Turning 40 this spring! Need some MFPs for support

I will be turning 40 this April and am really wanting to shed these extra pounds quickly and then keep them off! (Can read my blog if want more info on who I am and how I got to this place.) I am needing some friends on here that can relate to the age changes and help hold me accountable. I need friends who aren't afraid to kick me in the butt when they see I am not tracking my food and exercise. I don't need any more enablers or soft friends got plenty of those :smile: ! Looking forward to meeting you!


  • Panthers89
    Panthers89 Posts: 153 Member
    You can friend me if you would like. I don't talk / text too much, but I will remind you to log in or exercise if I don't see any activity.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!, anyone can add me!
  • baronmel
    baronmel Posts: 15 Member
    I am turning 40 in May and its my big goal to lose 40 lbs by then. Feel free to add me...
  • MrsLRG99
    MrsLRG99 Posts: 3 Member
    Turned 40 in December and am also focusing on getting healthy. Add me as a friend.
  • vkmcewen
    vkmcewen Posts: 47 Member
    I turn 40 next month and am on here daily. :)
  • I am 43 (God...how did that happen?!?!!?) and I WILL kick your butt if you need it but I will also support you and praise you for everything good you do! Add me as a friend I'd love to help :tongue:
  • Hi, I must admit I've never been on a fitness forum before. So here it goes. I need to lose at least 30 lbs. I'll be 40 next month and I must start taking time for me, invest in myself. I've tried losing weight before but lose my focus easily. I know what to do (reduce calories, exercise) but I just don't do it. I need a group of MFP friends to keep me accountable for my laziness.
  • 40 is Fabulous! I've enjoyed it so much I've stayed here the last 3 years. Add me as well if you like. I love the extra support.
  • kdew2
    kdew2 Posts: 27 Member
    Just sent you a friend request. Extra support is always helpful. :)
  • molstern
    molstern Posts: 6 Member
    Happy 40th almost! I LOVED TURNING 40! It was a turning point in my life! I divorced and decided it was time for me! I am now 43 in a HEALTHY HAPPY LOVING ROCKING relationship (with a younger guy! He's got one more year til he's 40!!) I am finally happy with everything except my weight. I have about 40 lbs to lose and I am ready to finally tackle this! Its fun too because my sig other loves me the way I am but gives 100% support in whatever I want to do. So he joined the gym with me and he is also going to lose some! Please dont read all this wrong.. I am not some pollyanna or someone who i just too friggin upbeat and happy! LOL i have my days! But I spent too many years of my life miserable, unhappy and when I turned 40 I realized LIFE IS TOO SHORT and I deserve to get everything out of it i want!!

    So last saturday Matt and I started a c25K and Monday I joined MFP. I feel so much better this week! So much more energy and I feel as though my skin looks better! May be just in my head.. but oh well! Keeps me motivated!

    So all of you turning 40 soon! EMBRASE IT AND BE YOU ! BE THE YOU THAT YOU WANT TO BE! Corny I know! But it is an awesome way to live!

    Have a great day all!

  • angeltg
    angeltg Posts: 97 Member
    I turned 40 in October and reached my goal. I am focusing on improving my running and getting healthier by the day. I'm good with the exercise but being a healthy eater is a daily struggle. :) Add me if you like. 40 is great so far.
  • JackiePenner
    JackiePenner Posts: 74 Member
    Turning 40 in April too! Would love more MFP friends! Add me
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    I'll be 47 this year...feel free to add me, I'm on here daily! :)
  • erbrat
    erbrat Posts: 11 Member
    Turning 46 this April... just joined MFP a little over a week ago and looking for similar peeps to chat, motivate and whip into shape!! Feel free to add me, I am on here daily and a little addicted at this point!
  • Hi. Ill be 42 this Summer. 40 and Fabulouse Baby!!!! Thats how you need to look at it.
    It is a little harder to lose weight and keep it off but you will do just fine. I have a great family and support so if you have that it will be nice. Im on here daily or you can txt any time you need a push. 760/646/2423
    I have had my ups and downs and even been a fatty couch potato last year but back on the wagon and off I go.
    Yell at me when you need a push no problem in helping.
    Have a blessed day.

  • kdroppo
    kdroppo Posts: 19 Member
    I am 43, not sure when that happened! I am one daily and share my food diary to my friends I also exercise six days a week. I am a good motivator and I am always looking for others to keep me motivated.
  • jbhmac
    jbhmac Posts: 11 Member
    You can friend me for sure. I turned 40 in August and decided not to be overweight anymore! I started MFP about a month ago and just updated my profile.
  • ChangingDad
    ChangingDad Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. Just getting back publicly on MFP. Am 44 and spent the last year working off 60 lbs that snuck right up on me as I headed into my 40's and hung around until I decided enough was enough. You can do it and I'd be glad to support.
  • DreyLove
    DreyLove Posts: 13
    Turning 40 in 2 weeks!
  • najlaamundson
    najlaamundson Posts: 46 Member
    I'm 45... and I'm kicking it into gear! Would love to include more friends - in fact, anyone on here who wants motivation and is willing to give it - please feel free to add me!
    n :)