


  • lang111
    lang111 Posts: 22 Member
    For me if I don't workout in the morning it doesn't happen. However, I know a lot of people prefer the evening workout. I have done other programs before this one and had decent results but not quite the level I wanted. Through some other forums it has been strongly suggested to get the results I want I should eat the 50/30/20 ratio. By the end of the day protein should make up 50 percent, carbs 30 percent, and fat 20 percent. That was so hard for me at first. After almost 2 weeks I think I finally have it. I have lost and inch in my waist and 4lbs. If I haven't eaten anything recently and want to workout I would suggest a small snack. Hard boiled egg, almonds, banana etc...Good luck to you on getting started these forums on this site has been so helpful in my journey. Especially for nailing down the nutrition part.
  • BBinNC
    BBinNC Posts: 73 Member
    I just started week 4 of P90x lean ... and before that I'd not really worked out on a regular basis in about 4 years. I really love the program and how it challenges you. I'm already seeing results too!
  • Me & my brother are on wk 3. How are you liking it so far? We are starting to see things are getting easier and keeping up a lot better now.
  • I noticed if I snacked before or drank anything other than water. I would get indigestion/ heartburn halfway thru. But thats just me. I get heartburn really easily. But on plyometrics day Tony even says in the video dont eat at least an hr before doing it.
  • I started p90x lean on Monday.
  • Doing P90X lean. Love it! Is anyone here a coach or considering being one? My friend has asked me to coach...just looking for opinions.
  • dincoka
    dincoka Posts: 10 Member
    Due to an ankle sprain and a bacterial infection I am restarting P90X on February 3rd if anyone would like to join!
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    Im on week three but im dogging it... skipped plyo. I guess, i might try to make it up after arms and shoulders tomorow.
  • joebanz77
    joebanz77 Posts: 283 Member
    I'm am on Day 5 and today is Legs and Back / Ab Ripper X! So STOKED!!!
  • Coach_T
    Coach_T Posts: 462 Member
    I plan to start P90x in the next few days and have a few quick questions. Do you guys owrk out in the morning or in the evening after work? Do you eat before or after your work out? Just looking for some quick tips to start on track.

    I'm doing the lean version. So i workout in the morning, Cardio at lunch and ab ripper X in the afternoon!! In the morning's i eat a piece of fruit and have a recovery drink right after my workout. I eat after my other workouts.
  • How do you guys track/record your p90x workouts using my fitness pal. I today was my first day! :)
  • joebanz77
    joebanz77 Posts: 283 Member
    Congrats on Day 1!! Stick with it no matter what!! You will see great results! As far as MFP goes. I manually plug in my calories and use it as a tool to track my nutrition.
  • He folks P90x folks. So, I've been doing is for about 2 weeks. I see a difference in the way my clothes fit but not really dropping pounds. Anyone else?
  • mdz79
    mdz79 Posts: 9
    Hi Folks,

    today is my DAY1. I hope I will survive those 90 days. I have a question regarding food. Based on the formula I am level III (of course) but I can not eat all those things - It is simply too much.

    Did anyone have similar problem?
  • I have finish my first week of P90x ., 12 more to go. #keeppressingplay #fat2fit
  • Mrsum3
    Mrsum3 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to this forum. Starting p90X today.

  • Mrsum3
    Mrsum3 Posts: 45 Member
    Core synergistics today. A lot of modifying.
  • mylla013
    mylla013 Posts: 25 Member
    I stared P90X yesterday with Core. Had to modify quite a bit. I will keep trucking! I have researched this a LOT and have seen people either drop a lot of weight, or not so much weight but a lot of inches. I'm happy either way!