New from Michigan

HI Everyone, I am April from MI. I am 45 and really wanting to start running again. I want to lose 30 pounds by summer. Being in MI, I have been using the "It's to cold to run" excuse. So I am looking for some friends to give me the big kick in the butt to get me rolling. Thanks and feel free to add me. Have a healthy week. April :smile:


  • BeckyAndie
    BeckyAndie Posts: 39 Member
    I'm from Michigan too! This cold snap we're having makes for nasty running conditions! Are you running indoors or outside?
  • Aprilwillrun10
    Aprilwillrun10 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I was running outside. Way to cold yesterday though. I decided that I cant use the weather as my excuse or I will have a hard time come spring. I am from eastern Mi. :-)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I hear that yaxtrax make all the difference for outdoor running in snow and ice. That and layers. There's awesome gear out there.
  • EWhitaker526
    EWhitaker526 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey! I'm from Michigan too!!! I only run outside as I can't stand a treadmill! I run if it is in the high 20's and above. Anything below that I wait til the next day. I'm on W7D2, supposed to be Friday, but it's looking like high teens so maybe Saturday lol. Good Luck!!
  • ashleymmannisto
    ashleymmannisto Posts: 62 Member
    I'm from Michigan too! Yooper :) I'm starting it on Monday! Super nervous! And it's been COLD here... definitely using the tredmil!
  • alanfogarty
    Nice to see other people starting the same time as me. I finished week one today it's going well. I'm in Ireland and the weather is pretty cold right now so I am doing it on a thread mill for now and then il take it outdoors for the summer.

    Feel free to add me and we can help each other along : )