Introduce Yourself



  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    age: 35
    state: ny(c)
    sw: 167 or thereabouts
    cw: 135
    gw: i'm happy maintaining anywhere between 130 and 138. that's a typical monthly fluctuation for me.
    snacks: greek yogurt, pineapple, berries, almond butter, cookies
    exercise: elliptical and weights. i ride my bike a lot too, but only when the weather/temperature cooperates.
    goal: to keep doing this, and never stop.
  • kellyrae1189
    kellyrae1189 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello fellow tall ladies!

    Age: 23

    Location: Ohio

    Start Weight: 145

    Current Weight 138

    Goal Weight: 135
    (End goal: 140 with a few added pounds of muscle!)

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Fruit! And my favorite healthy meal is probably baked salmon.

    Favorite exercise: Currently 30 Day Shred, with a plan to start lifting heavy very soon.
  • kellybatkin
    kellybatkin Posts: 34 Member
    Hiiii :)

    Age - 21

    Location- London, England

    Height - 5"8

    SW - 180lb

    CW - 144lb

    GW - 130 - 135lb

    Favourite healthy food - bananas, Clementines and fat free yoghurt!

    Favourite exercise - spinning, also recently got into body pump, and really want to start running!!
  • MissMdM
    MissMdM Posts: 124 Member

    Height: 5'8

    Location:Melbourne Australia

    Highest weight: 207

    CW: 191

    GW: 125

    Fav healthy snack: berries. Any exotic fruit really. Soooo good

    Fav workout: riding my bike
  • deja_blu
    deja_blu Posts: 359 Member
    Greetings! I'm Jameela... =)

    Home Town: Dayton, OH

    Located: Dallas, TX

    Height: 5'9

    Heaviest Weight: 272

    Starting Weight: 265

    Current Weight: 195-ish [LOL]

    Goal: 165 (this will go up when I start lifting heavy weights so I would be content at 175 if I am LEAN)

    Favorite snack: Bananas with PB

    Favorite workout: DANCE! I do African Dance, Belly Dance, Bollywood, Burlesque....FUN-NESS!

    Goal: To be a healthier, more vibrant, sexier me!

  • amberkkelley
    amberkkelley Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm Amber:

    Age: 32

    Located: San Antonio TX

    Starting weight: Originally 425

    Current weight: 200

    Goal Weight: 160

    Favorite Snack: Jalapeno cheese

    Favorite workout: stationary bike

    To get to my goal weight, and be a better me.
  • Hi! I'm Elise, feel free to add me :)

    Age: 18

    Location: Oregon

    SW: 150

    CW: 139

    GW: 120

    Favorite healthy snack: oranges!
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all :) I'm new to mfp and new here too!!

    Name: Summer
    Age: 19
    Location: Singapore
    Height: 5'8 (I'm considered tall for where I live!)
    CW: 150lb / 68kg
    GW: 120-130lb
    Struggles: Binge eating, Night eating

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Frozen berries!!!!!!! <3

    Here to make friends who share the same struggles or want to give / take support!!! SO add me!! I need people to keep me in check so feel free to pick on me when I'm not doing well, I need to be accountable ):

    Lucky stars to everyone on this journey :):)
  • Age: 19.

    Location: UK, London.

    Hight: 5'7

    Starting weight: 264 lbs

    Current weight: 251.2 lbs

    Goal Weight: 130 lbs

    Favorite Healthy Snack: I love cucumber!

    Favorite Excersize: Love using a tredmill, but haven't got money for GYM :(

    Feel free to add me, we can all support eachother!
  • Hello =)


    Height: 5'7"

    Location: Kansas City, Mo

    Starting Weight: 150 (When I first started MFP a few years ago. Took a VERY LONG hiatus!)

    Current Weight: Between 131-133

    Goal Weight: 125

    Favorite Healthy snack: Homemade "banana split" smoothies!
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Age: 23 (24 next month)

    Height: 5'8"

    Province: South West UK

    Starting weight: my highest ever was around 170-177, but then I dropped back down to around 161 for a couple years.

    Current weight: it was 145 but I've had a really bad few weeks and been too scared to weigh so I'm gonna guess around 148

    Goal Weight: initially 140 but then ultimately 133. I'd like to be a UK size 10 (US 8?).

    Favourite Healthy Snack: dry cereal, toasted seeds, nuts,

    Favourite Exercise: body pump classes, aerobics and I just took up running!

    I've been really struggling with binging lately so I'm focusing on my physical health and fitness and quitting the scales for February! But anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Hi Im Chloe!

    Height: 5'7

    Location: CANADA

    Starting Weight: 182 in January 2013

    Current Weight: Between 173.5 (Almost a month in of clean eating and working out constantly)

    Goal Weight: 145

    Favorite Healthy Snack: peanut butter & banana on whole grain bread after workout YUM :)

    Please add me as a friend, Im great with support and Id love to talk with you!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • AUNique24
    AUNique24 Posts: 52 Member
    Name: Dominique

    Age: 29

    Location: Atlanta, GA area

    Height: 5'8

    Starting Weight: 276 (starting weight when I joined MFP: 242)

    Current Weight: 216

    Goal Weight: 170ish

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples with peanut butter and honey
  • Hey Everyone! Feel free to add me:)

    Age: 23

    Height: 5'7''

    Location: New York

    Start Weight: 146

    Current Weight 141.8

    Goal Weight: 130-135

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Greek Yogurt, Granny Smith Apples
  • ReaGaladriel
    ReaGaladriel Posts: 84 Member
    Age: 25

    Location: Croatia

    Height: 173 cm (that is about 5'8)

    Start Weight: 71 kilos (156 pounds)

    Current Weight: 67 kilos (147 pounds)

    Goal Weight: 63 kilos (138 pounds)

    Favorite Healthy Snack: Bananas, cottage cheese, canned tuna, anything with whole grain flour. :)

    I was never under 66,8 kilos (147,2 pounds) so I don't know how my body will look under that number. Maybe I will stop before my goal weight maybe I will have to lose more. :)
  • MeRossy
    MeRossy Posts: 1 Member

    I'm new and would love some friends for motivation!

    I've fiddled with MFP for a couple of years, but seriously started tracking about a week ago. I have never seriously dieted or worked out to lose weight. In high school I played competitive hockey for my local and my school team and taught swimming lessons several times a week, so I never really worried what I ate. In university I was still active in sports a coupe of times a week, but obviously I packed the pounds on with late night pizza runs, boozing and lots of sitting and studying. The jobs I've worked recently required long hours and had provided food, so it was hard to control exercise and food intake. But not anymore. Now I'm cooking for myself and enjoying some time off. I'm also trying to find my groove with exercising for fitness. Previously I was active because I enjoyed sports. Now I don't have the time to commit to a season with sports but try to play pick every once in a while. I also try to drink lots of water, cut down on the fatty foods, and avoid eating after 8pm.

    Age: 23

    Location: Ontario, Canada

    Height: 175cm, 5'8"

    Highest Weight: 160 lbs

    Current Weight: 153.9 lbs

    Goal Weight: 135 or 140 lbs... Get rid of the tummy and arm flab that has plagued me since first year university!

    Favourite Healthy Snack: apples with peanut butter and raisins, frozen yogurt with banana.
  • Hey all!
    I'm 17
    Currently weight 221 lbs, my ultimate goal is 150 but my first goal is 199lbs by the middle of June.
    I am graduating from highschool this year and want to get in shape! And I'm from Canada.
  • hi ladies!!! :)

    Age: 23 (24 in 2 weeks ;))
    State: Wisconsin
    Start Weight: 194
    Height: 5'9
    Current Weight: 180
    Goal Weight: 150
    Favorite Healthy Snack: light string cheese, apple w PB
    Favorite Exercise: i just finished 30 day shred and loved it! trying to get into running...slowly but surely :)

    feel free to add me, ladies! i need all the support i can get!
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member

    Age: 22
    State: Florida
    Start Weight: 197.2
    Current Weight 167.4
    Goal Weight: 120-135
    Favorite Healthy Snack: Apples, peanut butter, green bell peppers, baby carrots
    Favorite Exercise: Barre workouts and running (I've ran 2 half marathons in the past 6 months!)
  • Hi,

    I'm new to MFP, advice is most welcome.

    I'm from the UK

    I am 5'8

    Start weight: 140
    Current weight: 140
    Goal weight: 125-130

    Favourite healthy snack: fruit.
    Favourite exercise: running and weight training.