Terrified Newbie here. Hi all!

spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
Hi ladies,

I've read NROL and Strong Lifts 5 x 5 and guess what? Everytime i go into the gym to start a strength training program, I'm so scared of free weights that I get on a cardio machine and don't get off until my hour is up. :laugh: :sad: I've reached my goal weight a few times and i'm never satisfied with what i see in the mirror. :embarassed:

Today, I read SL again... everytime i read "squat rack", "asking someone to spot me" or "pull-up", my heart starts racing and i begin to talk to myself... "start with cardio and then work your way into the weights" :laugh: Which never happens.

I'm fine with doing a class for strength training, but those usually start about an hour after I've arrived at the gym. I know, why don't i just go an hour later? If i stop at home, there will be something/someone that will cause me to put it off. :frown:

I feel so much more comfortable doing dumbells in the corner. :wink: or even the barbels with the weights already built into the bar. But stronglifts states, it must be in some sort of Rack.... that word terrifies me. Have any of you ladies started with the barbels i mentioned and no spotting? Those 2 things are what keep me from the weights.

Excuse my rambling. I'm just really wanting to find some people who were, where i am today and made it past these issues. I really want to leave the cardio for recreation and concentrate on weights, but don't want to spin my wheels and then hate weights.

Thanks in advance for your time and responses. :flowerforyou:

PS. I'm going to lunch now, so i will read any responses when i return. :flowerforyou:


  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Several people have started with dumbbells especially if they can't lift the oly bar at the start. I'll let them give you advice on that. And I completely know what you mean about being scared. I was going to start at the new year, and it took me a week or two to actually approach the squat rack. I went almost as soon as they opened on a Sunday morning figuring there wouldn't be many people around. A lot of people are at church or hung over at that time, so it was perfect :) Then, once I did it, doing it again didn't bother me. I still go early in the morning because my gym only has one squat rack and I don't want to rotate through since I'm doing relatively low weights or wait in line.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I was scared when I first started. I go Tuesday and Thursday in the evening and then Saturday in the afternoon. I still like Saturday the best because there aren't too many people in the weight room. It can be hard to figure out the weights sometimes but you'll figure it out!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Thank you Ladies,

    I'm glad I'm not alone. :wink: Going in early on a weekend sounds like a great idea. :flowerforyou:

    Good to know that dumbbells are not a total No Go. I thought about it during lunch and decided i'm going to squat with the 20lb barbell (with the weighs built into it) and try to use the same to do the Bench Press. Inverted Row, Push ups and reverse crunch i feel comfortable doing. Maybe not the inverted rows so much because i have to be in Men's Zone... :laugh:

    Thanks again. Hopefully, I'll have good stuff to report tomorrow. :smile:
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I started all lifts except deadlift with a studio (unweighted) bar. I'm still using it for OHP and BP. Squats I maxed out the studio bar (40lbs), discovered I can't safely lift the Olympic bar to my shoulders and switched to dumbbells. My personal preference is to squat with the dumbbells, between my knees...if nothing else it keeps my knees out like Mehdi says!

    I'm graduating to rows with the Oly bar on Weds. Deadlifts I seem to have started with some freakishly strong muscles cos I started at 95lbs. Others have started lighter though!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Don't be afraid! If you are really that nervous, I would recommend hiring one of the trainers at your gym for half an hour to an hour to show you how to use the equipment. Once you've touched it once it's not so scary.
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    Is it horrible gym form to use the barbells that are a set weight in the squat rack? Should I be squatting with these barbells in another spot so as not to take up the squat rack?

