anyone still out there ???



  • summer0680
    summer0680 Posts: 18 Member
    That's really great plaz58! Good job!
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    Everything here is rolling along. We had a weekend where we spent a lot of time sitting around a place with traditional concessions. I tried very hard to plan ahead and bring drinks and snacks and it went very well. We even went to Waffle House with the kids late on Saturday and ate to plan. The chef at WH had to ask three times if I REALLY wanted a burger with no bun. "Your saying a burger on a plate?" BTW, the burger was really good!
  • joyesq135
    joyesq135 Posts: 7 Member
    Questions: veggies have sugar. Does that count toward your sugar limit? If so, what veggies do not have sugar? Thanks,
  • cstanesic
    cstanesic Posts: 22 Member
    We are doing Fast Track and I do not yet count sugars and carbs because, theoretically, we should not be having any. I know that green beans, all potatoes and carrots are big no-nos. Also onion is used sparingly. Most other vegis are okay. I hope that helps a little.
  • plaz58
    plaz58 Posts: 17 Member
    Cauliflower and Brocolli are OK with BFC
  • torilougher
    torilougher Posts: 19 Member
    I started the diet last sunday and I've already lost 8 pounds :D Its brilliant! I have at least 50 pounds to lose and I expect somewhen it'll level out to 2 pounds ish a week but I'm thrilled!! I can still have the foods I love and I can still have some carbs but its just cutting down. None of my mates believe its an actual diet as I still have crisps (in strict moderation!!) but they're low carb, sugar so it doesnt affect my weightloss, love it! :D
  • joyesq135
    joyesq135 Posts: 7 Member
    thank you. I eat a lot of veggies (brocoli & green beans and salads) so i was concerned.