Question about TDEE

Hi! I've been using NROLFW for a while now but didn't actually get serious till the beginning of the year. I am at the end of week 3 on Stage 1 and I have never felt stronger. I have steadily increased my weights, my clothes fit better, and I have more energy. These are all the positive things! :) Now, I have not lost any weight, I have lost the inches I gained during the holiday though.

I am currently eating 1660 a day if I do not exercise and 1880 if I do. But on days I do not exercise I am starving. By the end of the night I end up eating something because I feel so hungry. I'm also extremely thirsty. I only drink water and 1 cup of coffee each day but I am always thirsty.

My question is this, on the scooby calculator, how do I know which exercise level to pick to make sure I am consuming enough calories? I chose 1-3 hours light because I work from home and I am sitting for 35 hours a week and I only go to the gym about 3-4 hours per week so I didn't want to give myself too much credit here.

My stats:
63 inches tall
activity level ???

Oh, I did my reset last year from October-December and only gained back about 2lbs!

If you need anymore details please ask and if you know which exercise level I should pick and if I am starving myself please let me know so I can adjust my caloric intake.


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Hi! I've been using NROLFW for a while now but didn't actually get serious till the beginning of the year. I am at the end of week 3 on Stage 1 and I have never felt stronger. I have steadily increased my weights, my clothes fit better, and I have more energy. These are all the positive things! :) Now, I have not lost any weight, I have lost the inches I gained during the holiday though.

    I am currently eating 1660 a day if I do not exercise and 1880 if I do. But on days I do not exercise I am starving. By the end of the night I end up eating something because I feel so hungry. I'm also extremely thirsty. I only drink water and 1 cup of coffee each day but I am always thirsty.

    My question is this, on the scooby calculator, how do I know which exercise level to pick to make sure I am consuming enough calories? I chose 1-3 hours light because I work from home and I am sitting for 35 hours a week and I only go to the gym about 3-4 hours per week so I didn't want to give myself too much credit here.

    My stats:
    63 inches tall
    activity level ???

    Oh, I did my reset last year from October-December and only gained back about 2lbs!

    If you need anymore details please ask and if you know which exercise level I should pick and if I am starving myself please let me know so I can adjust my caloric intake.

    Well, 3 - 5 hrs is Moderately Active, so you need to up a level. No wonder you are hungry. Probably suppressed metabolism still too.

    Do you shift most of those calories to after your lifting? So if it's in the evening, big dinner and snack, and be willing to have big breakfast and lunch.

    Your bodies needs don't magically stop at midnight when we happen to end a logging day, as you've noticed. With repair 24-48 hrs post workout, be willing to shift some of those calories over to the next day.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    It looks like you are eating your BMR, so not surprising you are hungry. Moderate activity is a better level for NROLFW. And also do a smaller 10-15% cut from TDEE.

    Drink more water if you are thirsty - it's hard to drink too much.

    Make sure you are getting enough fat and enough protein.
  • DestineeTrue
    DestineeTrue Posts: 16 Member
    Yes I try to eat a nice sized breakfast with lots of protein before the gym and then I try to keep my metabolism going all day long. I checked my stats using the 3-5 hours of exercise with 15% and it shows:
    BMR 1609
    TDEE 2494
    Daily goal 2120

    Does that mean I need to eat 2120 every day weather I exercise or not? Or would I eat the BMR on non work out days and 2120 on workout days.
    And you are right, whenever I do my workout, 24 hours later I am still feeling it and sometimes 48 hours later. I love it though!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Yes I try to eat a nice sized breakfast with lots of protein before the gym and then I try to keep my metabolism going all day long. I checked my stats using the 3-5 hours of exercise with 15% and it shows:
    BMR 1609
    TDEE 2494
    Daily goal 2120

    Does that mean I need to eat 2120 every day weather I exercise or not? Or would I eat the BMR on non work out days and 2120 on workout days.
    And you are right, whenever I do my workout, 24 hours later I am still feeling it and sometimes 48 hours later. I love it though!

    The weekly exercise is averaged out over a daily level.

    Therefore, so are the calories.

    If you looked at each day, Eaten minus burned, you should at the end of the week end up on average above BMR by a reasonable amount. You don't want to be right at BMR.

    So indeed, if lifting in the morning, if possible to have a small snack before workout, some good carbs since that's what you'll be burning, and then main breakfast afterwards with that high protein. Lunch and afternoon snack decent sized too.
  • DestineeTrue
    DestineeTrue Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! I feel more confident going into this now. I ate just over 2000 today and I finally feel satisfied. Guess I was not eating enough after all :)