Foods to cut out/avoid???

survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
Recently I saw a post where several people commented about not eating broccolli & cauliflower.
I have Hashimoto's and had 1/3 of my thyroid removed. My endochronologist never told me to avoid any foods.

So I am looking to learn here..
. Are there foods to avoid or eliminate from my diet that aggrevate the thyroid?
What is reason to avoid cauliflower & broccoli?

I have not seen this addressed on any of the thyroid web sites I have looked at.
I do take low dose of synthroid daily.
Thanks for the input.


  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    I don't know much about Hashimoto's, but Terry had it & she was adamant about not eating Goitrogens. However, cooking helps some of them. I don't do well with cabbage cooked either, but cauliflower & broccoli cooked is fine.

    You will find a lot on Goitrogens. See definition below.
    Goitrogens: Substances found primarily in plants that impair the ability of the body to use iodine to synthesize thyroid hormone. When TH synthesis is affected by goitrogens, the body may grow a goiter in an effort to make enough thyroid hormone.
    Also read the following articles, with "goitrogens" in mind.
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
    It's fine if you cook them but you are not suppose to have them raw
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    As DebbyLee posted certain foods are considered goitrogenic. Cooking breaks this down somewhat, but having a bit of these raw now and then shouldn't make a huge difference. That said, I personally noticed a big difference when I was hyperthyroid, that soy would help me to keep it under control.

    Each person is different, but if you're at all concerned then you can just avoid them raw.
  • akurtz102
    Dealing with diet and hashi's is very exhausting and discouraging but can make all the difference in your symptoms. It is highly encouraged to go gluten free and avoid goitrogenic; as others have said, it is ok if you cook them down but raw can interfere with thyroid. Many people do a GAPs, FODMAP or Autoimmune elimination to see waht else they need to avoid. I can't eat eggs or dairy but I know many people who can. check out for more help and information!
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Unfortunately, I have to avoid soy. I am a breast cancer survivor. My tumor was estrogen receptive positive so I am supposed to avoid soy products. And I am pre-diabetic so I am trying to have all these conditions co-exist with each other & see what I need to do for the cancer/thyroid/diabetes.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    Soy is also included in the lists of goitragens. And its in everything!! :angry: So hard reading labels, but so important.
    I'm so fond of flavored creamers & salad dressings, but they're mostly made with soy. I have found a good salad "dip" that is soy free. so happy!! :happy:
    I also have to avoid dairy & egg yolks... didn't fare well with the flu shot. :noway:
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Unfortunately, I have to avoid soy. I am a breast cancer survivor. My tumor was estrogen receptive positive so I am supposed to avoid soy products. And I am pre-diabetic so I am trying to have all these conditions co-exist with each other & see what I need to do for the cancer/thyroid/diabetes.

    I was hyperthyroid, so the soy helped keep it suppressed - if you're hypothyroid you should avoid it anyway. Was just using that example to illustrate that goitrogenic foods CAN have a big impact. :)