


  • Niki

    Live Zumba class
    60 min.
  • I teach Zumba 4x a week, 60 minutes. I love love love it!
  • I teach too! I'm a total addict!
  • Niki

    Live Zumba class
    60 min.
  • Niki

    Live Zumba class
    60 min.
  • jffsgrl20
    jffsgrl20 Posts: 1 Member
    I have never done Zumba before, my exhilaration DVD package should arrive on Saturday. I am super excited for something new to try outside of traditional boring exercise!
  • I am a Zumba addict! Love it!
  • Niki

    Live Zumba class
    60 min.
  • Where did all the Zumba class posts go? Feeling alone!


    Live Zumba class
    60 min.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Started Zumba on Xbox with Zumba core Fitness, 4 more session to beat the game, Started joining live classes 3 weeks ago, Now I attend 3 classes per week and 1 or 2 xbox session per week to supplement. With the 3 week consistency, I finally seen more dudes come in for the first time today. So I'm not alone in a sea of ladies. Very Cool feeling!