Scared to eat more.

Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
I am 5'8", 168, goal is 150 or maybe 140.

3 out of 6 days I work on my *kitten* for 13 hrs so my TDEE is 2300 on those days. I havent calculated on my off work days but I am much more active then. If I go by TDEE and not eat back workout calories I am usually 31% or more under a day. If I go by MFP standards and eat my cals back I am about 100-400 under a day. So with that said, I have lost 6 lbs in a month but it all happened in the begining and I have stopped losing. I am scared to eat more because I was eating only about 1800 cals a day before MFP and I don't want to go back to that weight. My husband follows MFPs plan and goes over sometiems and he has lost 8. We both didnt have much to lose. I am super frustrated and scared to eat more. Does anyone else have this issue? It is so frustrating to see people on here lose 20-30 lbs in a month compared to my 6 (sometimes 4) lbs.


  • HOLLEE85
    I'm always under my calorie goal and I never eat back my workout calories. I usually lose anywhere from 4-6 lbs a month give or take. But I think it's prolly cause I don't have that much to lose.
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less boards to see how others are doing it - read the stickies which will fully inform you.

    Expected and suggested rate of weight loss for those of us closer to goal is more like 1 lb. to .5 lb. per week or less and that's while eating at a small deficit. Nobody loses 30 lbs. a month unless they are seriously overweight and even that seems quite extreme.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I agree with Amanda. Only Biggest Loser types can safely lose 30 lbs. in a month. I had about 20 to lose when I started tracking and lost it at about 1 lb. per week (more like .8 at the end) and I never ate less than 1500 and by the end was eating 1850-1900 per day and I'm 47 and in early menopause per my GYN. You should only be taking a 20% cut from TDEE with that little to lose or eat closer to your MFP goal--MFP expects you to eat ALL of those calories as the deficit is already figured in.

    Start slow. Just eat 100 or 150 more this week and see how it goes. Were you working out as much as you are now when you were eating 1800? If your TDEE is actually 2300 on a work day, you should have lost at 1800, so either you have a health/metabolism issue or your numbers are off. And are you weighing all your food? You'd be amazed how far off you can be reading labels only. Many things that tell you there are 3 servings in a box are actually closer to 4 when you weigh them, for instance. My food scale has helped immeasurably.

    Good luck.