Due April 2013



  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    I am an April 2013 mommy too!
    My due date is somewhere around April 11th. I also have a 21 month old! And YES, I'm tired!!
    I've gained about 12-14 lbs. so far (28 weeks). So far, all is going well (thank you Lord!!) and we are having a little GIRL!! Which scares me to death... but hopefully, she'll go easy on us ;)

    I had to have an emergency C-Section with my first, but I'm praying and hoping to do a VBAC with this one. But everything will have to go perfectly... Hopefully I'll be prepared for whatever happens :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I posted this in the 3rd trimester board but thought I'd add it here too....is anyone else having boob pain again? I swear it's like I'm back in the 1st trimester, I'm tired, my booobs hurts and all I want to eat is junk. I guess the 2nd tri really is the "golden age" of pregnancy....all things considered though, I'd say things are going well :)
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I posted this in the 3rd trimester board but thought I'd add it here too....is anyone else having boob pain again? I swear it's like I'm back in the 1st trimester, I'm tired, my booobs hurts and all I want to eat is junk. I guess the 2nd tri really is the "golden age" of pregnancy....all things considered though, I'd say things are going well :)

    My boobs have been hurting and leaking, and forget about my varicose veins! They are killing me! I am going to need another leg surgery after this baby because my veins are so bad (I already had my legs done after my third)! Other than that, I feel great! I have been still walking, doing yoga and zumba... and my 12 hr shifts are a workout, too! I am working on getting the house ready for the baby, and we are starting construction on our addition in a couple of weeks! I will be keeping everything status quo until after the baby is born, and then switch around all of the bedrooms because the baby with be sleeping with me anyway, and I don't want my house in dissaray for the home birth! Luckily I can just block off the rest of the house from the area of construction so it wont affect everything else!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back in. :)

    Today I hit the 31 week mark! Sooo exciting to know my time is coming! I was very very bad during my time off food-wise. I've gained 30 lbs :/ but it has leveled out over the past two weeks. Right now all I can think about is starting up boxing when the baby is born! I'm having a lot of pelvic pain still and the only thing that seems to help is sleeping on the couch. Fortunately my very sweet hubby is willing to sleep on the (sectional) couch with me so I'm not so alone. :) However, I'm thinking that I may be sticking to the couch for the rest of this pregnancy. The feeling of waking up and not being in pain is just too much of a temptation. :)
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Now that most of us are in the 3rd trimester (I will be 30 weeks on Monday), how many calories are you averaging? I have already gained 30 lbs. so I want to watch it a bit for the home stretch. I just don't know how many I should be eating.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Now that most of us are in the 3rd trimester (I will be 30 weeks on Monday), how many calories are you averaging? I have already gained 30 lbs. so I want to watch it a bit for the home stretch. I just don't know how many I should be eating.

    You look fabulous! I have been eating about 1900 to 2100 calories per day... today I am trying to get more in today because I burned almost 600 walking for almost 2 hours. I have gained about 15 lbs so far. I am trying to stay high protein, fuits and veggies and keep my diet fairly lower in carbs.
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Now that most of us are in the 3rd trimester (I will be 30 weeks on Monday), how many calories are you averaging? I have already gained 30 lbs. so I want to watch it a bit for the home stretch. I just don't know how many I should be eating.

    You look fabulous! I have been eating about 1900 to 2100 calories per day... today I am trying to get more in today because I burned almost 600 walking for almost 2 hours. I have gained about 15 lbs so far. I am trying to stay high protein, fuits and veggies and keep my diet fairly lower in carbs.

    Well, thanks but I am feeling pretty huge! :-) You are amazing! 2 hour walk is awesome!
  • nikkicormier82
    nikkicormier82 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi all! I'm due April 27th and I am 23 years old. I lost 28 pounds before getting preggers and now i'm up 16.5 pounds. I'll be 28 weeks on Friday. It's getting so close!!!!!!!!!
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    I'm due April 11th, with baby #2! I have a 21 month old little boy and have raised two sons from my husband's first marriage, who are now 21 and 23.

    I was a personal trainer for years and owned my own In-Home training business for women until we moved and I became pregnant. I've been out of it since he's been born but I still work pretty hard to stay fit and healthy during and after pregnancy.

    Happy April deliveries everyone!!! :)
  • Wickedmeowmer
    Im happy to know everyone else is up 30 lbs with me ;) I'm 32 weeks today (April 1 due date - barely an April baby!)

