Weekly Chat 2/3 - 2/9

Okay, so it is only 10:15 pacific time on Saturday Night... But I thought I'd start next week's chat now.

I am so excited that so many of you had great weeks last week! I am also loving the real discussions we are having about set-backs or dietary issues.

Keep up the great work this first full week of February!


  • 311Sarah
    Thanks Sarah! I had such a busy week last week and didn't get to post much on last week's chat. It sounds like everyone is doing awesome though! :smile:
    I was pleasantly surprised when I weighed in yesterday, I have lost 11 pounds in 5 weeks on this program!
    I still can't wear the next jean size down without a muffin top but I can put them on now! Hopefully I will be wearing them in the next week or 2.
  • Good morning Sarah and Sarah! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday was my free day and today my weight was exactly the same. Interesting! I always seem to go up after a free day!

    I've been slacking a bit in the water department, so my goal for today is to drink ALL my water. Cheers! :drinker:

    Have a great day everyone!!! Monica
  • ChristinePechulis
    ChristinePechulis Posts: 52 Member
    Morning all!

    Glad we've got a new weekly chat thread going already!

    Yesterday was my "free day" and it was a fun time spent with my daughter. We enjoyed each other and had a nice dinner out.

    Today is an LC day for me. We are not fans of either team playing in the Super Bowl, so we will have a quiet day at home and food won't be much of a challenge. Today is a "rest day" from exercise as well. Good thing -- my stomach is a little icky from yesterday's food. Funny how that happens, eh?

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great day! :smile:
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi everyone! After yesterday's fun day I decided even if permitted I won't do that again. I feel hungover but without booze! I really went sweet crazy with a small Sunday and 2 slices of cake throughout the day. HORRIBLE reflux at 2am. Lesson learned. I start sling shot today. Still not sure if it one week Sun to Sun or if the free day would still be Saturday for me.

    Way to go on the 11 lbs !!!! That is so awesome!!!!

    I also need to work on the water.

    It is hard to type on the kindle. Whew!
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    Sarah311 - congratz on the 11 lbs!!! You'll be in those jeans in no time at all!

    Monica - how cool that you weight the same this morning as your weigh day! I always love that when it happens... because it doesn't happen often for me.

    Christine - I'm glad you had a great "fun day" with your daughter yesterday! I'll be "not rooting" right with you during the game. In fact, we don't have "live tv" so I'd have to go somewhere to watch the game if I wanted to. I'm thinking about going for a walk this afternoon instead.

    Chelle - LOL! I had to laugh so hard because I know the feeling!!! Sometimes I eat really "crappy" on fun day, and then others I do really quite well. It just depends on how the mood strikes me.

    To answer your slingshot question: Since yesterday was funday, just eat HC until your next weigh day. Then on your next weigh day, treat it as the start of a new week, and just do what you normally do. This will be the one week that you will eat HC on the day before a weigh day. If you track sodium, you will want to watch it on the last day or two before weigh day. If you can manage to keep it down below 2000 it will help with the water retention a little. Don't be surprised if you maintain or even "gain" a little at your next weigh in. Don't despair... any gain usually goes away plus extra the following week. :smile:

    Yesterday was the first day of my 8 week challenge. I'm quite thrilled with how I feel today so far. It is a "fun day" for me.... but it is my goal to go as "sugar free" as possible for the next 8 weeks. So, that means nothing that has more than 6g of processed sugar per serving. So far so good... and my plan for today will accomodate my goal just fine.

    My other goal is to drink a minimum of 40 oz of water by 3pm every day. I'm behind already today... as it is 2:45 and I'm only to 30 oz... but I am in good shape to get in 64oz by the end of the night.

