Friendship & Intro Thread



  • amandaaaaaas
    Hi all -- my intro! I'm both hypo and hyper, and neither, as I had thyroidectomy for thyca (completed 1/10). I'm on steady 175 of levothyroxine daily. After some difficulties, especially in the first year, I've adjusted my levels are fine. But, surprise, surprise: my weight is not! I'm almost 34 and had no weight (or, ha, thyroid) issues before thyca. I'd love to make a dent on the 20 lbs I've gained in the last few years. As those with thyroid issues face unique hurdles with respect to weight loss, I'd love to talk to others and stay psyched. Tips, anything: I'll take it! Please be in touch. I'm the only thryoidless person I know.

  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Kristie & Amanda :flowerforyou:
    I hope that you can find the tips that help you here. There have been many discussions on how to succeed. Please use search tool & find some great tips. Its definitely harder for us, but not hopeless or impossible. And it is SO worth it!!! Don't give up! :happy:
  • malexander37
    Hi I'm Michele. I've had thyroid problems since I was in middle school. I used to be hyper and had a goiter so I had radiation which made me hypo. I am great about taking my meds but I still feel like my thyroid is off despite my dr saying no. I cannot lose weight no matter what I try and its frustrating.
  • determinatrix
    Hi everyone! I have had hypothyroid for over 15 years. It was discovered while I was having miscarriages and I've been on Synthroid ever since. I also haven't been able to shed the weight I gained from either of my kids and still got heavier no matter what I tried. Each diet or lifestyle change I tried would work initially, but quickly level of and just become frustrating, and I would give up, gaining it all back plus more each time. Part of it was that I just felt so horrible all the time, and you know it takes a lot of effort to lose weight, even more difficult if you just feel crummy. I finally think I have my med levels right. I've joined MFP recently with a friend, and my weight is going down for the first time in a very long time. I feel better in general, which helps with the motivation it takes to keep going. I'm watching what I eat, focusing mainly on fruits and veggies, with healthy fats, small amounts of meat (mainly fish). I've cut out sugar and white flour, and almost all dairy (I had a bit of parmesan cheese :) And I've started juicing too. I feel better than I have in a long time, the weight is coming off, and I've started walking too. Looking forward to learning from you all as I continue this journey. Friend requests welcome :)
  • jenni3001
    jenni3001 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jennifer and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease a few years ago. The doctor that diagnosed me is actually a rheumatologist (my general physician didn't take me seriously at all when I went to him with weird symptoms) and he said I'm on the boarder of having hypothyroidism and may need medication. Should I find an endocrinologist? My doctor told me to wait until the end of June to decide but I can't lose any weight and I feel pretty crappy. Several people have also told me that having an endo isn't really necessary but I'm thinking it just makes sense to find a doctor that specializes in what I have. Thoughts?
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Michele, determina, & Jenni, :flowerforyou:
    I hope that you each find the encouragement & help you seek. This site is full of great people & lots of the issues you face have been discussed in posts, so it would be well worth your while to look back. I found the help I needed here, that's for sure.
    Also be sure you research hypothyroidism at You don't have to feel crummy! They give so much help on that site & in the book, if you can get a hold of one.

    Jennifer, please check out for answers on Dr's. It is very typical to not be treated properly, by your symptoms, and allowed to suffer for years. You have to get the answers you seek by research. And they will instruct you on how to find a Dr. that is good. I personally go to a general DR plus a naturopath. The naturopath is excellent, but expensive, however I feel fantastic! So I am happy. :happy:
  • akurtz102
    I'm so glad found this group! I've had Hashimoto's since 2006 and am just now learning the importance of diet in mitigating some of the symptoms. I lift heavy (which is not great for those with Hashi's) but have a very difficult time seeing results as its hard for us to lose fat and put on muscle. I am gluten free, don't eat eggs or dairy (except for the occasional chocolate :-o) and eat clean but still struggle with feeling lousy on a daily basis. Feel free to friend me! I know there are so many different diets to help with Hashi's and although I'm on medication, I'd rather focus on the whole approach then watch my dosage change. Thanks for starting this group...glad I'm not alone
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome "a" :flowerforyou:
    Sounds like you're getting a handle on your health. Have you had your adrenals checked? Your diet sounds just like mine. And I'm doing strength training now also.
    Hang in there, and you will see the excess wt. come off. We just can't afford to take any breaks from our efforts, takes too long to get success, and recover from any breaks.
  • kats3boys
    Hello, my name is Katrina, jumping in here as it is nice to find others that understand.
    I have been borderline hyper for a long time, 2 short bouts of hyper, meds, treatment etc left me hypo.
    I gained weight hyper and even more weight over medicated and hypo. I was also left with a huge list of allergies so my diet tends to be more of what I am not allergic to while trying to stay healthy than anything.
    Weight for me has never been an issue, except maybe at the other end of the spectrum and trying to gain weight.
    The whole watching what you eat, balanced diet is a learning curve and fairly new to me the last few years. I find when I am on I do ok with losing .5-1 lb a week. Throw in a prescription for prednisone and it is an easy 10 lb gain..