    I just thought I'd chime in to complain and say I am sooooo tired of this 1st trimester type nausea that has hit me again. NO FAIR! ;)
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    Happy February Everyone!!! We're almost there and welcome to all the newbies that joined our little group. Hope everyone is doing great!!! I know I'm ready to be done being pregnant, just remember... almost there!!!!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Happy February to you, too! I am really starting to freak out... I feel like I have so much to do to prepare for the baby! I went to my midwives yesterday, I am up 15 lbs at 29+ weeks and I am only measuring about 1 week ahead (my norm). I got my 2- year- old transitioned from his crib to a twin bed. We had a few rough nights and a few days with no naps, but after a week, he has adapted perfectly! For the time being, I moved the crib to my bedroom until we finish construction on our addition (hopefully by summer). No nursery until them, but we will be co- sleeping anyway. I am working on gathering my home birth supplies and making sure that my house is ready! Is anyone else freaking out??? I know that this is my fourth, but I feel more unprepared for this one than any of them!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Happy February to all of you too! I went to my regular OB yesterday for my 28 week ultrasound and checkup since I have a 2 vessel cord. I am up 21 pounds so far which is more than I intended, but should still be less than with my first where I gained a total of 39 pounds. Our baby girl still doesn't have a name yet, but we will get there. We did see one more thing on the ultrasound that they are concerned with. Her umbilical cord vein is bigger than it should be, so I have another appointment with the high risk doctor on Wednesday. Until then I am supposed to do daily kick counts. I am worried a little because with an enlarged vein a clot could develop in the cord, which can be life threatening for the baby, but I don't think it is big enough for that to happen. It just worries me, so we could use your prayers. Other than the cord, she looked great! Weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces, was practicing her breathing, and is head down.

    Nikki- I think the only thing freaking me out is the fact that I could have her really early, but we will see what the doc says on Wednesday.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Happy February to all of you too! I went to my regular OB yesterday for my 28 week ultrasound and checkup since I have a 2 vessel cord. I am up 21 pounds so far which is more than I intended, but should still be less than with my first where I gained a total of 39 pounds. Our baby girl still doesn't have a name yet, but we will get there. We did see one more thing on the ultrasound that they are concerned with. Her umbilical cord vein is bigger than it should be, so I have another appointment with the high risk doctor on Wednesday. Until then I am supposed to do daily kick counts. I am worried a little because with an enlarged vein a clot could develop in the cord, which can be life threatening for the baby, but I don't think it is big enough for that to happen. It just worries me, so we could use your prayers. Other than the cord, she looked great! Weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces, was practicing her breathing, and is head down.

    Nikki- I think the only thing freaking me out is the fact that I could have her really early, but we will see what the doc says on Wednesday.

    I am sending good energy your way! I know a few women with two- vessel cords that carried to term with no issues! I am glad she is doing well!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    My first was also a two vessel cord, with no other issues and I carried him past term. I am just worried about the vein being too big. Thank you for the prayers!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Went to the high risk doc today. Baby girl does have an enlarged vein in the umbilical cord, called umbilical cord varix, she reassured me that baby girl is doing good. Weighs 2# 13 oz at 29 weeks and measuring right on track. We will just have to watch her closely and make sure she keeps growing and the blood flow through the cord is good. Starting at 32 weeks I will have to go in for non-stress tests 2 times a week. Yuck! But will do everything to make sure she stays healthy.
  • skoblinka
    Doubletnurse, I'm so glad that your baby is doing well! But all those extra tests and doctors appointments must be a bit of a pain... Anyway, I am sending positive thoughts your way and hoping you and the little one are going to make it full term!
  • skoblinka
    Just checking in... I only have 80 days to go, where did the time go?! It seems to be flying by way too quickly! Our nursery is not even close to being ready, and my list of things to get and to do seems to be getting bigger every day. At least I have the bassinet set up and ready, and the crib is already here (although it's still boxed).
    I wanted to ask if anyone else has trouble with Kegels? I always forget about them, and when I remember, it seems like I'm not doing it right... so frustrating! For now I'm finding that doing them lying down gives more control (rather than sitting or standing), but does that mean that my pelvic floor is super weak? Does anyone else have problems with that?
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Went to the high risk doc today. Baby girl does have an enlarged vein in the umbilical cord, called umbilical cord varix, she reassured me that baby girl is doing good. Weighs 2# 13 oz at 29 weeks and measuring right on track. We will just have to watch her closely and make sure she keeps growing and the blood flow through the cord is good. Starting at 32 weeks I will have to go in for non-stress tests 2 times a week. Yuck! But will do everything to make sure she stays healthy.

    I think the non-stress tests were the favorite part of my last pregnancy. Of course, the chair was super comfy and any excuse to sit quietly for an hour and listen to baby's heartrate was very relaxing. :) (I only had a few of them starting at 40 weeks). Hopefully you can find some relaxment, too! Glad to hear the baby is measuring on track and growing.

    As for Kegels, I forgot all about them until skoblinka said something!! Skoblinka - there is a prenatal yoga video by Shiva Rea that has a portion dedicated to kegels - maybe something like that would be helpful. I do like the video overall, but haven't had much time to do it this pregnancy since I've been chasing my toddler around.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Just checking in... I only have 80 days to go, where did the time go?! It seems to be flying by way too quickly! Our nursery is not even close to being ready, and my list of things to get and to do seems to be getting bigger every day. At least I have the bassinet set up and ready, and the crib is already here (although it's still boxed).
    I wanted to ask if anyone else has trouble with Kegels? I always forget about them, and when I remember, it seems like I'm not doing it right... so frustrating! For now I'm finding that doing them lying down gives more control (rather than sitting or standing), but does that mean that my pelvic floor is super weak? Does anyone else have problems with that?

    While you are peeing, try holding it in mid- pee. That is performing an effective kegel. I try and remind myself to do them @the red lights (weird but that's when I remember lol).