Janurary Web Lifting Meet!



  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Sorry i will not sacrifice form for weight...... ouch!!!!!

    LoL, it didn't actually hurt him. That's a form that he came up with after years of tinkering with his body's leverages. The guy had an upper back and shoulders that looked like the Appalachian Mountains. Peoples is called 'Mr. Deadlift' for a reason. It was the only lift he truly cared about, and he spent many years figuring out how to get better at it. Keep in mind, his record was set well before steroids existed too, and it lasted decades until Coan broke his record...and Coan's record in that class still stands today, over 20 years later.

    That's something I try to get through to people, but a lot of younger lifters have become so enthralled by the 'perfect form or you may die' boogeyman that they are scared to try things that might work better for them. They don't get that 'perfect' is a relative term in cases like this, as no two human bodies are exactly alike.

    I get what your saying but i will stick to good form since im not worried about pulling 500lbs like EVER!!!! LOL
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Sorry i will not sacrifice form for weight...... ouch!!!!!

    LoL, it didn't actually hurt him. That's a form that he came up with after years of tinkering with his body's leverages. The guy had an upper back and shoulders that looked like the Appalachian Mountains. Peoples is called 'Mr. Deadlift' for a reason. It was the only lift he truly cared about, and he spent many years figuring out how to get better at it. Keep in mind, his record was set well before steroids existed too, and it lasted decades until Coan broke his record...and Coan's record in that class still stands today, over 20 years later.

    That's something I try to get through to people, but a lot of younger lifters have become so enthralled by the 'perfect form or you may die' boogeyman that they are scared to try things that might work better for them. They don't get that 'perfect' is a relative term in cases like this, as no two human bodies are exactly alike.

    Agreed, particularly true for squat. There is so much to be gained from tweaking form relative to your own body.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I get what your saying but i will stick to good form since im not worried about pulling 500lbs like EVER!!!! LOL

    Hehe, fair enough, and to each their own.

    I have made it my personal crusade to dethrone Coan's deadlift in the 181 before I die, or kill myself trying. That record (791) was set in 1984, which happens to be the year I was born. I am gunning for that nearly 30 year old number. LoL. That's why Peoples is such a major inspiration for me. I could care less about getting high in the other lifts. The deadlift is my baby, and I am willing to have a crappy squat if it means I can keep pulling 3x per week. ^_^
  • katherinepolumbo

    PS - my lifts and videos are on page 3 of this thread, I think they kinda got buried - shameless plug! LOL But being my first meet, I'd love some feedback! :) TIA!

    My lifts were on page 3 too.....no worries about the plug LOL!!!!! As far as your lifts i think they looked good but i couldnt see the beginning of the squat so im assuming it was plenty deep!!! ;-)

    Thank you!! :) Yeah, hubby filmed it too late so it only shows me coming up out of it! lol But it was plenty deep. 3 white lights all the way! :)

    I watched yours as well. Your form looks great!!
  • katherinepolumbo
    That's actually one of my primary gripes with the current state of Powerlifting, honestly. There's too much variance between federations, yet only one set of records.

    The monolift thing is a great example. Now, don't get me wrong, few serious squatters consider the walk out a major part of the lift, so this isn't some plug for squat rack elitism. It's more that monolifts can be very uncomfortable for some due to their sway. I've read several stories from lifters who got so freaked out at the way the thing can move while locking the bar into your shoulders (especially with a really heavy weight on the bar, like 900+) that they ended up failing a lift they could push very easily. Nerves can do terrible things to a lifter on the platform. Others are so used to a monolift that they've almost lost all sense of how to walk a max effort weight out. Either use a mono option for all feds, or get rid of it altogether.

    I totally agree! I think squat should be across the board. The monolift really did make me uncomfortable and threw me off. My opener felt like 2000 lbs because I was so mis-positioned and not used to using the monolift. (I used it during the meet warmups of course but that was not enough time to get used to it) and I don't have access to one to train with currently, so it kinda sucks. I could've walked it out though, it just felt weird doing that with all that crap in the way and the bar moving/swaying like you said.

