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  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    This is interesting. I had my BMR tested at Kaiser last Friday, and she said it's 1480 (MFP says 1478). She talked to me about my exercise, my job, etc., and INCLUDED those exercise calories into a daily calorie allowance of 1762.

    This is only my second day doing it this way, but I'll try Olivia's method if this doesn't work after a couple of weeks.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Someone please help me! I am SO, SO confused by the olivia method, but I really want to try it. I have read the rules over and over, but I cannot get it into my head?It just does not go in! I DO NOT deal with numbers well, I am an artist by profession, so I am really really confused about this. HA. UGH!

    I have done step one (only because the tools did it for me!)....my BMR is 1,641 calories per day....but after that, I am really, really confused.

    I don't really work out that much...burn at most 350 calories per workout (I don't have a gym membership and can't do high impact workouts, so my DVD workouts are limited).

    I want to lose at least 10 lbs...but I want to use the Olivia method because I mean, what I understand of it does make sense and I've doing so poorly lately. If anyone can help me I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

    P.S. I'm not dumb just because I don't understand this method, i went to college just FYI hahaha

    ALSO, height: 6'1"
    current weight: 168lb
    goal weight: 155.

    I used to naturally be 145, but I have become so inactive, plus some traveling in Italy really packed on the pounds.

    You set your MFP goal to 1969.
    You eat 1641.
    This gives you a daily deficit of 328 which should translate to a little more than half a pound loss per week.
    If you exercise, this will increase your deficit, unless you eat the exercise calories - which you can if you are hungry.
    If you burn more than 672 at the gym, you should eat the excess calories above 672 unless you are really hungry - in which case you could eat more.
  • ekolson
    ekolson Posts: 19
    THANK YOU! shydaisi :D i kept thinking about this all morning on a walk and i think it is starting to make sense to me :) I really appreciate it!
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Hey !
    This sounds awesome. I have Hashimoto's and am still hypo so I havent lost in several months , only a few inches . I workout 5 days a week and eat around 1400-1900 calories a day , usually going over at night because I didnt eat enough during the day!!
    I am going to set up my MFP goals and cal's in the morning -Im so excited and hope to lose even ANYTHING , 1/2 a lb. a month would be more than what Im losing now!:laugh:
    Basically I have to lose 20-30 lb. to lose my pregnancy weight from the birth of my 4th child 11 months ago!!! I have lost a little since the birth but Im not happy at this weight and I wont "settle for less" as the guy from Brazil butt lift always says!!! Hope to see the same results from the "Olivia " method as the rest of you!
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    Ok I am starting today so I want to make sure I have this right!!
    Also a few facts about my self!!
    5'8 female starting weight: 262.0 (6/24/10) current weight 200.0 (3/6/12)

    Set total (maint:) 2090
    BMR: 1676
    Daily def: 414 (daily) 2898 (weekly)
    If I exercise I can burn an additional 586 a day to stay abouve 1090 (1,000 cal def) I should be ok RIGHT???
    If i am right I should try to keep my intake calories around 1676-1700 a day and hope for the best. If this is right. Someone please help I'm really tring to make sure I have this right!
  • melanieparker13
    melanieparker13 Posts: 110 Member
    I thank you for this info.... Lets see if I got this right:

    My BMR is 1424
    Maintenance 1424 x 1.2+ 1709 This is what I set my goal at.
    1424 = 1000-1709=715. This is my deficit.

    I eat at least 1424 a day... on the days I exercise I usally burn around 600 calories so I then eat what?
  • nursenelson
    nursenelson Posts: 295
    I started doing the Olivia Method pretty much as soon as as this was posted.....3 months ago.....I am the same weight. It didnt work for me. I am sad that I tried it for 3 months and got nowhere. I feel like I just wasted all of that precious time.
    I am so sad.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    I started doing the Olivia Method pretty much as soon as as this was posted.....3 months ago.....I am the same weight. It didnt work for me. I am sad that I tried it for 3 months and got nowhere. I feel like I just wasted all of that precious time.
    I am so sad.

    I am curious to know what you show your deficit was for those months. Is it possible that your BMR is off? Or, that your activity level is off? Those are both estimates and may require tweaking.

    I have been struggling for the last month or so, but I don't think it is related to the method. All this method does is reveal how much of a deficit you have each day. Assuming your base numbers are correct - TDEE and BMR - then you should lose it there is a deficit. If one of those is off, then everything else will be off and you won't lose. Maybe try using different websites to get a different estimate?

    Have you looked at this website: http://calorieline.com/tools/tdee?

    I am sorry you haven't lost... I know it is extremely frustrating. :frown:
  • deniserambo
    deniserambo Posts: 2 Member
    I've done a lot of reading and I want to make sure I've got this right. Here are my stats:

    BMR is 1700
    1700 x 1.3 = 2210
    1700 + 1000= 2700
    2700 - 2210 = 490

    I set my MFP Goals at Maintain and Zero workouts.

    So far today I've eaten 757 calories and MFP shows a deficit of 1453. If I eat my BMR of 1700 that will leave a deficit of 510. If I choose not to work out at all, my maximum weight loss will be 1 pound per week. If I want to leave a deficit of 1000 (and lose 2 pounds per week), I need to burn at least an additional 490 calories per day. Do I have that right?

    Just as an interesting aside ... My BMR at my current weight is 1700 and the Maintenance at my Goal Weight is also 1700. Any comments on how/if that affects things?

    Also, since I've been trying to eat about 1200 calories for quite a while now (seriously below my BMR which has, undoubtedly, screwed my metabolism up even worse that it already is due to years of yo-yo dieting and diet pills), any ideas on how long it's going to take my system to figure out that I'm eating what I SHOULD be eating and get back to burning calories the way it SHOULD?
  • Anjali
    Anjali Posts: 4


    Wondered if If anyone could help? I am currently about 126 and trying to get to 115. I am 5 ft 4.5 and have a desk job in a surgery but try to do 1-1.5 h vinyasa yoga a day. I have been trying to eat at 1200 net w exercise but seem to be putting on weight. I am confused by all the tdee/BMW stuff. Have just changed my settings to 40 carb, 30 fat/fibre/protein and manually chosen weight loss of 2/week and 1400 cal a day. Is this right? Should I increase as TDEE is 2324 w 15%cut = 1975 and bar is 1343.

    Feel really alone and frustrated.

    Any help or friends along the way would be great! Thanks x
  • texanintokyo
    texanintokyo Posts: 278 Member
  • chokospice
    chokospice Posts: 3 Member
    I have just started this method and while I'm doing it, I'm wondering why it makes sense to eat my BMR. If MFP had me set to 1200 calories before the change, why can't I just eat under that in order to make a deficit. For example, I am 183 pounds, BMR is 1583 and maintenance is 1880. If I eat 1100 calories and exercise, shouldn't I still lose weight just fine?
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    In short, yes....but smaller people need to have a larger deficit than 1200 calories creates in order to meet their weight loss goal. And if you exercise hard then you need more fuel for your body than 1200 so that's why the recommendation is made to eat your BMR and create the deficit through exercise. It's becuase even though I tell MFP I want to lose 2 pounds a week, it won't give me a calorie amount less than 1200 so I can only hope at best to lose 1.5 at 1200.
  • chokospice
    chokospice Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for responding. I guess I need to stick to the pre-set goals because I ended up gaining weight this week. :(