Started Shred yesterday

Hello everyone! I started Shred yesterday and made it through the first day ok, but did not eat my last meal, Dr. Ian Smith was right about people complain they have to eat too much. I had a 100 cal snack instead, I figured it was better than skipping. Having a rough time with all the water too. and I have 2 questions- What does everyone do with beans? and what vegetables are allowed. It just says for example the last meal on day 1 was 3 servings of veg. What kind are allowed? I could not find a list anywhere.


  • allieheron29
    allieheron29 Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning, I finally started Shred today and have the same questions as you do when it comes to beans and veggies. The book provided lists and lists of snacks and smoothies but nothing really on veggies etc. Well I am doing more research today and if I find anything I will post it.
  • cristieg
    cristieg Posts: 31 Member
    As far as veggies go, you can really eat anything you like. I'd stay away from potatoes, but he does mention that you can have a baked potato as a snack option. My favorites are spinach, broccoli, spaghetti squash, green beans, peas, asparagus, eggplant & butternut squash.

    I do not like beans, so I use edamame or lima beans instead. Dr. Ian has also said that green beans are okay too.

    Also, if you're on facebook, check out a group called happy shredders. There is alot of info there.
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    I'm a little late but for beans...I use Hurst's beans in the bag...I cook them in my crock pot then I freeze them in portions so that they are always available...I do the same thing with mixed greens.