Hello Out There!!!

Hey guys! I can't believe it but I completely dropped off the face of the planet this weekend! My son got baptised yesterday and all weekend was about preparing for a house full of family and friends! MFP was (unintentionally) the furthest thing from my mind - I was so CRAZY BUSY!!

How have you all been doing? Tell me how your weekend went!

I have been juicing for over a week now. I did take a break from it all over the weekend. Frankly, I forgot to eat most of Saturday. :-) I've got my juices with me today and am looking forward to getting back to it!!


  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    hi crystal! congratulations on ur son's baptism. my weekend wasnt crazy busy but still eventful. Saturday just had to go try on jerseys and find a good size for myself, then i had an unscheduled batting practice at the cages. Sunday was baseball day!! had practice then hung out with my teamates afterwards. End the weekend with some resistance training at the gym.
  • oAshlio
    oAshlio Posts: 44 Member
    Yes congratulations on his baptism!

    I have been doing relatively good. One of our cats had kittens so most of our attention during the day has been there, lol.

    My logging has been good and I am getting into quick 5 min exercises multiple times a day that work my abs and sometimes legs and arms. This saturday was a horrible logging day because I came home, logged what was for dinner an everything, but forgot to add in lunch and when I did it turned out-- right before bed-- that it was way over the calories I should have eaten. But I didnt let it discourage me to much, I just did better the next day.

    I hope everything has been alright with you! Your a wonderful and bright inspiration!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yep, congrats on the baptism as well!

    Standard weekend for me. Gym on Saturday morning followed by running around town and then cleaning the house. I did get to take the kid sledding for a little bit. Unfortunately there wasn't enough snow to get the sled all the way down the hill so I ended up pulling the sled with child down and up the hill. He got his giggles in and I got a workout. Sunday was the standard fair of grocery shopping and cooking. I made two new recipes for the week: Buffalo Chicken Chili and Curried Red Lentil & Chicken Soup with Chickpeas and Quinoa. Both are great, but I didn't realize how much sodium was in the Buffalo Chicken Chili (Franks Red Hot) so I got a shock this morning when I woke up with a sodium hang over. I'm going to be looking for a low sodium hot sauce for the next batch of chili.
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    i'm fasting today. i had a CRAZY saturday morning feeling entirely bummed and stressed (aka PMS!) and went to the store and bought swiss cake roles, mt. dew, and honey nut cherios. think i was craving sugar much!? so today i finally said ENOUGH, i'll never lose weight if i never practice diligence, and here i am drinking green tea and realising i've made it over halfway through the day. i can do this!!
  • Rosytakesoff
    Congratulations! Same ol' same ol' for me: protein first, lots of water, move my butt!
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    What a special time for you and your family. I have 6 children.

    With my first son, I'll never forget. I had handmade this little outfit with knickers and little bunny buttons. Then on the day of his church dedication, I forgot his shoes. There he was in front of the whole church in the cutest outfit with no shoes.

    Enjoy your babies, they are such a blessing. A sweet reality in a world of confusion.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Lots of rain here in :glasses: sunny :glasses: Phoenix this weekend. I can't remember the last time it rained all day pretty much non-stop, which was Saturday. The rain let up for a bit on Sunday, but came back in the afternoon. We certainly needed it, so I'm not complaining.

    On the other hand, I don't do well with air pressure changes (I get terrible migraine headaches) so I spent three days since Wednesday suffering.

    Congrats on the baptism. I am lucky to be godmother to my three nieces (each is the daughter of my different siblings, so they are cousins, not sisters).
  • blueeylb
    blueeylb Posts: 297 Member
    hi! congrats on the baptism!! i started my c25k this weekend and found out that 3 different town park districts by me offer free indoor tracks to anyone who wants to use it!!!! SCORE :)
  • elescott
    elescott Posts: 22 Member
    Congratulations! I'm actually getting baptized in a couple weeks, and I'm 40!! Better late than never :-)

    I started the Wheat Belly Diet last week and so far it's helped me not feel hungry/have cravings. It's a lot like Paleo but with some dairy. I'll have to see how it works on my PMS week as that is usually when I put weight right back on. It's a great book though a bit scary!
  • aviatrix80
    Hi Crystal and everyone else.
    Good to see everyone is doing their thing, and fitting life and balance in too.
    This week I'm discovering that I can eat less if I really listen to how hungry I am, and make good choices to keep that fire burning. Sounds basic I know, but its working rating my hunger before grabbing for anything. I'm also learning that porridge (I think you all call it oatmeal) keeps me full from breakfast like no other food does!
    I'm really serious to drop at least 10kg (22pounds), and I'm sick of yo-yo-ing. I saw on holiday just how easy it was to step back into old habits, and I was shocked. I'm starting to make a list of the things I am looking forward to about being skinny...sort of like a bucket list, without the death part! I'm enjoying being back in the work routine and getting back to the gym, plus getting some exercise like swimming and walking with my little girl who just turned three. I want to set her up with good habits for life too.

    Anyway, enough from me, good luck and catch you all again soon! :)
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Hi Crystal
    Congratulations on you son’s baptism. Glad you’re back to your program.
    I’ve lost some time with a cold & colitis reaction. Looking for complete return this weekend.
    Before that I had a WI at home which showed me breaking my 160pd, but Im using my GISFW WI
    which I had to postpone this week.

    Forward to February being Fabulous !!!:happy: