How is everyone doing so far?



  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    A little nervous to weigh in this week. It has been a stressful week at work, etc. but onward, if I am up a little, it will just be a little. I am still very motivated and will not throw in the towel. I just make sure to read everyone's thoughts here and it really does keep me going. Seeing the calorie burns that many people accomplish really makes me want to do just as much. I won't push it to injury as this helps no one. Keep going everyone! I'd be curious to see how many pounds we all have lost collectively as a group by end/beginning of this year/next year. :)
  • ro_sy_go
    ro_sy_go Posts: 34 Member
    I am nervous about weigh in... I've been eating well and exercising, but my scale doesn't always cooperate. However, I am wearing a pair of pants today I haven't been able to fit into for 2 years... Take that, stupid scale. :-)
  • slimbyten
    slimbyten Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a little nervous about weigh in as well. For some reason this week I'm just not "feeling" it. I'm feeling bloated instead. Ugh. I'm hoping it will be okay though. I'm not giving up!!
  • dporter1183
    dporter1183 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm nervous too. I gained two lbs over the weekend, and dropped 1.4 of that yesterday. idk what that was about. Seems to happen to me a lot lately.
  • Timberlies
    Timberlies Posts: 28 Member
    Good to hear from everyone. Ups and downs are ok if we keep going! Like someone else mentioned, I weigh in on Sundays but report with the group on Wed. Last week I didn't gain or lose and this week I lost 1 more pound. It's such slow going...

    I have been doing ok with food but could be doing better. And I've been lazy with the exercise, only did it twice last week. Like Gizzy1976, I work long hours and I have a 2 1/2 yr old boy and I have sleep issues. By the time dinner is done and he's in bed, I'm exhausted.

    How do other working moms keep up their energy and work exercise into their schedule?
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    It is hard with work and kids and then coming home to make dinner, clean, etc. I can't lose weight without working out, though. This is just me - I have to do both. I play this little competitive game with myself. I see all these people doing it and just tell myself I can do better and I strive to do the best I can (even if it isn't better). I don't know how people lose with just diet alone. Slow is good, though. The chances are better you will keep it off and will not have sagging skin issues. There are many people that lose a bunch of weight too quickly and sagging skin is a huge issue. I am showing a gain right now on scale but, am not going to get worked up about it. I will work out tonight and see how I make out tomorrow. Not going to beat myself up. l know I screwed up on Sunday so, it's not like I don't know what I did wrong. Good luck all!
  • cassiecarruthers
    Last week was tough for me too, but I lost 5 pounds, so it was good stress, Im excited to move forward I still feel daunted by the goal but its lots of time!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Still going strong. I focused mostly on getting the calories where I want them in January since I just returned from a long hiatus. This month I'm trying to work on getting more cardio exercise in almost everyday. In March I will probably get back to strength training and increasing the length of my daily workouts. Feeling very optimistic this far.

    In January I lost a total of 10.4 pounds and 7.5 inches overall.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Still going strong. I focused mostly on getting the calories where I want them in January since I just returned from a long hiatus. This month I'm trying to work on getting more cardio exercise in almost everyday. In March I will probably get back to strength training and increasing the length of my daily workouts. Feeling very optimistic this far.

    In January I lost a total of 10.4 pounds and 7.5 inches overall.

    You are doing great. I agree with you. Going strong. I do have a plan to add more strength into my routine but, right now I am just getting used to the workouts. I think in another couple weeks, I will start adding weighted gloves to my workouts and build with my kbells somewhere in between. Maybe by March, I will buy a weighted vest and start walking with that once it's nice enough to workout. I am definitely going to be changing thing up a bit. Doing a challenge for TJ right now and just adding other things in, randomly. Don't want to get bored. I really need to go over what I will be eating this month and try to stay as close as I can. March 11th is my 39 birthday. Would like to see at least another 8 lbs. gone by then if not more but, I will not push it. I think 8 is doable by then.
  • Kellyjo_20_04

    I think in another couple weeks, I will start adding weighted gloves to my workouts and build with my kbells somewhere in between.

    I was doing kettlebells at least twice a week and absolutely love it! I even competed in an IKFF meet in 2010 :) Unfortunately, I have injured my shoulder playing softball recently so I'm struggling to get my strength training into my workouts. I'm really hoping when I see the doctor this week she gives me the okay to get back into it. Do you do it on your own or in a group fitness class?
  • maryjo28
    Super Bowl today so I have planned snacks. Popcorn, veggies/dip, among other things. Portion control is a must today.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member

    I think in another couple weeks, I will start adding weighted gloves to my workouts and build with my kbells somewhere in between.

    I was doing kettlebells at least twice a week and absolutely love it! I even competed in an IKFF meet in 2010 :) Unfortunately, I have injured my shoulder playing softball recently so I'm struggling to get my strength training into my workouts. I'm really hoping when I see the doctor this week she gives me the okay to get back into it. Do you do it on your own or in a group fitness class?

    I have done it at the gym with an RKC instructor and have done it on my own. I will be doing this on my own when I add it in. I am just trying to take it slow so I don't get hurt, because I know myself. I have read up on this and have books from Pavel Tsatsouline and love Andrea DuCane's The Kettelebell Goddess. There is a lot of information from Dragon Door online. Pavel's book is more fundamental and Andrea's dvd is more geared towards women but, it's no joke! Good luck getting your shoulder back in order.
  • april_mesk
    april_mesk Posts: 694 Member
    Super Bowl today so I have planned snacks. Popcorn, veggies/dip, among other things. Portion control is a must today.

    Just made veggie dip but, my son has to help me with it or I will eat it all! :) Yes, portion control is good. I am hoping I can get in an extra workout. Today I usually, do just a walk but, I may just want to up it. Just want to make sure I come up with a loss this week. Lasts week was horrendous!