    Thinking about doing SL and trying to navigate everything. Can't lift 45 at this point so need an alternative until I can.
  • sittinginthesun
    sittinginthesun Posts: 16 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I've read NROL and Strong Lifts 5 x 5 and guess what? Everytime i go into the gym to start a strength training program, I'm so scared of free weights that I get on a cardio machine and don't get off until my hour is up. :laugh: :sad: I've reached my goal weight a few times and i'm never satisfied with what i see in the mirror. :embarassed:

    THIS!!! IS ME!!!! I'm so glad you posted - ready to try this for the first time today and am already mentally talking myself out of just hopping on the treadmill.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey thanks for the replies. I hadn't checked this thread in awhile. :flowerforyou:

    @ccmandel - I was not going to take the barbel in the squat rack. Just do it freestyle with it on my shoulders... from previous attempts, I can handle up to 25 lbs. After all the stuff I hear on here about not doing anything but squatting in the squat rack, i would never do it. :laugh: Thanks and Keep up the great work. At least you already in motion. :drinker:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Since I began this post I've been to the gym about 5 or 6 times and I've been admiring the "rack" from afar... the stairmaster to be exact. :laugh: I did some biceps and triceps on the machine... but it's closer to the "rack" than the stairmaster is, so I'm making progress.

    I admire all you ladies that have made strengthtrainig part of your workout. I'm going to be like you too. :flowerforyou:
  • freckledLeanne
    freckledLeanne Posts: 111 Member
    Don't be afraid! If you are really that nervous, I would recommend hiring one of the trainers at your gym for half an hour to an hour to show you how to use the equipment. Once you've touched it once it's not so scary.

    ^^^ this!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    When I was using preloaded barbells, I used them off the rack platform, since I didn't need it to load them or for safety reasons. HOWEVER, there came a point where I couldn't lift the barbell for the OHP anymore, and I am irrationally terrified of cleaning it :laugh: so that's when I moved my OHP to the rack. Eventually, you are going to feel like you need it. NOW, I use preloaded bars for some of my warm-ups, and since I'm in the rack for most of my workout, I do bring the baby bars onto the platform for my few warm-up sets.

    Spicy, you need to get your butt into the weight room! :laugh: Maybe start with the lift that seems simplest to you (bench maybe, or OHP or squat with a very light preloaded bar) and do it. You will feel so much better once you do.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    so what exactly is it that you are scared of? Is it the actual weights? Is it that people will judge you? I think you should figure out whats so scary so you can address it.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    When I was using preloaded barbells, I used them off the rack platform, since I didn't need it to load them or for safety reasons. HOWEVER, there came a point where I couldn't lift the barbell for the OHP anymore, and I am irrationally terrified of cleaning it :laugh: so that's when I moved my OHP to the rack. Eventually, you are going to feel like you need it. NOW, I use preloaded bars for some of my warm-ups, and since I'm in the rack for most of my workout, I do bring the baby bars onto the platform for my few warm-up sets.

    Spicy, you need to get your butt into the weight room! :laugh: Maybe start with the lift that seems simplest to you (bench maybe, or OHP or squat with a very light preloaded bar) and do it. You will feel so much better once you do.

    Thanks sarah,

    You are absolutely right, I must bite the bullet and DO it. I'm preparing myself. :flowerforyou: I have a plan. Monday I'm doing the Group Lift Class at 4:30 and the rest of the week, I'm on my own. Thanks for the words of encouragement from all of you. :)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    so what exactly is it that you are scared of? Is it the actual weights? Is it that people will judge you? I think you should figure out whats so scary so you can address it.

    It's quite silly actually.

    I'm afraid of people looking at me, while i'm doing it WRONG, is the main reason. However, the fear of Failing is just as strong. The fear of starting it and not following through and beating myself about it. The Fear of starting it and feeling the soreness and not having the results i wish for (I am 45 and was overweight most of my teenage years, so very loose skin).

    I know, I know... but i told you I have issues. :laugh: One thing I do know about myself, when I set my mind on something it will take me a lot of thinking, researching and preparing but it will happen eventually. I guess i'm a bit of a Perfectionist... which i don't like. :ohwell:

    Coming here is getting me really excited though. :flowerforyou:

    Have a Great Weekend ladies!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Don't be afraid! If you are really that nervous, I would recommend hiring one of the trainers at your gym for half an hour to an hour to show you how to use the equipment. Once you've touched it once it's not so scary.

    I don't trust the trainers in that location. I've been going to that gym for over 5 years and the One trainer that i will trust, is a stuck up Ahole... :laugh:
  • HolliCooper
    HolliCooper Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Spicy!

