose much.
    My Stats:
    Week 1: -3 lbs
    Week 2: -3 lbs
    Week 3: -0 lbs!
    Week 4 (sling shot week): -0 lbs!
    That's 6 lbs this month (on the CTL plan), I'll take it but I am a bit disappointed, I was hoping for more of a loss.
    I hope that with the sling shot week over, I can start dropping more pounds!

    How is everyone else doing?

    I'm sure that with your slingshot week over, you will start to see numbers down again. Hang in there, your doing great!
  • sherrielynn2013
    sherrielynn2013 Posts: 27 Member
    Well, today is my first weigh in. WOW! down 5 pounds. Holly Cow!
    I know it won't keep up at this pace, but what a motivator for the next week.

    Does anyone have any thoughts on what to expect over the next few weeks? Is there a pattern? It looks to me, that everyone loses pretty good in the first couple weeks then stall out for the next couple weeks and then loses again over the next couple, in that repeating 'cycle'.
    Does anyone else see this pattern?

    Thoughts please.
    Thanks and have a great CTL day!
  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Wow! I don't log into my computer for a few days and this Weekly Chat already has 90 posts!
    I am really struggling with getting my gallon of water in this week. I usually drink 3/4 of a gallon but I can't seem to drink anymore. Anyone have any tips?
    @munecagirl22 Kale chips sound amazing! How long do they take in the food dehydrator? I always burn them when I try to make them in the oven.

    What I do is drink 16 oz as soon as I get up. Then, 16 oz before each of the five meals and one before bed. That just leaves 16 oz for in between meals. :) Its almost all that I drink except for coffee in the morning. :)
  • munecagirl22
    munecagirl22 Posts: 39 Member
    hello all !!
    sorry havent been on weekends i tend to be out out out and night which i like to get on iam out- yeah the new single life :/

    Kale chips are amazing and so far i have put then in two hours seems about right 1 hr at the highest temp and 1 hr at the loswest i always turn them, at one hr you could have eaten them:)

    I might have lost 2lbs last week.. bUT not sure just yet bc i weight on my scale at my house and i usually do it at the gym and i weighed 3x first 2 i was down 2lbs last 2 i was the same... so i will post that tomorrow at the gym scale.. not sure how tho bc sun which was supposed to be a LC day after my fun day i was with my new friend LOL ,,, and he keeps taking me to chinese BUUUT the good think isss.. he fixed my tredmill for me and that was a job in itself iam SOOOO happy for that!!:) my ex husband NEVER did anything like that for me ;D

    so plan is 30min on that treadmill before even going out and gym night....:)