    Well, I'd better go put some laundry into the wash.. my dh would really like some clean underware to wear this week. :laugh:

  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Wow i feel so full on high carb days !!! Lol
  • jbdowns35
    Wow, so nice to see everyone's progress - and WOW - congrats on the 11lbs!!!! Today is day one of week 5 for me. Last week was supposed to be my slingshot week, but I was nervous about it cuz I didn't see a loss the week before & so I decided to put it off for one more week. Well, unfortunately last week didn't show a loss either. I weighed exactly the same this week. So, is this my official plateau?? If I recall, Chris Powell said this is likely to happen around the 3rd week & that the purpose of the slingshot is to zip you off that plataeu, so I'm doing slingshot this week starting today.
  • 311Sarah
    Wow, so nice to see everyone's progress - and WOW - congrats on the 11lbs!!!! Today is day one of week 5 for me. Last week was supposed to be my slingshot week, but I was nervous about it cuz I didn't see a loss the week before & so I decided to put it off for one more week. Well, unfortunately last week didn't show a loss either. I weighed exactly the same this week. So, is this my official plateau?? If I recall, Chris Powell said this is likely to happen around the 3rd week & that the purpose of the slingshot is to zip you off that plataeu, so I'm doing slingshot this week starting today.

    Thanks! I am 1 week ahead of you. I didn't lose any weight the week before my slingshot week. I also didn't lose on my slingshot week. But last week, I lost 5 pounds doing low-low-high-low-low-high-cheat. This week I am going back to every other day because 2 low days in a row are hard for me.

    I'm off to go do my Sprint Shaper and 7 Shredders on the treadmill!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member

    Chelle - LOL! I had to laugh so hard because I know the feeling!!! Sometimes I eat really "crappy" on fun day, and then others I do really quite well. It just depends on how the mood strikes me.

    To answer your slingshot question: Since yesterday was funday, just eat HC until your next weigh day. Then on your next weigh day, treat it as the start of a new week, and just do what you normally do. This will be the one week that you will eat HC on the day before a weigh day. If you track sodium, you will want to watch it on the last day or two before weigh day. If you can manage to keep it down below 2000 it will help with the water retention a little. Don't be surprised if you maintain or even "gain" a little at your next weigh in. Don't despair... any gain usually goes away plus extra the following week. :smile:

    Yesterday was the first day of my 8 week challenge. I'm quite thrilled with how I feel today so far. It is a "fun day" for me.... but it is my goal to go as "sugar free" as possible for the next 8 weeks. So, that means nothing that has more than 6g of processed sugar per serving. So far so good... and my plan for today will accomodate my goal just fine.

    My other goal is to drink a minimum of 40 oz of water by 3pm every day. I'm behind already today... as it is 2:45 and I'm only to 30 oz... but I am in good shape to get in 64oz by the end of the night.

    Well, I'd better go put some laundry into the wash.. my dh would really like some clean underware to wear this week. :laugh:


    You know i think I may be goofing things up. My day before Funday is Friday and a high carb day. My final weigh in is Sat morning ( funday) My schedule has been, Sun~low, Mon~ high, Tues~ low, Wed,~ high, Thur~ low, Fri~ high, Sat~ funday. So far my lowest weight has always been after the high carb day. I wonder how I messed the schedule up when starting????? Oh well No worries I shall just keep it since it has been working. I have never tracked sodium to be honest. That is a good idea though!

    Good luck on your challenge!!!
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Sarah~ woot woot on the 5 lbs!!!!!!

    JB I bet you will lose awesome on the slingshot week. From reading the book it made total sense to me and I don't plan to skip them. You also don't have much to lose right? How are the inches coming>?
  • jbdowns35
    Sarah~ woot woot on the 5 lbs!!!!!!

    JB I bet you will lose awesome on the slingshot week. From reading the book it made total sense to me and I don't plan to skip them. You also don't have much to lose right? How are the inches coming>?

    Ugh - yeah, I need to take measurements & do my body fat %. The scale is so NOT a good measurement. I didn't do measurements on day 1 becasue I was upset with myself for gaining 12 lbs after being at goal earlier last year, I just didn't want to know my measurements & BF%!!! I know since startng CTL & with all the exercise I've been doing, I have definately lost inches. My belly is noticably flatter & so are my love handles. My clothes are fitting better too.

    I have lost 5lbs & that's a significant amount, just got about 8-10 more to go, depending on my BF. I've been at a higher weight than goal with less BF% & felt & looked better than at a lower weight with a higher BF%, so I'm not deadlocked on a goal weight, I'm just trying to focus more on getting fit & feeling good about how I look no matter what the scale says.

