Single Kiwi's? Dating & Weight Loss...

Any single kiwi's on MFP? And here's a question.. when dating do you tell people you are in the process of losing weight?


  • I'd be interested to know/read any advice..... everyone runs a mile at the moment :(
  • I'd be interested to know/read any advice..... everyone runs a mile at the moment :(

  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I'm not single (sorry girls :tongue: ) but when I was, I dated a lady that was obsessed with her weight and told anyone and everyone about it. I know some people get motivated by telling people that they plan to do something (as it increases accountability), but this lass just drove everyone bonkers at restaurants, gyms, cafe's etc with loud comments about calories or carbs whenever she saw a menu. At the time I thought it was because I was in the best shape ever and I was eating and exercising healthily, or that she somehow felt innadequate and was trying to say "this figure isn't forever". But in hindsight I believe that it was just the way she was.

    Suffice to say I only dated her twice.

    Personally, I think it is good to tell a date that you are keen to lose weight, that you need to be focussed and disciplined and would appreciate some support. But I would then change the subject - forever. Let him bring it up if he is brave enough!

    Hope this helps :)
  • Yeah Im single again after marriage ended 3 yrs ago and only now am I looking at getting back out there again,not so much for love but friendship,companionship. and the 1st steps gonna be the hardest for me.
  • tjwolland
    tjwolland Posts: 6 Member
    I have to say that I wouldn't tell a guy , 1. Does it really matter if your losing weight or not, if a guy is attracted to you enough to ask you out then the only thing he is looking for after that is chemistry and personality. 2. You have to come across as not being insecure about yourself which can sometimes be hard if your not happy with your body, men like a confident woman.
    I would personally put it off until maybe your 4th or 5th date or even when you make it official , I think it can sometimes be a awkward conversation to early on.
    Anyways just my opinion :)