


  • Thanks for inviting me to this great group!

    My name is Dom, i'm 43 and i have been logging here since June of last year. The most i have lost on my journey, has been 38 pounds, but i have gained a few since the holidays, and now i'm trying to get back on track. My goal is to get down to 185 by June of this year, and am always looking for some inspiration and motivation from others.
  • sskkg
    sskkg Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Shelley, I'm 41 and I'm not quite ready to "let nature take it's course" on this 40 something body! I want to feel good when I look in the mirror. (Or at least not totally mortified!) I have always been about 15-30 lbs overweight since grade school. My birth mother was morbidly obese & I have a nagging fear of looking like her. I've even posted pictures of her on my fridge & pantry doors for motivation. This nagging fear is what has kept me in a constant battle with my weight for over 20 years. I have tried everything, all the pills, Jenny Craig, personal training, blah blah blah. But then I always get tired of the fight & give up again. Hopefully this won't happen now that I have MFP. I have lost 15 lbs since I started in Oct and even though I was sidelined by a back injury for a few weeks and then lost another 3 weeks to gallbladder removal surgery & the holidays, I have managed to maintain my focus thanks to MFP! Now I'm back on track & I only have 6 more pounds to go to reach my goal weight I have been striving to reach for the last 20 years!! I'm not striving for perfection. Even at my goal weight, according to the charts, I will be about 10 pounds over the "ideal weight" for my height. But it will be the lowest I've been since my 22yo son was born. To me, that's ROCKING IT!!! :wink:
  • yobby1969
    yobby1969 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi to all you fellow BA's...
    I'm Jennifer, a 41 year old, workaholic, single mom. I've lost 34 pounds over the last 3 YEARS!! I have found it so much harder to lose weight now, then in my 20's and 30's. I love to workout and I give it my all, but I'm a foodie and indulge a little too much = / I'm working on making better choices. Anyone up for a challenge?
  • TisheaDH
    TisheaDH Posts: 32 Member
    im gonna be 44 this summer.... and i have to say... i DONT mind saying it!!!! Im Lynnette. Im a personal trainer and my second home IS the gym. Lets rock this year ladies!!!
    I like your enthusiasm. Thanks for the motivation.
  • kellijeanmahoney
    kellijeanmahoney Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, everyone! I will be 49 in April and I can say the my 40's have been the best years of my life, so far! I am looking to maintain my current weight, and firm up my trouble zones. I am currently doing Rushfit, combined with Supreme 90 Day and am very happy with my results so far. Heading south for vacation in a few weeks and want to be "comfortable" in a 2-piece so I am going to be working extra hard the next 3 weeks!
  • im gonna be 44 this summer.... and i have to say... i DONT mind saying it!!!! Im Lynnette. Im a personal trainer and my second home IS the gym. Lets rock this year ladies!!!
    I like your enthusiasm. Thanks for the motivation.

    Lynette is awesome!
  • LuvHypno
    LuvHypno Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, Everyone. I am Lissa (pronounced Lisa) and I just turned 40 in December of last year. Having a hard time checking that next box up on forms. You know...the one that says 40-45?
    Glad to see a cool crowd here and looking forward to chatting with everyone.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone! I am going to be 43 in April. I used to be in great shape and have let that go so down hill the 8 years. I am working on building back up my fitness and shedding a lot of weight. I gained. I never feel "old" as some say and being in my 40's doesn't bother me a bit. I figure if I already feel pretty darn good I am going to feel FANTASTIC further along in my journey!!! I am working my fitness around a torn tendon in my foot so creativity is key :) My wake up call was my recent passport photo. i Do not see that chick when i look in the mirror and was stunned. no problem though because i can fix it!
  • chelivia7
    chelivia7 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'll be 42 in April. I've been working out for years but never really focusing on my eating. For the past few years my weight has gone up about 14 lbs & I just can't seem to lose it. So now I'm trying to keep track of my food & step up my workouts. I was sidelined in 2011 with broken bones in my foot which is finally feeling pretty good.
    I'm hoping to find encouragement & new ideas to tone up & maintain it.
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    A little about me.

    Turned 40 last August. That was my motivation to get fit. So far I have lost 27lbs. Still working on my food choices, I am TERRIBLE with sodium rich foods!!!! And pasta...MMMMM. I love food!!!

    I am married, I have 3 kids, one is married and has 2 kids. I have signed up for some 5K's this summer. One that I am most excited and proud of is the one where I have signed my mom up (she will be 70 at that time of the race). She is working on building up her endurance to be able to walk the 3.1 miles. What she doesn't know is that I have recruited my siblings, grandkids, and great-grandkids to also participate in support of her. She doesn't know it yet, so hoping she will enjoy her surprise!!!

    Feel free to add me.

    Here's to the best years of our lives!!!
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for the invite! I'll be 48 in August. Decided to stop being a couch potato and get fit. I have ideally 15 lbs to lose and they are a stubborn 15! Hoping the MFP crowd can push me through to the finish line!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,429 Member
    Hello all! I was happy to find this group! I'll be 48 next month and almost at my goal weight. I have about 10 lbs left which for some reason does NOT want to come off!

    I am however in the best shape (physcially) in my life! I lift weights, run, bike (in the summer) and really enjoy it all - love the feeling of power! I just want to get the last bit of weight off for once in my life :)

    I typically eat very very well - lots of protein, vegetables, whole grain carbs but like most people have my days when I have trouble saying no to sweet things. If I could control this, I'd be at goal weight right now! So between now and the beginning of summer I've just gotta get this done! :smile:
  • heathnj
    heathnj Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 45 and just started with My Fitness Pal. I love the name of the group, so here I am. I've lost 7 lbs in January that are not showing on my ticker, and still have 35 to go. I joined the YMCA a few weeks ago and have been consistent with cardio and strength training 4 x a week. I have my 17 year old daughter going with me so we keep each other motivated.
  • Wardcmason
    Wardcmason Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I'm Ward and I just got serious about using myfitnesspal last month and with the exercise I feel better than I have in a long time. My Brother-n-law is a Personal Trainer and tells my that most of getting fit is about how you eat. And sense I've started using this app I have been able to make better food choices and keep more disciplined. Good luck to all! And if you need a friend on here send me a request.
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member