Which body part do you most want to change?

a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
Ill go first...

i would like to see further changes to my thighs and tummy but if i had to choose just one it would be my upper arms. I've always been chunky in that area and although they have improved quite alot, they're still a little to flabby for my liking. I would love to be able to wear any sleeveless top i like without feeling self-conscious. Nice arms are very sexy imo, as is a nice strong back.


  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Definitely my mid section. I want to be able to see my hip bones a little and have a washboard tummy. I never thought that it would even possibly be attainable for someone like me, but after seeing all the before and after pics on the success boards I DO BELIEVE it's possible. I am quite happy with all other aspects of my body right now.

    People are starting to say stop losing weight, but from what I've read on MFP there is no way to really trouble shoot your tummy if there is still body fat on it without doing lots of cardio, and thus probably losing more weight.

    Oh yeah, I'd like to lose another inch on the fullest part of my boobs so I fit nicely into a DD bra and can shop at Victoria Secrets and Macy's like the majority of folks.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member

    People are starting to say stop losing weight, but from what I've read on MFP there is no way to really trouble shoot your tummy if there is still body fat on it without doing lots of cardio, and thus probably losing more weight.

    Stacey, i read it is possible to reduce bf% without losing more "weight", it's actually what I'm focusing on now, and even though its early days it seems to be working. I weigh the same as i did before Xmas but during my mini measure in (just 3 areas that i took a sneaky peek at) I'm 1.5" smaller. Cardio + strength + small defecit + extra protein is my theory! I'm assuming the loss of fat but muscle gain cancels out weight loss as such, because pound for pound muscle takes up less space. (no weight loss, but measuring smaller)

    Oh yeah, I'd like to lose another inch on the fullest part of my boobs so I fit nicely into a DD bra and can shop at Victoria Secrets and Macy's like the majority of folks.

    please can i have the inch of boobs that you don't want? I've gone from being a nice handful C cup to a teeny AA cup:sad:
  • My goal for after this JMBR is to have better arms and for this pouch to go away. I am not 100% sure if it is do to my weight loss so far or what. I am starting this workout with heavier weights, I hope it works!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member

    Oh yeah, I'd like to lose another inch on the fullest part of my boobs so I fit nicely into a DD bra and can shop at Victoria Secrets and Macy's like the majority of folks.

    please can i have the inch of boobs that you don't want? I've gone from being a nice handful C cup to a teeny AA cup:sad:

    Wow, that post was only a little over one week ago, and GUESS WHAT! I did lose more and I went to Victoria Secret and bought myself two bras! It was so much fun to shop in their store again after not being there for about 5 years.
  • JABGoochie
    JABGoochie Posts: 78 Member
    flatter tummy and too see my abs again
    niver bum and maybe thighs
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member

    Wow, that post was only a little over one week ago, and GUESS WHAT! I did lose more and I went to Victoria Secret and bought myself two bras! It was so much fun to shop in their store again after not being there for about 5 years.

    see what can happen with just one week of hard work ladies?!!

    great news Stacey!
  • tbullock
    tbullock Posts: 9 Member
    My 1st thought for which body part I want to change was ...whole body, but I'm quite satisfied with my toes and fingers :). I'd like to find my waist again, not have a double tummy and lose inches and tone my thighs and tighten up my buttocks for sure. Eat clean and Exercise...the only way to do it.
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    My 1st thought for which body part I want to change was ...whole body, but I'm quite satisfied with my toes and fingers :). I'd like to find my waist again, not have a double tummy and lose inches and tone my thighs and tighten up my buttocks for sure. Eat clean and Exercise...the only way to do it.

    i hate my little toes, they don't touch the floor, they just stick out like spare parts! But i guess I'm just going to have to accept them, no amount of exercise is gonna change them!! :laugh:
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 93 Member
    I can only choose one part????? LOL, I'll go with my tummy first and foremost, then my arms.
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Well..I hate my whole body but if I had to pick just one..I would pick my stomach!! I'm not even asking for a 6 pack or anything..just not so huge......:cry:
  • Tonia184
    Tonia184 Posts: 94 Member
    My thighs! I completed insanity before starting JBMR and would you believe my thighs got half an inch thicket to now measure a solid 23 inches:sad:
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Midsection for sure! When I did my first round, my stomach got a lot flatter. Wanting those results again!
  • hkmurphy83
    hkmurphy83 Posts: 262 Member
    I don't think I can pick just one! I want better arms, flat tummy without pooch, and no wiggly fat on my inner thighs. I know that's a tall order, but I'm going to work for it!!!!!
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    I was starring at myself in the mirror this morning and I would like to change my answer to my back!! I hate the fat rolls on my lower back!!!ugh !!