    I'm no longer afraid of the slingshot week, I'm actually looking forward to it & plan to really kick it in high gear with exercise. I'm looking forward to all the fruit I can eat this week, got my fridge full of fresh produce & ready to go. Also made some pickled eggs for a quick & easy protein.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Since I worked both Sat. & Sun., I was not able to do all of my grocery shopping. So, today and tomorrow will be LC days and then I'll go back to norm the rest of the week. As some of you know, my Husband has been following the program, with a little tweaking, and as of Saturday he was down 6lbs! He was so happy and just looked at me and said "thanks babe for showing me this program." :heart: Of course, he only wants to lose around 20lbs but still its something.

    This weekend went good despite the fact that I had to work. Yesterday I splurged on some food at my dad's house but today I'm back on track.

    Well, I hope everyone has a great week! :smile:

  • losingmybehind
    losingmybehind Posts: 47 Member
    Hi guys, checking in and have some interesting results to share. Last week on both Wednesday and Thursday (2 LC days for me) I had spot on nutrition until dinner. Wednesday we were at an event where we were serving a meal, and tho we hadn't planned to eat there, that's what ended up happening. It was definitely a higher carb meal than what I had planned to have at home. Next morning? The scale was DOWN. Thursday went the same way...and Friday morning? The scale was DOWN again. So, I started thinking maybe I was on to something. :)

    Friday was a high carb day and Saturday was a fun day (enjoyed myself but didn't go nuts), and both Saturday morning and Sunday morning the scale was DOWN again! Sunday was to be a low carb day, but I decided to test out my theory that perhaps what my body needed was a shorter carb cycle, with more of the carbs later in the day. I know, this seems to go against everything I've ever heard, but my body seemed to be telling me a different story. And, this morning? The scale is DOWN!

    Other things that I did differently last week were that I became more diligent about my water....I need a gallon a day, and I got that every single day. Another thing is I got to the gym 5x last week. I'm pretty sure it's not just the shorter carb cycle that I tested that's working for me, but also the water and exercise.

    At any rate, the scale is dropping, I have great energy during the day, and I'm sleeping like a baby at night. I know I've just written a novelette here, but wanted to share that its so important to listen to our bodies and test out adjustments to fit our personal needs.

    p.s. Altho I've weighed each morning, I only post results on Fridays...thus my number on my ticker isn't changing for now. :)
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone! I finished my slingshot week and really didn't care for it. I understand why it's necessary and will continue doing it, but I found myself craving low carb days :) Thankfully today is a low carb and I just "feel" lighter if that makes sense.

    I need to get to the grocery store to get more produce, but have to wait due to snow.
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Does anyone else wake up with hunger pains every morning ? It wakes me up most mornings
  • focus1232
    focus1232 Posts: 8 Member
    I am still reading the book. I haven't actually started yet, however, I am trying new foods and slowly riding my house of the junk (as much as I can with 2 teenagers @ home) I have started back to eating approx 5 small meals and I am already feeling better by doing this and eating less carbs. I have worked out 3 time since Saturday. I'm off to work out @ the Y in the pool in just a few minutes.. I have back issues that keep me only able to do water exercise at this time. I do love the water! I went all crazy yesterday and did jumping jacks (30) in the pool......boy does my body fell the pain today....But it's a good pain....and I haven't felt that in decades!!
  • MidgeN27
    MidgeN27 Posts: 152 Member
    Hey everyone! You are all doing so well. I am so happy for all of you! Keep up the great job you're all doing!

    Well the scale did not move for me this week...which is fine because the tape measure is my new best friend? I lost 3" on my waist and 3.8 on my hips....I'm so happy! Didn't really notice the loss because I have been wearing scrubs most of the week. So my surprise when I put on my tight jeans and they were loose!

    Changes I made this week drinking 9 glasses of water ( I have a glass that holds 3cups and drink after meals). Exercise is just walking now since I injured my shoulder last week :(. But feeling good other wise, loving this carb cycling...thanks all for your support on this journey it means the world to me!