    Officially DX..graves, with both blocking and stimulating antibodies, diffuse goiter, no Hashimotos ( biopsy confirmed) .
    Currently have 2 un-diagnostic nodules ( 1 on each side) and unexplained inflammation, On Synthroid and Thyroid, Endo just ruled out Thyroiditis( acute) and waiting til Mar 4th to see a surgeon for an opinion. Restricted to only walking for exercise.

    Right now I am just trying to keep things level, stop from gaining anymore and create the habit so I can lose weight. The doctor gave me a herb to try for the inflammation and I know I tend to do better if I can keep my sodium around 1500.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Katrina, :flowerforyou:
    Wow, kind of a lot to learn all at once. Must be quite a shock having to diet all of a sudden.
    I'm interested in what herb your Dr wants you to try for inflammation?
    Hope you do well. Please check out the links which can give you a lot of good info. Also many discussions here.
    Nice to meet you. :happy:
  • kats3boys
    I am using Boswellia Serrata. Unfortunately the only formula I could find with out soy/silicone/shellfish also contains Devil's claw. So it is a combination herb. He gave me a blood work sheet with my CRP to test in a month and see if it is working.
  • Andrea419
    Andrea419 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello! I just found this group - I was diagnosed with hashimotos about nine years ago, not too long after the birth of my second child.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Andrea :flowerforyou:
    Hope you enjoy the group and that you find success with your weight loss!
  • AmandaBiggs09
    AmandaBiggs09 Posts: 42 Member
    I have felt like complete crap for about 5 yrs now. After I had my third baby I had to go to a specialist because I have low platelets and I had explained the way I was feeling and she said it sounded like the thyroid. For the next 2 years I requested thyroid tests from my PCP's. It came back abnormal once and normal 2 other times. In November I asked to be checked for an antibodies test because I had read about it while reading about my low platelets(I have anti platelet antibodies). They ran the test after I demanded it, and low and behold I had the antibodies. I just started taking meds Jan 15, and I swear I'm feeling better. I am kinda worried it may be placebo, but who cares right? I feel better, not 100% better, but BETTER. To make it even better I've lost 5.6 lbs in 10 days. I haven't been able to lose weight in forever.

    Just wondering....Can I feel better this quick? How do I know if the mg of levothyroxine I am taking is right(my T3, T4, and TSH are all in normal range)? I should of asked the Dr but I was so excited( not about being "sick" but knowing that something was wrong and I was going to be able to feel better) but does the presence of antibodies automatically mean Hashimoto's? Any diet recommendations? I have been eating around 1200 calories. I have read that it can hurt your metabolism. I just started getting it back and I don't want to screw it up by eating too little. I would rather feel healthy more than anything else.

    Thanks for any help, you can offer.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Amanda :flowerforyou:
    That's wonderful that you are feeling better so fast. There's a great site to read up on, . It taught me so much! I was new to this in April 2012. There's much to learn about the balancing act of this, and we have to do the research to get the treatment needed, as you found out!

    Most of us find that gluten-free, avoiding raw goitergens (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, soy, etc) really helps. Also low carb or clean carbs...

    I had problems with running down my metabolism in years past, by eating too low of calories. Rotating calories helps a lot. Say you're eating 1200 as your low day, eat 200 cals more each day, for 3 days, then start over at 1200. Higher protein, lower carb, and getting exercise! I also found adding virgin coconut oil to my diet really helped release the weight & feel better.

    There are links listed that will help you research too.

    Congrats on the weight loss!! :drinker:
  • Bing30
    Bing30 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 10 years ago - my medication has been pretty static for the past few years, but as I get older I'm finding it more and more difficult to lose weight. The fact that I have an office job and spend most of my day sitting on my *kitten* probably doesn't help either!!! Lol. I'm hoping by being on MFP I'll start to get the motivation to get myself moving and lose at least some of the excess weight!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome Bing :flowerforyou:

    I hear you, I also have an office job. Sounds like you know what you gotta do... it seems hard, till you get a habit started, but once you fit exercise into you life, you will feel so much better & see the weight begin to go down. :wink:
  • myalienbody
    myalienbody Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I'm a myfitnesspal newbie, a 2 year thyroid cancer survivor AND fairly recently diagnosed with Celiac disease (5 months ago). I've had a helluva time losing weight after my thyroid surgery...ugh. I've lost 20 pounds since dealing with stomach issues and ultimately having to go gluten free. But, even after I radically changed my eating habits and calorie intake, I've ONLY managed to drop 20 - in roughly 7 months. It's been a huge struggle. After reading some of the posts, it could be a lack of T3 (and maybe being in my mid 40's...aging stinks) so I'll need to check that out. However, I'm now using my fitbit and myfitnesspal to really track my progress and to truly see what sort of effort it takes for me to lose weight. This looks like a great group!
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome!
    Congrats on the 20 lbs. lost. That's actually terrific, actually. I think for most people with hypothyroidism we're lucky to lose 1/2 lb. a week, at doing really well dieting & exercising, with no slip-ups.
    Keep up the good work! This group has a lot of helpful links & diet tips that will help you with dieting with thyroid issues. Be sure to look around! :happy:
  • rodeothedog
    rodeothedog Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    I am 36 years old and have had hypothyroidism for 14 years. I developed it when I was pregnant with my 2nd son. One synthroid ever since.