Starting Today

grrupp Posts: 159 Member
Hi everyone!! My name is Ginger and I am new to this group.
Let me start by saying I have started the 30 day shred numerous times but never completed it, heck I have never even made it to level 3. So I hope by joining this group I will find the support and motivation to keep going.
I completed day one level one today and it was not easy. Not only physically challenging but I am also a stay at home now and have a 23 month old and a 7 month old. My almost two year old kept laying on me when I was doing the crunches and my seven month old decided that he was done watching me do the last circuit and just cried :(
In addition too that my evenings are usually busy with activities with my two older (school aged) children. Ages 13 and 9.
However with that said I don't want to make excuses and I want to take care of me and my health so I can enjoy more fun times with all four of my kids and my sweet hubby ;)
So here I go...I think I can, I think I can....


  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    I just started yesterday, too! I have a 2 year old and she lays all over me during crunches and wants me to hold her during the jumping jacks. Her daddy can usually keep her busy while I work out, but if she wants me, I just see it as a way to lift some extra weight!

    I look it as a good thing that she's seeing her mommy keeping fit and working out! We're setting good examples for our little ones! Keep at it and we can get through this together!
  • grrupp
    grrupp Posts: 159 Member
    To AddyMaeMomma,
    Thank you for the encouragement :) I agree with you completely,it is a good example to set.
    Day two was a little better she wanted to do the workout with me, it was so adorable.
    Goodluck to you as well, we can do this!
  • Hi everyone. Im new to this group and need some motivation! I am starting the 30 day shred tomorrow and plan on doing it every day for 30 days. Im 5ft 1 and about 138 pounds and i want to get down to 119 which is what iv been for most of my life, its just in the last year i have gained the weight! I really hope this dvd works. Am desperate to lose weight!
  • I also started JM 30DS on Monday with my husband. I didnt discover this group until this morning tho. :)

    I have a 19 mo son and while I am not at my heaviest ever I am heavier than when I got marreid 5 yrs ago and just want to be healthier in general. I knew I was out of shape but I took cried 5 minutes into the workout. I also did cheater push ups and the easier moves for most.

    I completed Level 1 day 2 on Tuesday (even though my thighs BURNED all day) and suffered with burning thighs all day wed as well. I skipped the lunges since my thighs still burned so badly and marched in place at a decent pace.

    I took the night off last night and did an ab blaster workout to give my thighs a break. I was worried I was doing muscle damage since they burned constantly just sitting still.

    I feel much better today and plan to do day 3 today if I have time before my doctors appt. Otherwise I will do it tmw.

    I look forward to watching your progress and sharing mine as well as the tips and tricks to get us through this and to the best us we can be!