    That's cool about your powerlifting meet honeymoon! haha The meet I was at yesterday was the state one in TN.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Honestly, I doubt walking it out would have helped much anyway. All of the awkwardness seems to come from trying to get the bar positioned well. It's only made worse if the height is set even a little higher than what you are used to being at in a squat rack. Granted, you can ask them to adjust it if you notice weirdness before you nod for the mono to be jacked back, but if you don't notice it until afterward, you're pretty much screwed. To me, especially when squatting heavy, it doesn't take much bad positioning on the shoulders to throw your entire lift off.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Just wanted to chime in to say that I don't think perfect form is possible on a max effort attempt. If you're squatting at a true >98% of your max, it'll never be perfect.

    I also don't think it's nearly as dangerous as some folks make it out to be. There's a reason saving true max attempts for meets or for your very infrequent skills assessments is probably a good idea, and assuming you only really do it once every 6 weeks or whatever, having 9 lifts with iffy form in that time frame isn't that big of a deal.

    Form on max attempts is far more important for a beginner because they should be training at or near their max a heckuva lot more often than an intermediate or advanced guy would.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I get what your saying but i will stick to good form since im not worried about pulling 500lbs like EVER!!!! LOL

    Hehe, fair enough, and to each their own.

    I have made it my personal crusade to dethrone Coan's deadlift in the 181 before I die, or kill myself trying. That record (791) was set in 1984, which happens to be the year I was born. I am gunning for that nearly 30 year old number. LoL. That's why Peoples is such a major inspiration for me. I could care less about getting high in the other lifts. The deadlift is my baby, and I am willing to have a crappy squat if it means I can keep pulling 3x per week. ^_^

    Wow, thats Awesome and an amazing goal!!! ;-)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member

    PS - my lifts and videos are on page 3 of this thread, I think they kinda got buried - shameless plug! LOL But being my first meet, I'd love some feedback! :) TIA!

    My lifts were on page 3 too.....no worries about the plug LOL!!!!! As far as your lifts i think they looked good but i couldnt see the beginning of the squat so im assuming it was plenty deep!!! ;-)

    Thank you!! :) Yeah, hubby filmed it too late so it only shows me coming up out of it! lol But it was plenty deep. 3 white lights all the way! :)

    I watched yours as well. Your form looks great!!

    Thanks!!! I figured it was fine you could hear the guy say it was good!!! I think its cool you did that, i think my biggest problem with ever doing a competition would be finding one in my area!!! Opp, Alabama isnt known for this kind of stuff!!!
  • katherinepolumbo

    PS - my lifts and videos are on page 3 of this thread, I think they kinda got buried - shameless plug! LOL But being my first meet, I'd love some feedback! :) TIA!

    My lifts were on page 3 too.....no worries about the plug LOL!!!!! As far as your lifts i think they looked good but i couldnt see the beginning of the squat so im assuming it was plenty deep!!! ;-)

    Thank you!! :) Yeah, hubby filmed it too late so it only shows me coming up out of it! lol But it was plenty deep. 3 white lights all the way! :)

    I watched yours as well. Your form looks great!!

    Thanks!!! I figured it was fine you could hear the guy say it was good!!! I think its cool you did that, i think my biggest problem with ever doing a competition would be finding one in my area!!! Opp, Alabama isnt known for this kind of stuff!!!

    Thanks so much, it was a really awesome experience and I'm so glad I did it! The SPF has a couple of meets in Alabama this year I'm pretty sure! Here, check out this calendar!


    There is one in alabama on 02/23 and 04/20! Not sure what part of AL you are from, but some of the meets in TN or MS might be close enough for you as well.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Im on the Florida line pretty much!!! 1hr10mins to beaches!!! ;-)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Little bit of a late thought, but my wife found the video of that young girl's deadlift. I am even more impressed now. If she could have made that look any easier, I don't know how. No slow down, no grind...she just grabbed it and stood right up like it was nothing. LoL.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I competed in my first ever powerlifting meet today! I know it's 2 days late, but can I still play? :) If not, count these towards next month's if we do them!

    Competed raw, and weighed in at 136.

    Squat: 170 lbs (Wilks 84.151)
    (hubby only got the tail end of this squat in the video, but as you can hear/see - it was a good lift)

    Bench: 85 lbs (Wilks 42.075)

    Deadlift: 225
    (Wilks 111.376(this was a PR for me but I should've gone for more since it went up so easy!)
    Total: 480 lbs (Wilks 237.6)

    I've been squatting and DLing for 4 months, and benching for 3 months. I'm super happy with my progress and so proud of myself for competing in this meet! I was scared out of my mind going into it but everyone there was so nice and supportive. It was a great learning experience too. I went 8 for 9 in my lifts :)

    whoa. killer!!!!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    for the record, you ladies who are kicking my bum are inspiring me to push myself harder.