    I started stronglifts (and weight training at all) for the first time last week.
    I know exactly how you feel, it took me two goes to get into my gyms free weights room the first day. It's a very "macho area" and always seems to be quite busy so it can be pretty intimidating.
    The first time I walked in and some of the guys turned to look at me: I paniced turned around and walked out! I went upstairs to the lighter free weights area where it was mostly women working out but after 1 session I'd maxed out on the weights available there. I had to use the "bro room" if I was going to improve.

    So I watched mehdi's full session videos in you tube:
    Sesson A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP2g3Sj3qSw
    Session B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3Mh9o7JPU
    Until I felt confident with the movements themseleves (practicing unweighted while watching him work) and focused on how he racked and un-racked the weights.

    The next day I went back to the gym I walked straight up to the squat rack and gave it a go! And yes my form is no where near perfect yet, but as I looked around the gym I saw very few people with good form. Once you're inside the bubble you realise that however they may look from the outside, no one is really 100% perfect at this. Everyone is just learning.

    You can do it! Just take the plunge. Once you're in you'll see that the water's fine! :) I'm on session 4 this weekend and I'm really enjoying it! Starting free weights was one of the best decisions I ever made.
  • sittinginthesun
    sittinginthesun Posts: 16 Member
    Group lift class? That's awesome that your gym has one!!

    You are absolutely right, I must bite the bullet and DO it. I'm preparing myself. :flowerforyou: I have a plan. Monday I'm doing the Group Lift Class at 4:30 and the rest of the week, I'm on my own. Thanks for the words of encouragement from all of you. :)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi Spicy!

    I started stronglifts (and weight training at all) for the first time last week.
    I know exactly how you feel, it took me two goes to get into my gyms free weights room the first day. It's a very "macho area" and always seems to be quite busy so it can be pretty intimidating.
    The first time I walked in and some of the guys turned to look at me: I paniced turned around and walked out! I went upstairs to the lighter free weights area where it was mostly women working out but after 1 session I'd maxed out on the weights available there. I had to use the "bro room" if I was going to improve.

    So I watched mehdi's full session videos in you tube:
    Sesson A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP2g3Sj3qSw
    Session B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3Mh9o7JPU
    Until I felt confident with the movements themseleves (practicing unweighted while watching him work) and focused on how he racked and un-racked the weights.

    The next day I went back to the gym I walked straight up to the squat rack and gave it a go! And yes my form is no where near perfect yet, but as I looked around the gym I saw very few people with good form. Once you're inside the bubble you realise that however they may look from the outside, no one is really 100% perfect at this. Everyone is just learning.

    You can do it! Just take the plunge. Once you're in you'll see that the water's fine! :) I'm on session 4 this weekend and I'm really enjoying it! Starting free weights was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    Thank you for that encouragement Holli. :flowerforyou: I felt joy for you, just reading it.:bigsmile:

    You are so right. At the class tonight, not everyone had good form and I was lifting the same weight as most others were. I didn't feel out of place.

    Although, i'm not doing the program yet. I know practicing with a group of people is going to give me the confidence to go in the Bro Room". :wink:

    Look forward to hearing about your progress. :smile:
  • HolliCooper
    HolliCooper Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! Glad I could be of help! :flowerforyou:

    Your weights class sounds awesome! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it! I wish my gym had something like that. :smile:

    I've had a great (read "painful") weekend!:laugh: I met up with my sister at the gym and she kicked my *kitten* on my lifting form. I've decided to drop back a couple of kgs just to really get my squats up to scratch and then I'll get back on to building up my weights.
    She also had a great tip for me to help me improve my form in bench press: I have to do it on the stability ball rather than the bench so that only my shoulders are supported. This forces me to keep my core tight (otherwise I fall over! Tough love!).
    Not keeping my core engaged is my number vice! :tongue:

    Can't wait to hear how you're doing! Keep it up!
  • HolliCooper
    HolliCooper Posts: 12 Member
    p.s. Guess who finally found the smiley button? :wink: