anyone still out there ???



  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    I know I should be only doing official weekly weigh-in but I cannot keep off the scale! I cannot believe how many pounds I have lost already! I am so psyched about keep it up. It makes me wonder why this program doesn't get more attention.
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    So you are doing the fast track? How much have ou lost if you don't mind me asking?
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Good morning! I don't mind you asking at all. I started officially on Sunday but I was already down a little from not being so nutso like I was during the holidays. I just weighed in and get this...I am down 7.6 pounds! I am almost a little freaked out about it. It has been no big deal so far to stick with it (besides eating so many eggs, which I do not love). I have been cooking like a quintessential southern cook. When I doubt, throw in some butter, cream or cheese and still I am losing. Now I sort of feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop and have something backfire. I guess the silver lining is that if I do hit a snag, I can certainly make things with less calories. I just haven't worried about it so far. I am very anxious to see my husband's weight on Sunday. He is my main reason that I chose this diet. I hope it works well for him and he can stay motivated.
    Anyway...Thanks for friend-ing me here. Keep on going!
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow! That is awesome! I have been sticking to the 15/6 rule with the original BFC but I don't even think I have been hitting either of those numbers. I've been trying to eat lots of veggies and lean protein because without the fruit I feel like I'm missing out on vitamins. I weighed today and I'm only down 3 pounds which bothers me but I've been doing a lot of cardio with weights so I'm hoping that's muscle LOL. I have a friend who has the fast track book so I am going to borrow that from her and see if I can get your results. ;)

    A little back story on me since we will be cheering each other on:
    I have two sweet kiddos who keep me VERY busy with all their sports and school activities and I work full time but in the family business so I have a lot of freedom at my job. I'm 32 right now but when I was 26 I weighed 267 pounds (i'm 5'10 by the way) I had just had my son and said enough was enough so I started eating less and working out more. I became addicted to working out. I always thought people were crazy that said that but it's true. I loved it! I lost 108 pounds. Then I became a statistic and started gaining it back by poor eating habbits. Then 6 months ago we lost my father in law suddenly and its been a rough 6 months. My husband was up and down all the time and my son who was very close to his grandfather had a very hard time with it. I sort of put me last and just started taking care of every one else. I've gained 45 pounds back and over the holidays I just let it all go and gained 10 more. I was shocked but now I am ready to get the old me back! I so HOPE this works. I do not want to be the person who gains all of the weight back. We have a trip planned to Florida in 5 months so my goal is 10 pounds a month until we leave. That will put me back where I was.

    Thanks for accepting my friend request! I look forward to hearing everyones results and cheering each other on!
  • I'm still following it - I love eating this way. I'd love to do some recipe exchanges!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. It is so easy to put everyone first and forget the old "Secure your own oxygen mask first" way of thinking. I have a very dear friend who has a very similar work situation as you seem to have. Although there is flexibility there is also more pressure on her shoulders because it is the livelihood of her entire family. I can sympathize.

    I have been trying to keep my workouts just like they were last year. I get to a group weight-lifting class about three times a week. I know that when I work out like a fiend, I want to eat more and frankly, I feel like I deserve it. Jorge even addressed this in the FT book. I have even suggested to my husband that he hold off hitting the gym until we are done with our first 14 days. He mainly walks the dogs right now for exercise.

    I am happy to read the comments and I love the support! Let's keep at it. Cindi
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Great idea about recipe swapping. I am embarrassed to admit that most of what I'm cooking is like what I would have cooked before. We just do not have a starchy side. Last night was the first time I had to make some modifications because my recipe called for cream of mushroom soup. I just used fresh mushrooms and bulked up my sauce with a little half and half. I can imagine the horrified look on my WW leader now.
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    I finally got the fast track book so I'm starting that tomorrow!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    I knew that it would be the case today but I am still bummed that the scale hasn't moved all weekend. We didn't eat the FT menu on Saturday but didn't have anything we were not supposed to. That was fine I guess. Sunday was the issue. We went to the Falcon's playoff game and here are the highlights...
    Bad news: I had two lite beers and some peanuts.
    Good news: I had a sausage dog with no bun and mustard.

    I think the scale not moving is probably the best I could hope for. Time to knuckle down and get back on (Fast) track! Hope to hear good news from everyone!
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    Thats exactly what happened to me! I actually did pretty good all weekend and would have been thankful just to not gain over a weekend but yesterday I messed up and really late at night too. :( It said I gained a pound this morning! waaaaahhhhhh!!!!! I'm kicking it into high gear this week!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • BeeMarieG
    BeeMarieG Posts: 61 Member
    Started BFC today! Hoping to exchange both recipes, motivation, success, and tips with others. :)
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Great to have you BeeMarieG! I am so glad that people are getting on the BFC bandwagon with us! I usually try to find a friend or neighbor nearby to diet with but not this time. Since my husband and I are both doing it, I sort of want it to be sort of private around the 'hood. That said, it is nice to have someone to bounce idea off of and share successes and struggles with. :)
  • Hi there!
    My name is Christine. I was on the BFC before the holidays and had lost about 10-15 lbs. I have about 75 lbs to lose. Well, the holidays came and my BFC eating went.
    It is my birthday next week and I remember saying last year that I wanted to be AT my goal weight for THIS birthday. Nope! Not happening!
    I googled BFC support group and was brought to this site. I'm a single mom with little support and was hoping to find someone/people to help keep me on this path.....If its OK, can I join your little group too???
  • Welcome Christine! I friended you and we can support each other. Anyone doing BFC can friend me, please. I need all the support I can get.

    My name is Danielle, and I'd like to lose 50 lbs. I got a great kick start the first week and lost 5 lbs. Then, the weekend happened. I'm on this site to hold myself accountable, keep my food journal, track my progress and support my friends. I'm so glad to be here and glad to know you all!
  • Hey everyone,
    I used the BFC after my moms friend went from being a size 20 to a size 8 in 5 months. It was amazing too see how this transformed her eating habits - I did the BFC for 3 weeks last year and lost about 3.5 inches from my waist and hips.. which was awesome considering I was still eating candy at night lol.
    However, now I really want to focus on this and make it work! I have a long way to go but setting up smaller goals and meeting them one by one might do the trick!
    Your all welcome to add me and lets kick this fat in the butt!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    I am back! I have been in Alabama with my daughter for a three day swim meet. That means three days of sitting in the stands bored with nothing to look forward to but what we will be eating later. I amazed myself at how close I stayed to the plan! We even went to the kids favorite burger joint and I had a yummy loaded burger without the bun! While at the meet, I brought my own La Croix drinks and cheese snacks. I have to admit that I got a little fast and loose by the last night and didn't do much investigating before I ordered but tried to stay close to the BFC idea. The end result of the weekend? I lost about a half of a pound!! Glad to be home!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    PS-Why doesn't my tracker show up on my posts? Nevermind, I got figured out!
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome all the new people! Feel free to add me as a friend.

    cstanesic- Glad you made it through the weekend and did good! Super proud of you!

    I am LOVING this way of eating and my sugar cravings are gone completely which is HUGE for me. I am down 11 pounds total now. Woohoo!!
  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    my tracker is not showing up either but its also wrong...not showing any pounds lost at fair!
  • plaz58
    plaz58 Posts: 17 Member
    I am still following the BFC plan - can't call it a diet as it has become a way of life. I lost 35 lbs since August 2011 and am keeping off - down to size 34 pants from 38! Let me know if anyone needs advice!