    Love and light
  • MAV9855
    MAV9855 Posts: 32 Member
    I started Chose to Loose last Friday. I was doing low carb (Atkins) for 50 days but was not loosing as much and decided to try Carb cycling.
    I gained 3 pounds since and I'm very worry about it. I also feel lack of energy, I had more energy with low carb. Sunday was my fun day- I did not go overboard but did not feel good about it.
    I'm not sure if I'm doing this right (yes, I read the book). Today was low carb day: High protein, carbs and veggie for breakfast? I'm to do this every day?
    For lunch I had protein (Chicken breast) with low carb tortilla - Was I suppose to have another carb?
    For dinner chicken and broccoli with cheese (was cheese OK?)
    I had a protein shake for snack. I'm sorry if I seem stupid, I'm just confuse with Atkins and this carb cycling. Any advice?
  • chantell7
    chantell7 Posts: 167 Member
    Mav. your gain would just be water weight . it will correct its self. Also you tiredness is from the adding back carbs in to our diet.this can last for 2 weeks
  • babeinthemoon
    babeinthemoon Posts: 471 Member
    I started Chose to Loose last Friday. I was doing low carb (Atkins) for 50 days but was not loosing as much and decided to try Carb cycling.
    I gained 3 pounds since and I'm very worry about it. I also feel lack of energy, I had more energy with low carb. Sunday was my fun day- I did not go overboard but did not feel good about it.
    I'm not sure if I'm doing this right (yes, I read the book). Today was low carb day: High protein, carbs and veggie for breakfast? I'm to do this every day?
    For lunch I had protein (Chicken breast) with low carb tortilla - Was I suppose to have another carb?
    For dinner chicken and broccoli with cheese (was cheese OK?)
    I had a protein shake for snack. I'm sorry if I seem stupid, I'm just confuse with Atkins and this carb cycling. Any advice?

    Mav: I just took a quick look at your diary for today. Just looking at the diary I couldn't tell if you were on a HC or a LC day. This is a "problem." :laugh: Bare with me... I'm going to look at your diary with "diet prision" and "diet framework" glasses... so don't be mad at me right off the bat. :)

    So, there are two ways of looking at it... first off would be the "diet prison" suggestions.

    Breakfast, should have been High Carb. This means a portion of protein (2 large eggs is a good size), and a slice of whole grain bread is ideal. Adding veggies is optional... and if you feel like you need the extra bulk I would do so. Technically your creamer would be considered a "fat" and is "not allowed" with breakfast.

    Morning snack. should be LC: The protein shake looks good. You are missing veggies, and a healthy fat

    Lunch: Should be LC: this means no tortilla "low carb or otherwise". Quantities of chicken and sour cream look good. You are really short on the veggies.

    afternoon snack should be LC: looks good... but you are missing protein. On future days that are similar, I'd choose a protein that is lowfat here.

    Dinner should be LC too. Chris would probably not be thrilled about the cheese whiz... and you are low on veggies.

    Boy, that sucked. I hate being the bearer of bad news. So, my Diet Framework glasses are on now.

    Overall, you did really good today... especially for just switching from Atkins to CTL. I am proud of you!!! Overall your diary for today looks really really good. I'd just make some tweaks.

    Breakfast is all about being high carb and protein every morning. Some people find that eggs and fruit or bread seals the deal here. Others (like me) have a protein shake with fruit every morning. Veggies at breakfast are purely optional.. have them if you feel you need the extra staying power... or skip them if you don't.

    The rest of today should have been Low Carb. This means a "palm of protein", two fistfulls of veggies, and 1 thumb of fat. No carbs at all. The fat content for your day was a little on the high side, which I don't see as a problem, assuming you are able to go low fat tomorrow. The bigger concern would be that you are really low on veggies today. Low carb days are the day to get in your veggies, as you might not have the room to eat them all including the carbs on High Carb days.

    It looks like to me that you stoped at about "1200 calories" because that is what Chris says to do in the book. In my experience, it is really really hard to get all my veggies in for the day on 1200 cal days, and the protein and fat that I should. This is when I realized Chris says something really cool on page 171 of the book:

    "Vegetables [are] unlimited (except for root and starchy veggies in the carbohydrate category - they count as carbs)"

    I take this to mean Chris is telling us that we need to eat the two fists of veggies (or more) if at all possible at each meal (after breakfast).... and that we can do that even if our calorie count for the day hit the "1200" number before we got in all our veggies.

    So, my takeaway is this: Up the veggies, and make sure you get protein at every meal. Be mindful of your fat & carb portions at the appropriate meals and you will be golden!