Looking for "workout buddies"

So I started doing weight/strength training in November and am really loving it.

However, it's pretty hard to find friends (in life and on here) that have the same goals that I do. I'd like to lose the body fat and build the muscle (not BIG, but noticeably defined). Everyone I find started off thin and are currently defined... great motivation, but hard to relate since I'm at step1....

anyone out there starting on the same journey?


  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    Funny that I read this because I was thinking the same thing...I don't have anyone that lives near me to workout with that has the same goals as I do. I want to get into lifting.
  • blacknivory
    blacknivory Posts: 30 Member
    I've just started my first 2 workouts of NROLW. I'm just using body weight or light weights to get into the program as I've had fatigue issues with exercise over the last couple of years.
    I think a part of the problem was nutritional so now I've got the cupboard brimming over with whey protein.
    I feel confident this program is well paced too so I don't burn out or on the other hand get complacent.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. I would like to add some muscle for definition and lose body fat. I started doing chalean extreme by beachbody. She uses fairly heavy dumbbells.
  • Ms_Pixie
    Ms_Pixie Posts: 148 Member
    I'm about half way to my 'losing fat, strengthening/ building muscle' goals, I'm not too worried about the definition just yet. I see a PT 2-3 times most weeks plus my own workouts which include Jillian Michaels dvd's, c25k and roller derby training. Feel free to friend me, I log every day and try to comment and interact with friends as much as I can :)
  • alwyndacara
    alwyndacara Posts: 30 Member
    I'm right at the beginning of my lifting journey. I've just started the Stronglifts 5x5 program and have finished up week 2 (about to start week 3 today). I'm 166lbs and 35% BF. I am definitely NOT a skinny minnie!

    Like you, I'm focusing on the measurements and BF% rather than the number on the scale, although I'd love to be about 140lbs. My husband (6ft 4in) weighed himself last night and we realised he's only a stone (14lbs) heavier than me! :sad:
  • lizzyrose68
    I seem to be in the same boat as everyone else! Trying to gain muscle, definition, and lose fat. :smile:
  • courtneydeewalk
    Same here... I want to be more defined. Also I am wanting to do a 5k this March. Setting goals helps keeping focused. I have no one to work out with except my husband on occasion... and we clearly dont have the same goals. haha. My ultimate goal though is to just be toned all around :o) Feel free to add me if you'd like! Good luck to you all!
  • magpie525
    magpie525 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in the same situation, started some resistance training and like the change but want to get more defition and lose more fat. I stressed my shoulder so I'm somewhat restricted at the moment, but I'm watching my diet and doing modified workouts.