    When I started lifting a year ago, I was so afriad of doing too much weight and injuring myself. It took me a good while to figure out where to be at in terms of how much weight was reasonable for me to aim for. Now that I see what y'all can do, I'm feeling inspired to push myself a bit harder!

    Thanks for posting your videos! you are amazing!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I competed in my first ever powerlifting meet today! I know it's 2 days late, but can I still play? :) If not, count these towards next month's if we do them!

    Competed raw, and weighed in at 136.

    Squat: 170 lbs (Wilks 84.151)
    (hubby only got the tail end of this squat in the video, but as you can hear/see - it was a good lift)

    Bench: 85 lbs (Wilks 42.075)

    Deadlift: 225
    (Wilks 111.376(this was a PR for me but I should've gone for more since it went up so easy!)
    Total: 480 lbs (Wilks 237.6)

    I've been squatting and DLing for 4 months, and benching for 3 months. I'm super happy with my progress and so proud of myself for competing in this meet! I was scared out of my mind going into it but everyone there was so nice and supportive. It was a great learning experience too. I went 8 for 9 in my lifts :)

    all of those were easy :smile: You have a lot left in you.

    gigi76: I just saw your vids. VERY impressive chins I think! And stop looking in the mirror :laugh:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    I know I know :laugh: I'm going to turn back to it from now on I promise and I have deads tomorrow! Thanks about chin ups.... I love working my back can only do 2 pull ups with 25lbs but I'm cool with that! :-)
  • katherinepolumbo
    Little bit of a late thought, but my wife found the video of that young girl's deadlift. I am even more impressed now. If she could have made that look any easier, I don't know how. No slow down, no grind...she just grabbed it and stood right up like it was nothing. LoL.

    Brooklyn, right? Isn't she freaking amazing! Here's the crazy thing... her 3rd lift was either 165 or 175 (175 was her previous PR) and she was shaking and totally had to grind that one out. On the 200 lb lift it was easy with no grind. The difference was that she knew how much was on the bar for the 3rd lift but her dad didn't tell her how much was on the bar for the 4th lift, he just told her to go for it. Sure, she could've added it up quickly, but she was in the moment and just walked up to the bar and did her thing. It was amazing! And it just goes to show you how much of powerlifting really is mental!!!
  • katherinepolumbo
    I competed in my first ever powerlifting meet today! I know it's 2 days late, but can I still play? :) If not, count these towards next month's if we do them!

    Competed raw, and weighed in at 136.

    Squat: 170 lbs (Wilks 84.151)
    (hubby only got the tail end of this squat in the video, but as you can hear/see - it was a good lift)

    Bench: 85 lbs (Wilks 42.075)

    Deadlift: 225
    (Wilks 111.376(this was a PR for me but I should've gone for more since it went up so easy!)
    Total: 480 lbs (Wilks 237.6)

    I've been squatting and DLing for 4 months, and benching for 3 months. I'm super happy with my progress and so proud of myself for competing in this meet! I was scared out of my mind going into it but everyone there was so nice and supportive. It was a great learning experience too. I went 8 for 9 in my lifts :)

    all of those were easy :smile: You have a lot left in you.

    gigi76: I just saw your vids. VERY impressive chins I think! And stop looking in the mirror :laugh:

    Thank you!!! The all did feel easy (except for the 90 lb bench which I failed, but only just barely... I need to work on my bench a lot) and I felt like I had a lot left, especially on the dead. I wish I had a video of my squat opener though to show you how horrible it was... combo of nerves and the stupid monolift... it threw me way off balance. I scaled back my 2nd and 3rd squat attempts because of it, but they both went up easy.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Well now that you all have thoroughly inspired me, I'm off to start my deload week. Talk about anticlimactic! :laugh:
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Well now that you all have thoroughly inspired me, I'm off to start my deload week. Talk about anticlimactic! :laugh:

    LOL, i know im going to hate the deload week, but i know it is crucial to the program so i will if i must!!! :-(