Introduce yourself



  • Hi!

    I am Nicole. I was never overweight as a kid or young adult, but hit my 20's and never stopped eating like I was a teenager lol. Needless to say, I am now 36 and mom to 2 young kids and it has all caught up with me.

    I know I will never see 120, or even 130lbs on a scale again and am ok with that. For my 5'6" frame, I just want to be 140 and fit into my size 10 jeans comfortably. I hit nearly 180lb and realized I was hiding from the camera and was turning town pool playdates and things with my kids because I didn't want to get out of my yoga pants and into a bathing suit.

    1200 can suck when hubby is doing MFP also and gets over 800 calories a day more than I do.
    Pity party is over though and I am doing it all :)
  • cgbjdt
    cgbjdt Posts: 3 Member
    I am on the 2nd day on here an so far i am loving it.
    But i could use some friends to help,
    Still learning how all this works.. :)
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I'm Chris, and I'm a HUGE advocate for people to lose weight and get into better shape, in whatever way works for them.

    My own journey started in February, and I flailed for a good 5 months before I hired a trainer, logged every calorie, and started cutting calories out of my diet to facilitate weight loss. I'm only 5'5", and I don't have that fast of a metabolism to begin with, so I eat in the neighborhood of 1200-1300 calories per day. So far I'm 40 pounds lighter, and I work without a trainer now.

    All the while I have seen gains of strength in my weight training take me from a 90 lb squat to 215lbs, and a 40 pound bench press to 140 lbs. I feel fantastic, I look better than I ever have, and I am a huge supporter of anyone looking to improve their life and their self image.

  • sspayde
    sspayde Posts: 11
    I've seen some talk about eating below your set 1200. If you're going to do that you might wanna talk to a nutritionist. My nutrition professor is a nutritionist and registered dietitian and I asked her about it and she said that if you eat less than 1200 you are starving your body. Yes, you may be losing weight, but you are losing it in the wrong areas. Your body will feed off it's muscle and not it's fat if you don't eat enough. Just want everyone to be healthy :)
  • OliviaMG1
    OliviaMG1 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi all! I am Olivia. I used to double track weight watchers & MFP in order to convert to MFP 100% I love it. I would love to be a part of your group!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Love MFP for helping me realize that I don't need four pounds of cheese on my lasagna! I stay near 1200 calories. I'm short and not looking to lose much so I log my foods more for the accountability and seeing my daily nutrition laid out for me.

    Currently married to a Marine and we live in the desert of AZ.
  • lol a stone is 14 pounds

    Thanks for clarifying. I'm currently reading a fantasy novel series called "A Song of Ice and Fire" and they're always talking about how someone is so many stone bigger than another. Now I'll understand what that means. :happy:

    know it well - game of thrones - love love love

    My current obsession. :tongue: Maybe I should start an Off-Topic thread where we can discuss? lol
  • Hey everyone!

    I'm Brittany! I've been a member of MFP for a while but just started actually using it. My goal is about 40 lbs. I was actually very surprised I got the goal of 1200 calories because I am decently active but thats ok, less calories the sooner I'll be to my goal weight!!
  • paperklutz
    paperklutz Posts: 36 Member
    Hi All!

    I am yet again on the journey i have taken so many time and never finished! :) It will be nice to have some support from some good peeps that I can relate to.

    I have been on MFP off and on for a couple of years, I think. I am currently in the midst of a 12 week challenge at work ($300 on the line!) and it just so happens that I'm really motivated to get healthy right now so I'm going at it like crazy...16 lbs in the last 3 weeks, yay!.

    I have lost 90 lbs in the past (gained half back), so I know I can do it again. But this time, it is different; I have resolved to change my behavior and make exercise a part of my new life.

