There's cake in the office!!


Somebody has brought a massive cake in the office and my colleague keeps offering it to me!!! It looks delicious... carrot-y, moist, with a thick layer of icing on top... ARGHHHH!! :sad:

Thank god I'm leaving soon, then home for day 6 of the 30-day Shred... when, actually, all I feel like doing is going straight to bed!

Hope you're all having a less tempting day ;)

Anna xx


  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Good luck! I was in a similar situation before/after yeaterday evening´s dance rehearsal, but fortunately it wasn´t so much tempting to me, since I was already after dinner and quite safely set in the "finished eating today" mode. I managed to walk around without anyone offering it to me twice :-)
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    I ate a chocolate bar :(
  • MartinaNYC
    MartinaNYC Posts: 190 Member
    Did you resist? If so, you're my hero! xo
  • canela023
    canela023 Posts: 88 Member
    I had a thin slice of tiramasu cake today :blushing: Damn birthdays!!!!!
  • Ooooo.... tough one to resist I agree.
  • mindovercakes
    mindovercakes Posts: 102 Member
    I had a thin slice of tiramasu cake today :blushing: Damn birthdays!!!!!

    OMG... tiramisu.... :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mindovercakes
    mindovercakes Posts: 102 Member
    Did you resist? If so, you're my hero! xo

    I did resist!! :smokin: Now there's nothing I can't accomplish! Ha ha ha :laugh:
  • JLN1974
    JLN1974 Posts: 104 Member
    There is always cake in our office, always someone's birthday and we have a lady who loves to bake on her day off. I used to resist really well until I was pregnant with my daughter and had cravings for sweet stuff all the time. She has just turned 4 and I am finally regaining some willpower! I must admit to having a sliver of cake just to taste it, it seems to work then I can resist x
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    my issue now is.. there is chocolate in the house! Meant to be baking some goodies as a Valentine's present, but I am worried I'll eat all the ingredients :P
  • I can relate, a large box of chocolate in the office this week, its still not gone. I finally had a weight loss so I vowed to have only one. So far so good. Great going on your resistance.