30 Day Shred Peeps are you Ready???

AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
This Aint No Lazy Man's Workout For Sure!!!!

Okay My Shredders!!!!

Are You All Ready?? Jillian Michaels does not play around!!!!!

For all who have not done 30 "Day Shred" or for those who gave up because the Soreness....
Let's Do this!!!!!!

The Pain only last for the first few days and around day 4 it gets better.. Just giving you a heads up that your quads
are in for a rude awakening in the morning... But Just don't give up.. if you gotta take a Break, then do, just don't over do it
on yourself.. We are all here as a T.E.A.M. TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE!!!!
We can help each other push..

Even though Jillian tones it down a notch for us average Joes who don't have a lot of time on our hands, she still gives you complete intensity! It means Jillian is consistent with everyone when it comes to her exercises. She delivers results on Biggest Loser. She also delivers results at home.

Required Exercise Equipment
A pair of dumbells

Are you ready to Shred Fat and Tone Up in the next 30days???

Each workout consists of 30 minute circuit training workouts and are designed around Jillian's 3-2-1 program. This means you will be doing 3 min of strength training, 2 min of cardio, and 1 min of abs per circuit, and there are three circuits in one workout. Each exercise is distinctly specialized to work different parts of your body.

I recommend starting at Level 1 even if you consider yourself relatively fit. You want to make sure you're doing the movements correctly to get the best effect.

You can choose which of the workout ladies you want to model your movements after. That way you get the most from each workout, and you're not left feeling like the moves were too easy or too hard. Simply adjust the intensity as you see fit. This makes your workout more efficient as you develop your fitness level.

Give me a Woot.. Woot.. If your with me!!!!!!!!



  • sarahertzberger
    sarahertzberger Posts: 534 Member
    woot woot so ready!!!!!
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    As it happens to be, today i started with lvl 1 again
  • bshawnette
    bshawnette Posts: 9 Member
  • nikitru
    nikitru Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in too!!! I just started yesterday. I've done it before as well and it is definitely not easy! A lot of work crammed into 20 minutes. But, I am soooo ready for my clothes to fit again!
  • Runner5Insanity
    I just rejoined the site today, ok if I join in?
  • AlexReneHarris
    Whoohoo! :) Last day of level 2 today! :) can't wait to be done with it and I'm already seeing so many results! Guys and gals, do the work it takes only 30 days to see a huge difference! I promise it's totally worth it. Good luck! :)
  • beccaroo7
    Ok I'm In, let's do this!
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    Whoot Whoot!! I started yesterday, I am not sore at all today and I modeled after the harder one, but its probably because I have been doing Turbo Jam for a week now so my muscles are probably use to the strain now. I find that turbo jam doesn't beat me out and neither does 30 day shred so I am actually going to do both together. Good luck everyone! Wish me luck too :happy:
  • dtban
    dtban Posts: 111 Member
    I forgot to mention that I love how she does it in 3 min 2 min and 1 min, I found just when you find like you need to take a break she switches up the routine so it actually makes you feel like you are getting a break.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I just rejoined the site today, ok if I join in?

    Yes Please Join Us.. the More the Merrier ;)
  • BritMyles
    I am joining I planned on starting it today anyway so I am excited.... Let's do this!
  • kraebear
    Just saw this group and was hoping I could join. I started L1D1 today. I've done it in the past but never stuck with it, even after getting awesome results after L1 alone. This time I reallyyyy want to stick with it.
  • miraquenice
    miraquenice Posts: 16 Member
    Just started day 1 today!!!!
  • crbf
    crbf Posts: 58 Member
    Woot woot! Day 4 of lvl 1 for me!
  • kare77
    kare77 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, can i join? I just started level 2 today and it was tough! My arms are shaking and feel like jello lol but i love it :happy:
  • LeslieMartina
    LeslieMartina Posts: 160 Member
    Hi All! I haven't done them in a row, but I think on day 8 or 9 of Level 1. I've gotten pretty comfortable with it and plan to start Level 2 tonight. Nice to see others in the process too. I've seen people post really great results, so I'm trying to stick it out.
  • RBoop57
    RBoop57 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm on board! Thanks for starting the group! Anyone can add me as a friend.
  • futrformrfatty
    futrformrfatty Posts: 38 Member
    Starting today! Lets do this!
  • phxdeanna
    I'm in! Thanks for getting this group together!!

    Question: How do you put the exercise into your log? Just by time and sit-ups/pushups?
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    I'm so ready for this! I'm going all the way this time (wait, what?)

    Word of advice: stretch before you start each workout. The stretching that's part of the program wasn't enough for me and my calves let me know it the last time I tried.