    I've found it's really not too hard to maintain a 1200 calorie diet and be satisfied... it's all about the food choices you make. It's finally clicking... ;)
  • 6Petite
    6Petite Posts: 41 Member
    What a great idea for a group! Hi I'm Lisa, live in Conn. Trying to drop down a couple of clothing sizes because I am only 5 feet tall. It doesn't take too many extra pounds for me to go up or down a jeans size. And since I refused to buy one more larger size jeans, I was starting to have a hard time breathing (just kidding). I usually don't quite meet my 1200 goal, but I feel I am eating much healthier than before and I haven't been hungry on MFP. Before MFP I was blaming my weight gain on being over 50 and now realize that maybe it was just an excuse not to TRY to lose the weight. I plan to stay on MFP even after I reach my goal (I know I will) because otherwise I will lose track of what I consume.
  • Hey all!!! Im stayce! Ive been actively using MFP for a couple weeks now, and im finding it crazy how many people are down right rude about 1200 calorie "diets"... for me this is about a lifestyle change. Quite honestly I have learned by tracking my food on here that some days i was ridiculously under 1200 calories... GASP! I know!!!! What would those haters say? LOL! Some days I find it a challenge to not see that message when I complete my entry "you arent getting enough" or whatever that annoying message says verbatim. All i know is I can not afford a dietitian, gym membership, or any of the such... but what I am doing is following what MFP has laid out for me as far as calories, and if my doctor starts to see anything to be concerned with then we can talk about it... Until then I will remain quite content and full with my 1200 or so calories a day, a million glasses of water, zumba for the kinect, ea sports active 2 for the wii, and my stability ball :) its nice to know I have found a group where I can come for support and moto and spread some love to others :)
  • I guess I could have added that Im just outside of Jacksonville NC
  • Hi there. My name's Katie. I'm 25 years old. From the U.S. Avid reader, writer, and musician.

    About my weight loss: I actually used My Diet Coach and lost 13 pounds in the past three weeks set on 1200 cals. I'm pretty comfortable at this cal setting. I've got a long way to go though to get to my goal weight. My milestone goal would be losing 30 lbs in six months, if not more. I thought I'd set it modestly.

    But I'm definitely glad to be here. So Hello again :3
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi all,
    Today is day 25!!!! I'm secretly obsessed with this website-I'm a 2 times WW life-timer-& I love having all these new MFP friends here for the motivation-They feed my soul, & cheer me up for anything-Some days are easier than other days-I don't eat my exercise calories-that defeats all the hard burn I worked for-thanks for starting this group:heart:
  • Hi everyone!

    I've had MFP for a few months now but I've only recently made it part of my daily routine. I exercise about 5 times a week at the gym (cardio and strength) and my calorie intake ranges between 1200-1300 calories. I do not eat my exercise calories. I find this to be plenty for me and I've been feeling great.My diet is balanced most of the time (grains, vegetables, fruit, protein, dairy etc) but I have the occasional treat but make sure it fits my calories.
  • mic1mam
    mic1mam Posts: 33
    Hi Everyone, I'm Michele, this is yet another attempt to make changes in how I eat and hopefully get in the routine of exercising. My food choices aren't always the best choices, too many carbs and too much fat. I grew-up eating italian food and alot of fried foods. The healthy foods that I like are limited which makes it boring.
    I work second shift (5pm to 330am) so finding time to exercise is challanging. I try to walk or work with weights at lunch time.
    I also take care of my Dad, shopping, cooking, finances.
    I live in Upstate NY.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm Michele, this is yet another attempt to make changes in how I eat and hopefully get in the routine of exercising. My food choices aren't always the best choices, too many carbs and too much fat. I grew-up eating italian food and alot of fried foods. The healthy foods that I like are limited which makes it boring.
    I work second shift (5pm to 330am) so finding time to exercise is challanging. I try to walk or work with weights at lunch time.
    I also take care of my Dad, shopping, cooking, finances.
    I live in Upstate NY.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
    :bigsmile: I like your profile pic!
  • mic1mam
    mic1mam Posts: 33
    Hi Everyone, I'm Michele, this is yet another attempt to make changes in how I eat and hopefully get in the routine of exercising. My food choices aren't always the best choices, too many carbs and too much fat. I grew-up eating italian food and alot of fried foods. The healthy foods that I like are limited which makes it boring.
    I work second shift (5pm to 330am) so finding time to exercise is challanging. I try to walk or work with weights at lunch time.
    I also take care of my Dad, shopping, cooking, finances.
    I live in Upstate NY.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
    :bigsmile: I like your profile pic!
    Thanks, I took that pic at a local lake.
  • cingee
    cingee Posts: 1
    My name is Cinthya, and I've been using MFP since July 2012 and have proudly lost 20lbs since (slow but steady). I'm 5'5'' with starting weight of 160lbs and goal weight around 125-120, currently at around 139-142lbs. I have a fairly busy schedule and don't make as much time for exercise as I wish I did. However, I've found that besides keeping as true to 1200 calories a day, consistently drinking at least 8 cups of water has helped me curb off hunger :)
  • hi everyone this is my first day i have a weight loss goal of 30kgs. i was wondering if anyone had some meal plan ideas? Im also on a budget. Thank you